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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

Future Abilities

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personally i like it as this


Fire+earth: metal

fire+water: steam

fire+air: electricity


Earth+water: Wood

earth+air: Sand/dust


Water+air: Ice


Then there is "Void/true raw power" and around it arcane


and there's plenty variation around it but i like it simple as the part before the lign

:batoto_001:  :excl:  :excl:  :excl:  :batoto_018:  Ooooooh cute cuddly animals ^^.....let's cook them   :)


"When faced with the unknown do not despair, always smash it and consider what you've done when you Sober up" First Verset of the Lonely Old Ranting Drunk, aka Lord





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Earth+water: Wood

earth+air: Sand/dust


Water+air: Ice

What is this, Naruto?...  j/k


Seriously though, I think Earth and Water would be Nature, rather than just wood, so it could make plants that can be used for combat with thorns, poisons and binding vines, medicine and ingredients for potions, or even as rare flowers to sell for cash :D




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What is this, Naruto?...  j/k


Seriously though, I think Earth and Water would be Nature, rather than just wood, so it could make plants that can be used for combat with thorns, poisons and binding vines, medicine and ingredients for potions, or even as rare flowers to sell for cash :D

well to be serious  :batoto_013: you do know the Metal, earth, wood, fire, water scope of some asian element nope? not everything is written in stones, it's just a simplification. life as in organic is actually a combination of the four element in most story (that's one of the most recurent),


As old school stuff was we were based on them, and magic explication is based on elaborate intricate nonsense based on how we understood the universe when we didn't know squat. basis of us being water and earth Mud for structure (so yeah nature, but innert like dead wood, such my choice), the breath of life(air) and the fire of soul or whatnot, most of it change completely in form of ol' meaning just 50 km appart geographicaly.


And i like my stuff simple like that even made a pretty looking talisman with it. so here goes my  :batoto_019: about it

Edited by Calmandweak, 10 July 2014 - 05:51 PM.

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:batoto_001:  :excl:  :excl:  :excl:  :batoto_018:  Ooooooh cute cuddly animals ^^.....let's cook them   :)


"When faced with the unknown do not despair, always smash it and consider what you've done when you Sober up" First Verset of the Lonely Old Ranting Drunk, aka Lord




    Fingerling Potato

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Teleportation, bought book, or random learned ability...


Fire user, bought book...(he need it so that he can call the fire elemental everywhere, some similar to water too but i don't think his really gonna invest on water ¬¬')


Summoning other creatures, bought book... we may see a black devil's apprentice here  :P


in general i see a black devil's apprentice here, but without really being trained by the teacher...



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As of chapter 48 I'm expecting a "Long Distance Running" skill to pop that decreases the drain on his stamina from running.




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He's going to gain Cooking as his crafting skill. At least that seems the most reasonable way to learn to craft HP/MP restoration items.

when the hell is that gonna happen? i want to see him over the pot like it was a witch cauldron recipe book in hand like it was a grimoire saying such magic formulas as "a bit of orrigan, a pint of mint and...voilà !!!! oh mighty goo it's alive !!! what have i done Muhahahah and it smell like freshly ripped appart mint oh delicious"

  • Panthertwat likes this

:batoto_001:  :excl:  :excl:  :excl:  :batoto_018:  Ooooooh cute cuddly animals ^^.....let's cook them   :)


"When faced with the unknown do not despair, always smash it and consider what you've done when you Sober up" First Verset of the Lonely Old Ranting Drunk, aka Lord




    Fingerling Potato

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when the hell is that gonna happen? i want to see him over the pot like it was a witch cauldron recipe book in hand like it was a grimoire saying such magic formulas as "a bit of orrigan, a pint of mint and...voilà !!!! oh mighty goo it's alive !!! what have i done Muhahahah and it smell like freshly ripped appart mint oh delicious"

Magic Mojitos:


4 Mint leaves,

a tablespoon of Ghost Essence

1 cup sparkling water

1 cup Ogre rum

and a zombie rib umbrella.




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Magic Mojitos:


4 Mint leaves,

a tablespoon of Ghost Essence

1 cup sparkling water

1 cup Ogre rum

and a zombie rib umbrella.

the zombie rib Umbrella's a nice touch but what is the effect of your magic mojito Panthertwat sensei?

  • Panthertwat likes this

:batoto_001:  :excl:  :excl:  :excl:  :batoto_018:  Ooooooh cute cuddly animals ^^.....let's cook them   :)


"When faced with the unknown do not despair, always smash it and consider what you've done when you Sober up" First Verset of the Lonely Old Ranting Drunk, aka Lord




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Still waiting for him to start crafting .__.



    Potato Sprout

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well to be serious  :batoto_013: you do know the Metal, earth, wood, fire, water scope of some asian element nope? not everything is written in stones, it's just a simplification. life as in organic is actually a combination of the four element in most story (that's one of the most recurent),


As old school stuff was we were based on them, and magic explication is based on elaborate intricate nonsense based on how we understood the universe when we didn't know squat. basis of us being water and earth Mud for structure (so yeah nature, but innert like dead wood, such my choice), the breath of life(air) and the fire of soul or whatnot, most of it change completely in form of ol' meaning just 50 km appart geographicaly.


And i like my stuff simple like that even made a pretty looking talisman with it. so here goes my  :batoto_019: about it

True different cultures have different base elements, while most of us are familiar with the "Greek set"  of Earth, Air, Fire & Water  there are other sets like the Chinese set of Gold, Water, Wood, Fire & Earth. Elements like Aether, Nether, Void & Star are often used as well. It would probably be a mistake to assume that mana is used in the same way for a Western Wood spell as it would be for Chinese Wood spell.

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    Potato Spud

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Would be completely overpowered, but what if he could level up Observe to a point, where if he observed someone else using a skill, he had a chance to learn that skill?


Or maybe it could let him temporarily mimic the skill?

I don't think so because the only thing that happens as we seen it, are increased accuracy and info and that is clearly the extent to a observe skill as it basically is just looking at stuff




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Book ability : A ability book isn't destroy when use but can't be use by others players until one week.

at a upper level : Can write or rewrite any ability on a book, and learn from any language, all knowledge of any book an be instantaneously pass with only a touch and the location of any book can be find in the world.