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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

West of Weird: OOC

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Insane Soul

Insane Soul

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I am planning to make mine an enigma on the start, and that as the RP progresses, players will know more of her.

Edited by Insane Soul, 18 March 2014 - 07:51 PM.


Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash


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Best way to do a character imo. Revealing all at the start makes it harder to forge a path unless you've a really strong raison d'être that you can force your character to move along


Insane Soul

Insane Soul

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Not only that, stating her past right of the bat will give people an idea on how to approach her. I want to make it completely improvisational.


The Illuminati

The Illuminati

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My character is psychotic. 'Nuff said.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."

Insane Soul

Insane Soul

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Aren't we all?


The Illuminati

The Illuminati

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Actually... No, not really. =)

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."

Insane Soul

Insane Soul

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My original idea was to make a Yandere. But it was more suited to a Eastern RP, My fantasies gotta wait.


The Illuminati

The Illuminati

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High School RP?

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."

Insane Soul

Insane Soul

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High School RP?

More like focused on Swordsmanship and fencing. Yandere is like too far stretched, lets say Psychological sadist?


The Illuminati

The Illuminati

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I see where you're going with this, and I approve of those thoughts! \(*o*)/

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."

Insane Soul

Insane Soul

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I see where you're going with this, and I approve of those thoughts! \(*o*)/


I liek you




    Fingerling Potato

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I always liked Rei better to be honest.



Myself, as told by a Hawk;




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Best way to do a character imo. Revealing all at the start makes it harder to forge a path unless you've a really strong raison d'être that you can force your character to move along


Agreed, it's how I always do it. While most of the time I can't think of a definite background, or list things without ruining the build up, A vague history where there's little known facts and/or the rest being speculation leaves lots of room for you to come up with more interesting ideas to fill in holes, especially if you don't detail what they do in the years prior to the story. It's why I like how I did my background, while I probably could've thought up better, I like how its mostly comprised with 'rumors' that could go either way.


High School RP?

A high school of the dead RP type RP might be interesting. Probably the only 'high school' rp I'd be able to deal with since it has little to nothing to do with highschool other than the main characters mostly being students and teachers. xD

I always liked Rei better to be honest.


It's hard for me because I love both Saeko and Rei but Saeko has that crazy-cool vibe going. She's the twisted-totally nuts type that you'd really want on your side, that and she's sexy as hell. Mhmmm


The Epic Of X:




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They're both sexy, let's be fair. It IS HSotD after all. I guess I just fall for redheads easier.



Myself, as told by a Hawk;




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They're both sexy, let's be fair. It IS HSotD after all. I guess I just fall for redheads easier.


Agreed, Though Rei isn't a red head lol.

But I looooooooooooooooooooooooove me some red heads.


If only a 2nd season would come out...Keep hearing about one being confirmed but it doesn't seem to be coming lol.


The Epic Of X:


The Illuminati

The Illuminati

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I liek you

I had an idea for story where the girl is abused by her martial artist father, and ends up killing him in a fit of rage. The very next morning she leaves for a trip abroad, but the plane crashes... Well, it was complicated. xD

There was also an idea to do the reverse with a male character, minus the plane crash. In this version, the mother dies of a broken heart, and the son kills the father but refuses to inherit the dojo.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



    Fingerling Potato

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Agreed, Though Rei isn't a red head lol.

But I looooooooooooooooooooooooove me some red heads.


If only a 2nd season would come out...Keep hearing about one being confirmed but it doesn't seem to be coming lol.


Eh, I count orange-haired as redheads, seems a little silly to invent an entire classification for just one color to me.



Myself, as told by a Hawk;


The Illuminati

The Illuminati

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By thay logic, you might as well sweep all hair colors under one carpet.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



    Fingerling Potato

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Except for the part where not all hair colors are similar enough to warrant it. Blonde is on the opposite end of the spectrum from brunette, but orange is only  bit off from red. Same with black and brown both being grouped as brunette and blonde running the yellow gamut from gold to almost white.



Myself, as told by a Hawk;




    Mashed Potato

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Guess that's true, either way I love orange/red haired girls.


Though, blue-haired ones are my favorite (obviously).



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