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Kubera Season 2 discussion raws

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it must be that asha has a piece of ananta's power so she feels emboldened 

also recall that asha has felt incredible saddened that mysterious person who possessed leez and not her - "why you... and not me..."

it might be that asha wants to become the jinchuriki for ananta's power 

Jassim Al-Madeh

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Attached File  ashaters.png   303.46KB   0 downloads


Can't decide



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I get that Currygom wants to slow down the action, but spending one third of the chapter on completely irrelevant things that don't even really serve to give additional characterization to the featured side characters is just really annoying. (We already knew that pair of magicians were bitches. We didn't need more evidence of that and we didn't learn anything important from their conversation)



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I was waiting for this



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Someone to complain about the pacing? I get that Currygom might have wanted to end the chapter at a specific point, but while the Hura and Agni scenes were ok, that scene felt like pure filler that could have easily been replaced by a flash to what is happening in the Taraka realm or something more relevant than bitching about Brilith.

Jassim Al-Madeh

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They're sitting for where Rana is going to?

Can't decide



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Someone to complain about the pacing? I get that Currygom might have wanted to end the chapter at a specific point, but while the Hura and Agni scenes were ok, that scene felt like pure filler that could have easily been replaced by a flash to what is happening in the Taraka realm or something more relevant than bitching about Brilith.


I think that the chapter would have been too short otherwise, but going on with the main actions would end the chapter in the middle of action

I'm italian, so please excuse me if my english is not very good, feel free to correct me.


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    Couch Potato

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Wasn't there some procreation period? Even gandy did it.

Also lmao at the conversation on not being chosen to be summoner. Too bad the condition is to be the gods type.

They never said that Gandy never had lovers before. Plus, I think I read on one of the blog posts that Sagara chased off anyone who got too close to Ananta...


As for the chapter, well, I did feel that it was rather slow, but I feel like the slow parts are building up to something (and I didn't feel that way for many scenes this season, even if I knew that they probably do) or at least showed an interesting POV:

  • I was actually interested to see Natasha hating on Brilith because it gives voice to all the people who should (rightfully) feel: wait a minute, why did Agni pick Her? The thing is, many readers do probably wonder about it, so it's somehow Currygom's way of saying "yeah yeah, I get you, I'm pointing it out so you'd know that there Is something else going on." Only Ruche has really complained about that in-series, but she doesn't really count, whereas Natasha really did have her optimal career messed up because of it. Also, it seems to indicate that we may be getting more of Natasha later on. I don't think much about her, but she was Jibril's successor and could present interesting info about the past (and she was also in Eloth and present for Asha's trial).
  • We learn that Lilia is triple-asvins. As I pointed out with my Saha post, I found that detail interesting. Again, it may indicate that we'll get more from Lilia later, hopefully not limited to her getting super pissy at Lorraine (could lead to interesting consequences though). Besides, why did we get a specific number of hoti asvins uses left? Could something big happen and those uses just aren't enough?
  • I wish the Hura scene didn't drag out so long (at least, I want to see where it Leads), but it's interesting to see that it builds on the close sibling interactions we've seen in the past. Really, those sibling interaction scenes didn't seem to mean much in particular, but maybe with Hura here, it will lead to something unexpected. And we Will see where it leads sooner or later.

Oh and, they had previously said that overlapping barriers creates problems. I'm quite curious to see what. With Agni in poor shape, the odds of things messing up are increasing.


As for Gandharva and Maruna, Gandharva never agreed to make sure that Samphati survives. The deal was to provide enough distraction to give Samphati a chance to save herself.


With all that said... waaah, we have to wait next week to see what happens with Kubera and Ananta.

Edited by Mizura, 18 January 2016 - 09:30 PM.


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    Baked Potato

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They never said that Gandy never had lovers before. Plus, I think I read on one of the blog posts that Sagara chased off anyone who got too close to Ananta...


As for the chapter, well, I did feel that it was rather slow, but I feel like the slow parts are building up to something (and I didn't feel that way for many scenes this season, even if I knew that they probably do) or at least showed an interesting POV:

  • I was actually interested to see Natasha hating on Brilith because it gives voice to all the people who should (rightfully) feel: wait a minute, why did Agni pick Her? The thing is, many readers do probably wonder about it, so it's somehow Currygom's way of saying "yeah yeah, I get you, I'm pointing it out so you'd know that there Is something else going on." Only Ruche has really complained about that in-series, but she doesn't really count, whereas Natasha really did have her optimal career messed up because of it. Also, it seems to indicate that we may be getting more of Natasha later on. I don't think much about her, but she was Jibril's successor and could present interesting info about the past (and she was also in Eloth and present for Asha's trial).
  • We learn that Lilia is triple-asvins. As I pointed out with my Saha post, I found that detail interesting. Again, it may indicate that we'll get more from Lilia later, hopefully not limited to her getting super pissy at Lorraine (could lead to interesting consequences though). Besides, why did we get a specific number of hoti asvins uses left? Could something big happen and those uses just aren't enough?
  • I wish the Hura scene didn't drag out so long (at least, I want to see where it Leads), but it's interesting to see that it builds on the close sibling interactions we've seen in the past. Really, those sibling interaction scenes didn't seem to mean much in particular, but maybe with Hura here, it will lead to something unexpected. And we Will see where it leads sooner or later.

Oh and, they had previously said that overlapping barriers creates problems. I'm quite curious to see what. With Agni in poor shape, the odds of things messing up are increasing.


As for Gandharva and Maruna, Gandharva never agreed to make sure that Samphati survives. The deal was to provide enough distraction to give Samphati a chance to save herself.


With all that said... waaah, we have to wait next week to see what happens with Kubera and Ananta.

I can vouch for the Sagara detail. I remember it clearly. :lol:


Wasn't...Lilia using Bhavati Vayu?

Edited by Sangios, 18 January 2016 - 09:37 PM.

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Celes Gung Zyu

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Also lmao at the conversation on not being chosen to be summoner. Too bad the condition is to be the gods type.

lol Ikr! 


11 year old> Ahjumma.



    Russet Potato

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I can vouch for the Sagara detail. I remember it clearly. :lol:


Wasn't...Lilia using Bhavati Vayu?

Another magician could have used bhavati vayu on her like asha did with brilith

Edited by Inys, 18 January 2016 - 09:43 PM.



    Baked Potato

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Another magician could have used bhavati vayu on her like asha did with brilith

True, but her hand was aimed down, IIRC, as if she was carrying herself.

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    Couch Potato

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... eh? EH?! You're right. Weird, didn't the series imply that most guild presidents were triples? So...

- Either Lilia is using a flying item

- or Lilia is Asvins-Asvins-Vayu and has practiced hoti asvins Super hard (doubles start with a base number of 9 casts per day)

- or Lilia is Asvins-Vayu-Vayu and has an even more ungodly number of hoti asvins uses for her attributes

- or Lilia is actually Triple Vayu (makes sense, she's the guild president for Aeroplateau), and can cast ungodly numbers of hoti asvins (for her attribute) -much like Asha can-


Reminder: for hoti spells, base casts per day are:

- nil: 1 times

- single: 3 times

- double: 9 times

- triple: 27 times


Something strange is going on. If Lilia became guild president despite not being a triple, then something must be up. If she's a triple vayu but can cast a high number of hoti asvins, something's Also up, and as someone who survived Carte like Asha, it might be tied to something related to Carte. Did the survivors of Carte really have their attributes changed (with Lilia and Asha both previously having a number of asvins attributes)? Or is it something else?


Also, note Lilia's attitude. She's stubborn in regards to respecting gods to a fault. What was the cause of that attitude? Good job, Sangios, you pointed out something Quite interesting.


Kubera stuff: Character charts , Races and Cities , The finite (official side novel) ,
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    Fried Potato

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"In Hindu sacred texts, Vishnu is usually described as having a complexion of dark clouds,  and of possessing four arms."




Wouldn't that be a kick if Hura turned out to be Visnu .



Something strange is going on. If Lilia became guild president despite not being a triple, then something must be up. If she's a triple vayu but can cast a high number of hoti asvins, something's Also up, and as someone who survived Carte like Asha, it might be tied to something related to Carte. Did the survivors of Carte really have their attributes changed (with Lilia and Asha both previously having a number of asvins attributes)? Or is it something else?


Also, note Lilia's attitude. She's stubborn in regards to respecting gods to a fault. What was the cause of that attitude? Good job, Sangios, you pointed out something Quite interesting.



Well Carte's and Willarv calendar wouldn't be synchronised , do to different orbits and day lengths  , so their attributes could have been changed by changing planets , and they retained the spells they leaned on Carte as well as the one they learned with their new attributes on Willarv  . 



    Fried Potato

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"In Hindu sacred texts, Vishnu is usually described as having a complexion of dark clouds,  and of possessing four arms."




Wouldn't that be a kick if Hura turned out to be Visnu .


Hmmm... I don't like Visnu and consider him the main villain of the story, but I really like Hura...




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About Ananta not having lovers. Does the Korean word used imply he never had sex or only that he never had a relationship with a partner he loved, or is it ambiguous?

Well Carte's and Willarv calendar wouldn't be synchronised , do to different orbits and day lengths  , so their attributes could have been changed by changing planets , and they retained the spells they leaned on Carte as well as the one they learned with their new attributes on Willarv  . 

But the specific period of time a god presides should be universal, so visnu's hour should be the same period of time on all planets, even if the specific hour is different and even if it starts at different times.

On the other hand, if it's dependant on each planet's date then it means that the distribution of attributes is part of Kubera's domain.



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Hura makes me wish I had four arms!

I wish the Hura scene didn't drag out so long (at least, I want to see where it Leads), but it's interesting to see that it builds on the close sibling interactions we've seen in the past. Really, those sibling interaction scenes didn't seem to mean much in particular, but maybe with Hura here, it will lead to something unexpected. And we Will see where it leads sooner or later.

Agreed, Clophe and Cloche weren't really holding very significant roles before, and this finally gives a chance to see them beyond Sagara's lackeys.

Edited by Spiders, 18 January 2016 - 10:41 PM.



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Well, some carte survivors might be more god-fanatics since at least Vayu helped them? It was said that without gods, interstellar travel is impossible...

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Question: When Agni was in Atera he somehow knew what's going on in Kalibloom and arrived on time to save their ass. Now he's in Rindhallow yet he doesn't know what's happening to HIS city? Is it because the distance is farther?

It probably uses vigor same as when alex searches for those with the kubera name. All his vigor must be going to maintaining the barrier.



    Russet Potato

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I like how gandharva doesn't realize how badly he's ducking things up even if the barriers aren't completely destroyed
Plot twist: Brilith's real name is Agni