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    Potato Spud

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Intelligence is knowing how to do wisdom is knowing what to do.



    Potato Spud

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Notice he couldn't do any escape skills?  Anyone think that's because he didn't raise his dex enough to meet the skill requirements?

So even if WIS looks unimportant.... I bet it'll unlock some pretty neat skills if he raises it.


All the skills he's done so far are int skills - and notice his int has naturally raised?

I don't think a wis raise will give popups or anything, I'd bet he'd just come to the right conclusion naturally.


Wisdom is often also used for negotiations (Sense motive in DnD, but also a lot of haggling and negotiation skills, less about making the person like you and more about sound judgement under pressure).


But yeah, he's already got gamer's mind, so he kinda gets a pseudo-wisdom boost with that.  His int has got him asking questions about life, and what he wants to do - raising WIS would help him find the answers :D

The other thing I wonder is this:

He's sounding pretty lucky, but his luck stat is low.  Does that mean that if he doesn't raise his Luck, something bad will happen to counterbalance that?


Well, even if that's true, raising his WIS would help him figure that out :P

Hmm, one more thought: Wisdom is also typically associated with contentedness and happiness - even if you're poor if you make wise decisions you can live well.  Sure, it's an outcome, but it's a thought ;)



    Baked Potato

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Luck in a game effects chances of loot and getting better loot, and of attacks with high and low possibilities, of being higher.  Luck in game never ever effects storyline, so no, nothing directly bad will happen to him for having low luck.


Low luck is probably why he got only 1 loot from all those zombies till boss.

God of LoL

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Luck in a game effects chances of loot and getting better loot, and of attacks with high and low possibilities, of being higher.  Luck in game never ever effects storyline, so no, nothing directly bad will happen to him for having low luck.
Low luck is probably why he got only 1 loot from all those zombies till boss.

Soul shards aside (Which he will probably come across later on and more often), I don't think he would get that many drops from the zombies.
They are, after all, low level mooks.
I think he should try making a Ghost dungeon to see what THAT has inside. (Who knows, maybe a pure ghost will have higher chances of dropping soul shards.)

About wisdom, I have to agree with the guy that believes that it will help him in decision making.




    Potato Sprout

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Wouldn't the inane questions associated with Observe Lv 9 suggest his abilities are requiring more Wisdom?




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It makes sense that Wisdom would decrease the cost of abilities - even cost in non-MP stuff like Stamina, to make it more distinguishable from Intelligence. Like, maybe enough Wisdom would let you get twice the use of a soul stone, for example. 

Old masters are always saying "too many unnecessary movements" about youngsters... 


Also, maybe Wisdom will decrease side effects from learning conflicting Ki techniques? Having high Wisdom mean a broader range of abilities would also make sense.

Ninjacat Dude

Ninjacat Dude

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The new girl character, if I remember correctly had extreemly high INT and WIS, this is the first character

that has been introduced that has high WIS (that we can SEE the stats of anyway) This could be where the

writer begins to explain what WIS is for.

Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.

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