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This manga is unbearable.

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    Potato Sprout

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No, I'm not misinterpreting nary a God damned thing you said buddy. You can play all the fucking word games you want if it helps you get to sleep at night, but "the victim is responsible for what happens" is "every man for himself" to a fucking T. In this context it's just one more expression of victim blaming pure and simple.


I addressed your post completely. There's no reason to address something point by point that's been covered by one blanket statement. Every one of your asinine rebuttals is nothing more than an attempt to rationalize away any need to feel the most basics of human compassion and empathy for one's fellow man. 


Don't try to play your word games with me man, you ain't nearly good enough.


I sleep at night pretty well, if you want to white knight to death, that's your fucking problem. You're the one copypasting blanket statements that seem out of some shitty 3rd wave feminist propaganda pamflet about rape culture saying people shouldn't be told they have responsability on what happens to them because that's oh so hurtful, and you brushing off consent when I mentioned it before makes this similarity even more glaring.


The victim blaming concept is bullshit, its just a strategy to say people are just victims of the circunstances and couldn't help it so it forbids to point out those are circunstances the individual put him/herself into, wanna guess why? because it's not convenient for their cases or politically correct to say so. You can't say "if you don't want to regret having drunk sex, don't get drunk in the first place" because that hints of personal responsability or "You shouldn't have walked in that area that late at night if you didn't want to get robbed" because that's rubbing salt into the wound of bad decision making.


Someone fucked up by walking at night on a dark alley in a dangerous area just to be robbed. Me questioning his intelligence for exposing himself to such dangers doesn't mean I don't feel bad for him or that I don't think the robber was the one that commited the crime. This person was indeed a victim of assault, but also a big moron that exposed himself to unnecessary danger (god forbid saying this last part aloud because you will be called out for "victim blaming").


Anyways, Inugami's case is different. Inugami isn't even a victim at all because she just getting the loser's punishment of a bet she agreed with, so bringing "victim blaming" when talking about her isn't called for. Yet here we are talking about it because you somehow think she is a victim, and that any explanation I give you saying otherwise is just a rationalization that brushes away "any need to feel the most basics of human compassion and empathy for one's fellow man"


Also, what makes you think you're good at "word games"? Get off your high horse.

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