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[RP] Blades of Fealty

Blades of Fealty Roleplay In-Character

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"Don't be silly my dear Lady!" Caius said as he rushed forward, gripping the handles of his twin axes, and swung down with both axes, forcing Rayne to block with her blades and bringing the weakened woman to a knee. "That little trick of yours may have weakened me, but it doesn't mean I'm done just quite yet." Rayne declared as she tries to stand back up, her legs not listening as they're still affected by the drug.


Weapons locked, Rayne's enchanted twin swords, courtesy of Iblis's magic, burned a nick in the blades of Caius' axes. Regardless, Caius just grinned down at Rayne, "If I underestimated you, this would have been a fair fight".


Gritting her teeth, she muttered, "Tck, You cowardly maggot-" before getting cut off by a ruthless kick to the chest that sent Rayne tumbling back.


Not letting his eyes leave her crumpled frame Caius turned his head only slightly as he spoke and backed towards Magnar and his Lieutenants. "I'm needed on the bridge. I trust you can handle things here Magnar?" 


"You.....I'll paint Empyria with your blood the next time we meet...." she huffed as she struggled to get up but the kick to the chest and the progression of the drug made such a feat nearly impossible.


As Magnar nodded in reply to Caius, turning his attention to Rayne once more as Caius gradually disappeared to his destination. PausiMagnar cleared his throat and said in his usually heavy tone. 'I am sorry for my colleague's behavior Lady Rayne, even though you have turned to the ways of criminals, it is not the way to deal with a noble.' Pausing...he continued, 'I don't wish to fight you as I feel their is no need to discard an important warrior such as you'.


"Noble...Hah. Don't you mean ex-noble? In case it slipped your mind, I threw the empire away you simpleton." she huffed again in a pained snicker. "Like I'd allow Empyria to use me as a tool towards their cause once more. Whether you want to or not, I'm not going down without a very very bloody fight. -kekeke-". she huffed as her familiar erry grin could be seen as she tried to get back up again. Falling back to the ground, and unable to get up anymore, she sensed Iblis coming towards her at a blinding speed. Ib..lis, I see... He zipped across the hallway to find her crumpled on the floor. Iblis quickly reached her and took off his cloak, revealing himself to the Giant warriors standing a short distance away. "Done with your little reunion so soon?" Rayne grinned.


Magnar was taken aback for a moment. Gathering his wits around he asked the weirdly dressed man,

'And what business do you have with Lady Rayne.'



'I am her partner and you will have to surrender your souls here if you wish to push further.' Iblis threatened in an eerily raspy voice.


After an exchange of words Iblis flung the cloak over Rayne, who's fading in and out of conciousness, making sure to cover her completely.  As he had sent some of his magic through Rayne's body, some traces still lingered in her, the cloak reacted to it and made her enter the Wraith state, levitating near Iblis's right hand.They took off.

Edited by I-Am-X, 15 August 2013 - 08:15 PM.


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Valerius Lyon


The man, Gale was ready it seemed, the way he stood meant he was accustomed to battle, but not quite the sword... He said he used a scythe yes? That made sense, the way he stood had his legs a bit more spread out for control, which was important on a heavier weapon... Valerius on the other hand took a very reserved stance, twirling his blade and letting it rest at his side, leaning backwards on his right leg in a straight posture, with his left leg in front, slightly bent, and stepping lightly, making it easy to shift stance. Hmmm... Maybe it's time he went on the attack for once...


Shifting forward slightly to chance stance every so slightly, then with a spry dash, he closed the distance, spinning quickly mid-way into a strengthened horizontal slash. The spin was fast, and intended to make it very difficult to deny his charge, by the time he was about to finish the spin and start the slash, it was only his upper body moving, the speed of his spin added a lot of momentum to the strike, which could make it difficult to stand ground against properly. On the other hand one can back away from it, but if so they'd have to act fast, because he was in a good position to retreat or press his advantage.



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The Warlord


To Hadrian, The Dawn was not Lysander’s creation. Nor was it partially Camus’ since it was him that outfitted the magical aspects of the airship. For the Warlord, The Dawn was his child alone. Lysander may have been the one to introduce the concept of the airship, but the design, the schematics, and nearly everything that made The Dawn the flagship that would lead the sky fleet in Lysander’s vision of the future was Hadrian’s.


The four other airships coming along on this journey were the production models that would later be mass-produced in the future. Those airships were designed to be simple, efficient, and basic. In other words, it would be a common sight in years to come. They had all the requirements needed to be a war vessel that ruled the skies. The Dawn was different—it had to be. Thus it became larger than the rest, more powerful than the rest, more everything. It also looked vastly different. Its form was lent from a mythical beast known as a dragon; a symbol of strength.


Hadrian entered the bridge to find it nearly deserted. Of course it wasn’t fully empty. A few bridge workers were at their posts, diligently monitoring their travelling. Though Lysander gave the crew and the crusaders a feast to remember, there were still some that were left behind (with even less choosing to stay) to man the stations so to speak. His entrance caught the attention of others, but he dismissed them all with a simple nod.


In the centre of the bridge were four seats. On a small platform that overlooked the bridge directly in his path was the prince’s throne. It was opulent in design, gilded and cushioned with the finest materials, signifying the presence of royalty. To the left of that seat was another one just like it, but smaller. It was only after meeting Princess Aera did he realise that it was intended for her. To the right of the throne was a far more simpler seat; obsidian in colour and minimalist in design, it was truly a seat fit for the right-hand man of the prince, Caius Gryphon, the navigator of The Dawn.


The final chair was located in front of the small platform on the same level as the other bridge crewman. It was his chair—the captain’s chair. The symbolism was not lost on Hadrian. No matter what title he may have or riches he had accumulated, royalty and nobility would always be above him. The thought of it made Hadrian smirk. He moved forward, and, to the shock of the crewmen watching him, planted himself on the prince’s throne.


My, my…” He expressed his surprise, chuckling. “The prince certainly does know how to make a comfortable chair? It’s as if I’m sitting on the clouds themselves.


Hadrian eyed the crewmen, wondering if they managed to understand the pun he made. They were in the skies, almost literally sitting on the clouds around them. When he received no response for his little joke, Hadrian rolled his eyes and made himself at home with the throne. To his surprise, he found the chair could spin. Childishly, he spun around, laughing quietly at the silliness that had overcome him. After a few seconds, he stopped, having filled his palate with nonsense for now.


As he rested on the throne, his eyes suddenly fell on his chair. Though he was only captain, he had made his own little way of rebelling the structure and influence Lysander had set in. His seat was crafted specifically to his whims. On its back, elegantly crafted, was the image of a great dragon. However, it was not the dragon that would catch one’s attention. It was the words above it that would garner more interest.


When he was a child, his mother often spoke of her homeland. There were ancient ruins of a lost civilisation throughout her country with numerous images of dragons depicted on them. A language unseen by any other was among them as well. His mother claimed that she and his father were among the few that knew the language. Naturally, she would later teach him the language as well. One phrase, in particular, stood out among them. His mother said that she often seen the words in the ancient ruins she visited. Those very same words were now also depicted on the back of the captain’s seat.




Hadrian’s lips curled into a grin. No one knew what it meant. He was perhaps the only one left in the world to know this language. This was his and his alone.

Edited by Liar, 15 August 2013 - 12:15 PM.




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"Tch, now it's obvious that he is a professional." Gale said while flinching.

The moves Valerius pulled off was pretty overwhelming and it was hard to stand ground. Gale tried his best to block his attacked without sustaining much damage.

"I got to hand it to you; you're one tough person." He said while smiling.

Gale tried to back him away by using techniques like fencing. He kept on jabbing forward until Valerius is on a good distance away from him. He then flipped his sword upside down. Potentially it would throw Valerius off guard. Gale stood his grounds, he was ready to disarm him if he could. 

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"Rayne of the Bloody Mist, prepare yourself!"


Aera's party valiantly charged forward to what was supposed to be a battle for the ages; the fight against Sashya's sister, Rayne, and her supporter. Aera, Tyr, and Sashya charged into the engine room, Sashya sweeping the room with her bow, while Aera advanced towards the center of the room, her sword drawn. Tyr took up the rear, wielding a sword that he "borrowed" from an Ephesusian guard. The three froze in place, realizing that there was no sign of the other Ephesus in the room. The room only contained the tall noble-woman that Tyr had noticed was, along with the red haired sorcerer that she was engaged to. The two of them... alone... in the engine room... The expressions on the two's faces was what stopped that train of thought cold.


Something very dangerous had just happened here, but what? "Just what is actually going on?" Tyr wondered aloud. Tyr put his hand on Sashya's shoulder, attempting to reassure her that they would find and catch Rayne next time. Tyr looked at the two, appraising quickly that they weren't the same kind of fighter as Tyr. They were warriors of magic, weaving mysterious forces into spells for both harming their enemies and aiding their allies. Unsure of how to approach the situation, Tyr walked towards the two, and introduced himself. "I am Tyr, some know me as 'The Grey Wolf' for obvious reasons, but introductions aside, are you two okay? You look like you've been through hell."




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"All that shouting for nothing– ah, well. It's good exercise for the lungs anyway."


With a flourish, Aera returns the Lichtgestalt to its scabbard, the blade almost singing as metal slid against metal. After which, she looks around, gives a violent shout, and nearly runs Lily to the ground with the force of her bear hug. It takes a while for her to release her fair-haired friend; when she does, she finally notices the man standing beside the cleric's daughter. The man's eyes were blue, like Aera's, yet it shone with a quieter sort of intensity– like comparing the sun to a smoldering flame. As if to balance his solemn demeanor, the man's hair was a loud reddish hue, and it stuck up in little tufts, reminding Aera of a little explosion.


Ever the warrior, Tyr explained the situation to the two mages. He casually placed his hand on Sashya's shoulder; the gesture seemed brotherly enough.


"Why is everyone around me so oblivious?"


Blinking hard, her mind quickly put together the snippets of gossip she has heard about Lily's husband to be. As soon as the information was digested, she took a few steps back, stared at the two from head to toe, and smiled appreciatively. Camus of Leviathos and Liliana Celestine Marcia Freesia made for a handsome couple.


"Well, well. I simply must see the both of you on the dance floor."


She peers at Camus and pats him on the shoulder.


"I apologize if Lily makes you feel uneasy. She's a little crazy, but you'll grow to like her, Camus."

Edited by paperprosciutto, 15 August 2013 - 02:48 PM.

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An annoyed Caius stood at the starboard entrance to the bridge watching the Warlord's childish display on the prince's throne before silently moving to his seat beside it.


"One would hope a captain able to find his own seat sir Hadrian. It is your design after all". The Courtier's eyes focused on the archaic script donning the rear of the captain's chair. Flamma Vitae. I sent good people to their deaths for this information. His expression failing to reflect the sorrow of duty.


Caius could not precisely decipher the language. Indeed it was all he had managed to pry some of its history and influence back from the Dusk. Burning life, or perhaps strength? It could mean 'the fire of' either. It doesn't translate well into Empryean dialects that's for damned certain. Caius wondered if he wasn't the only hidden mage in the room. He wondered more if there was a bomb in Hadrian's personal seat as his hand brushed against the shield he'd let rest upon his chair.


His eyes met Hadrian's now. This man could not grasp the amount of effort that went into his investigation, or so Caius hoped. Hadrian's time in Empyrea was effectively cataloged by the time Caius found need to peruse it, but he needed more. Hadrian's mother had come from elsewhere, but the idea that their secrets were lost is something Caius challenged with all his skill. Surely the Architect who had taken them in knew something of them, and while he was long dead, his life had not been spent silent. Gossip amongst other serving-class people, friends of the architect and their children. Unscrupulous busybodies were a spy's best friend. These stories put together could tell a skilled intelligence worker much, and so Caius found the origins of the man called Hadrian. It was a start.


"Shall we discuss heading?"

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Valerius Lyon


"Thanks, but I'm dismal anything other than blades", Lyon has the usual slight smile as he followed up from his advantage. Gale, this scholar attempted to retreat and gain leverage, but doing so directly after blocking was risky, especially if Valerius was still ready to continue an onslaught. He easily warded off the jabs and stayed in blade range, from here there were many things he could do, but none would have brought him immediate victory, until he spotted a slight change... The blade, flipped, and so did Gale's arm in order to have this position. It was the kind where the front blade was pointed skyward, ideal for a counter-attack and disarm, where the user would simply have to swing the blade skyward to disarm, but unfortunately for Gale, Valerius has seen many, many fencers, and the way around this was rather simple. A simple moment right after Gale assumed this position with his blade, Valerius had already done the same and pressed it against his opponent's, and with great force he spun the blade around in a natural circle, attempting to twist his opponent's arm even more, forcing him to let go of the blade as it reaches an unnatural twist. If his twist succeeded, Gale's blade would be forced into the air for Valerius to catch, with his main blade pointed at Gale, and it would be his victory.




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"Gah, nice twist you have there." Gale said as he let go of his blade.

He massaged his arm when Valerius released his tight grip.

"Only if I was good at using swords like you." Gale said as he rubbed the back of his head. "Perhaps it could've been different if I used my scythe; so we both have an even footing." 

He took out his arm in front of Valerius and smiled. Waiting for him to shake his hand. 

"Good game, it was fun while it lasted… sorry if I really didn't put too much effort." 

Edited by Geo, 15 August 2013 - 04:40 PM.

Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself.

Memento Mori - Remember to Die.


El Phantom

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Valerius Lyon


Valerius relaxed himself again as he caught the other blade, and in response to Gale's commentary...


"Oh no worries, it's just sparring, honestly at the very least you're able to use another category of weapon without causing disaster, so don't be so sorry", he consoled as the scholar extended a hand out. Valerius bundled both training blades into one hand and gave a firm handshake. The crowd was quite amazed at how Valerius had dispatched every foe so far so quickly, and with disarms on top of it. Regularly they weren't easy to perform, and to be perfectly honest opportunity for them seemed to pop up very often, he never purposely tried for them, that was what the one-hit-wonder rule was for. First one to land a clean blow wins, but obviously disarming has the same effect, no one needed to point that out. As he finished returning the handshake, he turned to the crowd again.


"So, who else wants to test their mettle? Don't be so reserved, might be a good experience", he encouraged.



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The Warlord


Hadrian glanced at Caius, amusement in his eyes. “True,” he replied to his statement. “But the prince certainly knows how to make a comfortable seat. One can’t help but marvel at it and test it yourself.” With that said, Hadrian spun around the chair once more to rile up the Courtier. The Warlord enjoyed teasing the various vassals under Lysander’s command.


As he studied Caius, he spotted the man focusing on the script that was written on the back of the captain’s chair. Hadrian wondered if the prince’s loyal shadow was able to decipher that single phrase. It humoured him somewhat that the man went to great lengths to collect information. While Hadrian did not hide his past or his identity, there was always merit in knowing when someone decided to investigate him. He had people too you know.


Heading, heading, heading…” Hadrian sighed tirelessly. “You know as well as I do where we’re going, and how we’re on the right course for it. Honestly, you don’t have to continue playing that role. The princess isn’t with me as you can see.” The thought of Aera made him smile. “She is quite the beautiful young woman. Perhaps for all my accomplishments the prince could give me her hand in marriage?



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Caius chuckled lightly. If he thinks her hand is anyone's to offer he knows refreshingly little about our princess. Back to his usual focus the Courtier spoke once more.


"Yes well unlike you, I like having things taken care of before they become an emergency. I've written out the changes for you. For now though, please try to keep us in the air would you?" Caius was standing now and had taken a step towards the ship's communication system. "I suppose it's about that time then. Your people are prepared?" The Courtier didn't bother waiting for a response. Loathe to admit it, he knew Hadrian was almost as strict as himself. One does not earn the reputation Hadrian has by being a fool, and Caius has known this since Lysander sent him to find the famed Warlord.


Now he turned to speak into the contraption that lead his words across the ship."Ladies and Gentlemen, I must now ask that you head to your quarters. We are embarking shortly for our great crusade." His words a message to the prince. One more speech, and the Third Crusade will truly begin. He had done all he could. Now the fate of all on the ship was in the hands of the man who was childishly twirling in a chair moments ago. Light help us. 


Caius took his seat beside the prince's throne and turned his gaze towards the horizon, the light of dawn sinking into the murky skies above their destination.

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After sweeping into the engine room and finding nothing, Sashya felt tremendously embarrassed; yet concerned as well. She felt the weight of Tyr's hand on her shoulder, and her lips curled up ruefully, but she was grateful for his reassurance. Rayne was no where to be found. She pulled her hood back, tucking her hair behind her ears as she did, and glanced around the room, her golden eyes committing everything to memory, even while she focused on the lingering traces of magic's scent in the air.


As she listened to Tyr speaking to the couple she collapsed her bow and returned it to her belt loop, the action subtle and smooth. She opened her mouth to speak, but was abruptly interrupted by a voice echoing around the ship, and she tilted her head to the side, trying to determine its location. It had come, somehow, from the little box in one corner of the room. Confused as to how a voice had come from that little thing she returned her attention to the matter at hand. Afraid to admit one of her "abilities" to others, she glanced at Aera.


"The smell of this magic tainting your friend is the same as earlier, Aera," she said in a soft tone. "Yet it is somehow different, and I cannot figure out why."


She glanced at Tyr, knowing he would recognize her penchant for 'smelling' magic, then at the beautiful mage. Sadly, she wasn't sure what she could do to help the woman, as she had no magic herself, and her eyes filled with compassion. All the while, in the back of her mind, she wondered where Rayne and her companions had gone to. How could they have not seen them when only moments before they had been in the hallway. Were there secret passages on this large contraption that they could have slipped into? Or were there other tricks up their sleeves?

Edited by Maia, 16 August 2013 - 05:46 AM.


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With hand still firmly planted on Camus' shoulder, Aera turned to face Sashya. Since Lily failed to fill her in on the details of her husband to be, she decided to get them herself, first-hand.


"He doesn't look like her type at all though. Have they even spoken yet?"


Though their weapons had already been put away, the possibility of a threat still lingered like a sword above their heads. As Sashya spoke of the ominous darkness that permeated the room, she found herself wishing that Caius were here to offer some answers to put these people at ease.


"If it's different, then she probably didn't work alone. I can't smell magic, but generally mages leave a sort of... imprint, shall we say, whenever they use their spells."


Aera decided to read up on magic later, probably when everything has finally calmed down.


Pulling at her necklace, she broke the pendant and pulled out a small vial filled with a clear green liquid and offered it to Lily.


"Lily. Here, take this. It's not exactly an antidote for magical ailments, but it'll help you feel better."


She shook her head and sighed. This was only the first day; what would happen in the days to come?


"I think it would be best if we left this area for the time being. Clearly, it's not safe here."


Turning to Tyr and Sashya, as well as the guards, she says, "As much as I would like to pursue the culprit, I think someone has to inform the Captain as well as the Navigator about the altercation that just took place."


As her thoughts turned to Lysander, and she quickly let go of Camus, rushing out the door with her back turned to them, but not without a few parting words for the red-haired mage.


"I'm letting you off easy this time."


On the way out, Aera nearly runs into Magnar; the sight of angry tears in his eyes gave her a dull ache in her chest. Sometimes it was easy to forget that the great warrior had a heart underneath all that strength and metal.


"Magnar, I trust that you can take care of them. Make sure Lily gets the rest that she needs."


With than, she waved at the man, disappearing from view as the door slid shut. Almost running, Aera dashes past the hallway, anxious to see if her brother was unharmed.

Edited by paperprosciutto, 16 August 2013 - 10:01 AM.

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Camus of Leviathos


Friendship, a word to denote a relationship with other individual. It is one thing that Camus lacked the most in his days up till now. Sure, he interacts with a lot of people during the building of the airships, but those are merely a relation based on a common goal. And thus, seeing the warm scenario happening in front of his eyes gives him a feeling he is unfamiliar with. It is slightly suffocating, but it is not jealousy or hatred. It is a lot gentler than that. It feels.. Warm. The tears in Magnar's eyes, the warm hug Princess Aera gave to Lily, the concern shown by the lone wolf of the North, they bring a sense of tightness into his chest, and a small smile into his lips.


But he cannot stay drunk in that warm sensation forever. Lily is still in a precarious state, and the energy leaking from the engines does not help with her recuperation. Furthermore, the threat, as Tyr and Sashya has pointed out, has not passed. Someone who won't hesitate to break the taboo of magic is among them. They need to get out of this place as soon as possible.


"I am sorry to interrupt, but we need to get out of here," Camus said to the party. Deliberately ignoring the princess's teasing, he turned to Magnar that seems like he was about to run rampant at any moment and said, "Sir Magnar, your revenge will have to wait. I need your help to carry Lady Lily to the living chambers. Staying in this place will hinder her recovery." He then turned towards the wolf and the archer pair. "Lord Tyr and Lady Sashya, I presume? Pardon my rudeness, but I'm afraid our conversation would have to wait," he said with a curt bow. He is curious about the presence they felt, but he can't afford to let his thirst for information to confuse his priority.

Edited by fayrbrant, 16 August 2013 - 06:57 AM.



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Sashya watched as Aera bounded from the room, a slight grin on her lips. She was growing rather fond of the woman in the short time that she had known her. Her attention returned to the present as Camus spoke, and Sashya nodded her agreement. The room wasn't safe, it was true, however, with her sister on board the airship, as well as her companions, no where on the ship was going to be safe. Not if the attacks such as this was going to continue. She glanced up at Magnar and found that she wasn't the only one who had those thoughts.


"Lord Camus is right, Magnar," Sashya said quietly as she placed her hand gently on her friend's forearm. "We can hunt for my sister later when the danger to Lady Lily has passed."


She turned and took hold of Tyr's hand, lacing her fingers through his, and gave a gentle tug, knowing that they needed to get out of the way if Camus and Magnar were to get Lily out of the engine room quickly. She pulled him out of the room and to the side so as not to block the entryway, and, ignoring the glares from her two guards as they followed them, she started walking towards the living quarters section of the ship.


"Tyr," she said softly, "if it really is Rayne and her companions who is responsible for this attack, then we have to let the prince know."


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Reaching an intersection, a small sign hanging on the wall caught Aera's attention.


"To the bridge..."


Weighing her options, she remembers the Captain's previous offer.


 “If you ever find yourself bored after the festivities have died down, feel free to visit the bridge. Perhaps then we can get to know one another more properly, and without the prying eyes of your vigil guardians.”


Didn't Caius say he would be talking with that man anyway? Also, assuming that the attacker hadn't gotten far, the bridge could be a viable target.


"I suppose the dining hall is safer than the engine room, at least."


Running full tilt now, Aera finally reaches a raised platform. Punching the button that pointed upwards, she jumped in the elevator and scowled at how slow the doors closed. Time was of the essence, after all.


"Damn it! I could have gotten there in half the time using the stairs..."


Of course, time was relative, and to her, the trip to the bridge took forever. When the doors finally whirred to life again, she stomped out, eyes darting every which way. They landed on an unfortunate crewman; he gave Aera a doltish smile, clearly oblivious to the serious glare she was giving him. The lack of respect, the princess could usually forgive, but in situations like these, the chain of command was imperative to survival. There was only one exception to that rule: herself.


"You! Where is the Captain?"


Aera's usually breathy voice shook with the beginnings of impatience and anger; a raspy edge cutting through every word. The hapless man points mutely towards the larger end of the bridge and gapes at her in shock. Then he suddenly remembers his manners and bows low, not daring to look up.


Finally reaching the cockpit, it doesn't take long for her to spot the warlord and the courtier, who seemed to have just finished talking about something.


"Why does Lysander's chair look askew?"


She took a deep breath, regaining her composure, then calmly walked over to them, settling on a spot between the two.


"Caius... Hadrian... something's happened in the engine room. Lily was attacked."


Searching Caius' dark eyes, the princess spoke carefully, making sure that he would hear the name of the wretch that dared hurt her friends.


"Rayne. The Bloody Mist. Who is she?"

Edited by paperprosciutto, 16 August 2013 - 11:28 AM.

Posted Image "Don't make me ship you!"

The Illuminati

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Before the dawn of The Third Crusade.


"Oh, my! Another gift? And I am to keep this one all for myself, as well? My! Is your wife so grateful for these three nights of uninterrupted rest that she gives you more gold to spend on your mistress?" Maiev-Dalal teased the married noble behind her. He was another such one: bald on top, round in the middle, and useless to a woman once on his back. Just like The Pig. Except instead of lying still, he would rut against poor Nana unil she smelled of his putrid sweat. Of course, the irony wasn't lost on her. For here she was now in a similar state.


"My wife is eternally gratefully to you and yours for your continued charity..," he whispered against the smooth, soft skin of her naked back. She was sitting with her legs crossed and his fine sheets pressed gently to the front of her person. She had been making to leave the noble's bed when he suddenly gifted her with a very fine, red jewel. She would show it to Renly later before selling it, he had an eye for such things. The gold would serve better to keep Nana, her adoptive mother, in the comfortable life she now enjoyed than this useless rock.


"Mmm..," Maiev hummed in response to the trail of sloppy and awkward kisses, and spit that now ran down her spine. Her mind elsewhere, a cruel sneer marred her face as she reflected on how enjoyable the demise of Nana's noble lord had been. Long ago it was said that, "...revenge was a delicacy best served cool." Usually, to persuade a man to forestall vengeance long enough for wisdom to reassert itself. Nana had taught her this. But Maiev realised now that those words were simply silk spun by men with power to keep those beneath them in line. Justice was a thing you had to reach for with both hands and hold tightly, lest you lose it's fragile light. There were times when she felt her light flicker...


"My lord!" she said in a high tone and giggle meant convince him, that his pathetic attemps had stirred her heart. "If you persist, you will surely miss the prince- and princess' departure! The empress might not take to kindly to your absence." As if to underscore her point Maiev-Dalal quickly leaped out of reach, pulling all the bedcovers with her. Now exposed, the noble spread himself like a furry platter before her, hoping to entice her back into the stained bed. Before he can reply, she answers his unasked question.


"Mmm! But, alas my lord..." She had to struggle not to throw up in her mouth at the sight of his dangling flesh. It looked more like an after-thought, a cancerous growth that stuck strangely to his body like a nightmare of Dusk. "...as tempting as that offer is," she said licking her lips for emphasis, "Renly requested I meet with him once we had come to an agreement, and I am already several days late."


As expected, the noble flexed the fat he had believing them to be muscles. Regardless, he understood her meaning and left after some more mindless chatter. Once he was gone, Maiev allowed herself a moment to reflect on what her life now had become. Unsurprisingly, she felt nothing. She was numb to it all. Her only fear was meeting her sister once was dead, if there was such a blessed thing, and seeing the disappointment on her face. She wouldn't have wanted this for her. Who would.


'So long as Nana can die old, and happy, and in a warm bed, it would have all been worth it.' That thought didn't stop the tears from rolling down her face and into her sobbing lips.

Edited by Fabulicious, 16 August 2013 - 01:12 PM.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."

El Phantom

El Phantom

    Fingerling Potato

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Valerius Lyon


"Ladies and Gentlemen, I must now ask that you head to your quarters. We are embarking shortly for our great crusade."


"Hmm... Well there you have it folks, you heard the man, let's get to our rooms", he stated. The party hall emptied slowly, with remaining chit-chat being wrapped up as everyone began their walk to their rooms. He too left the hall and returned the training blades where he found them, and then made his way to his assigned room also. The halls of the airship around the party hall were large, spacious, and it was like this all the way up into the bridge and through the residences. Expectedly the engine room was very narrow, but it had a large clearing in front of the main systems... Well, he was only down there once, and that was only because he literally got lost.


Well, he went to his room once before, it was a single room, much smaller than a lot of other people's, but he was just a mercenary afterall. He was placed at the very beginning of this hallway, there was other way to leave this hall without going past his door, and everyone here he recognized as the cutthroats and such who wanted redemption... When they saw him in this area of the ship, they simply scurried away to their rooms... Their enemies now were the Dusk, not him, and they didn't want to lose this chance. This ship was to fly, and if you made enemies with everyone on board there was no way out other than jumping...


"Heh... So he expects me to keep this lot under control...? Damn royals", his mutter was cut off as he stepped into his room and shut the door behind him. There were going to be a lot of figures he's recognized near him, that red-head Rayne for one... Daughter of some noble gone wild, is she trying to get back into her mother's good books or something...? Ah whatever, it doesn't affect him right now.

Edited by ~L~, 16 August 2013 - 11:49 AM.



    Russet Potato

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The Prince and the Warlord


Hadrian rolled his eyes at the diligence of Caius Gryphon, and finally removed himself from the prince’s chair. His eyes scanned over the changes the navigator had made to their destination, and sighed exasperatedly at how minute they were. Detailed as always, Caius, he thought wryly. Hadrian jumped down from the platform, and stood at the captain’s station.


After the Courtier finished his announcement, Hadrian turned to the bridge crewmen at their stations, and, though the full crew had yet to arrive, began giving orders, “Begin making preparations for the ascent. Check all systems, and please make sure to do so twice. I don’t want our maiden voyage to end up with all of us crashing into the earth as a flaming ball of metal.


The dark humour he presented earned the Warlord a few hearty chuckles from the crew. These people were his, and in their line of work, a few morbid jokes wouldn’t be enough to deter morale. Within moments, the bridge crew began doing what they were being paid to do. Hadrian estimated ten minutes would be enough for a deep ascension. The prince wanted them to get to their destination as soon as possible, after all.




Meanwhile in the banquet hall, Prince Lysander heard the announcement. After Renly’s demonstration of the priceless wine, the Scoundrel was now definitely in the prince’s favour. Without a doubt, the man succeeded in his goal. Impressing the prince meant an opportunity, and Lysander was sure that Renly would later utilise this to coerce some nobles to do business with him. He admired that sort of trait in a man.


Brave heroes, it appears that our celebration must temporarily be put to a halt. With our bellies full and our hearts light, we are sure to be ready for whatever we will face next. Prince Lysander drew his sabre, and raised it above him. Remember this feeling everyone! Upon our glorious return home as victorious legends, I shall give you all a celebration the likes of which has never been done before! For now, we must return to our quarters. The crusade has now officially begun!


There were three levels of the airship between where the throne room and banquet hall were, and the bridge at the top called the residential areas. The bottom level of the residential areas was where the criminals, mercenaries, and their sort were. Although it was accommodating, there was nothing special in that level. The central level of the residential areas was where the ordinary military and the volunteers were being housed. On this level, there was a large training room where most of the crusaders would be able to train and practice. The top level, naturally, was where the nobles would live in. Each room was a suite, and there was even a lounge area where the nobles could mingle. However, there was also a part closed off to the normal nobles, and that was where the royal children and the children of the seven holy knights would be staying in. Each of their rooms was designed to each of their specific tastes.


As the servants began to herd the participants of the crusade to their quarters, Lysander smiled proudly. Things were going as planned, and there was nothing that could stop his vision from happening. With that in mind, the prince snuck away; his destination was the bridge.




The sudden appearance of Aera was certainly surprising, but it wasn’t exactly unwelcome. Hadrian smiled as the young woman showed off her status to the poor man that had happened to get in her way. However, he sensed things were amiss when she looked frighteningly serious about something. Apparently, a friend of hers was attacked. Carefully, Hadrian remained passive at that thought. It wasn’t as if he was surprised. Stick a bunch of men and women aboard a flying metal box and sparks would fly eventually.


She is the daughter of Artemis, father and mother’s Master of the Hunt. She is a wanted criminal known for having betrayed the empire. Lysander stood behind Aera, smiling amusedly at her frantic expression. She is a spoiled brat that ran away because she could not handle the pressure of the expectations placed on her due to her birth. She scorns the people of Empyria because she is afraid to confront her own shortcomings, and thus passes the blame onto others.


The prince moved past his sister, and took a seat on his throne in the bridge. Having noticing something slightly off with it, he raised an eyebrow at Hadrian who gave him a smile and a shrug. Ignoring him for now, Lysander spun around to face his younger sister. Don’t worry, Aera, the situation will be handled. Rayne the Bloody Mist cannot harm us here. So let us not worry about her for now.

Edited by Liar, 17 August 2013 - 08:54 AM.