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What type of Character power do you want to have in this manga?(if you like you can also explain it and if you want it to have it in real life)

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    Fingerling Potato

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I actually had to find a translator to get the kanji right, along with any variation of the power that I could use,

The Power would be "Chaos", to make it very simple: The ability to control anything that can create, cause, infuse, thought, or somehow create turmoil or disrupt the normal flow.

Different ways:

- Chaos
- mix, blend, mingle, include, stir, congested, throng
- Order

Posted Image- chaos

Posted Image- mix, blend, mingle, include, stir, congested, throng

禾 - Order

Example (Reading) / Meaning:

混沌(こんとん)- Chaos

混乱(こんらん)- Confusion, Disorder, Chaos, Anarchy, Disruption

混じり物(まじりもの)- An impurity, a mixture

☆⇔無秩序(むちつじょ)- Disorder, Chaos, Anarchy

To give an english version:


1. a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or order.

2. any confused, disorderly mass: a chaos of meaningless phrases.

3. the infinity of space or formless matter supposed to have preceded the existence of the ordered universe.

4. ( initial capital letter ) the personification of this in any of several ancient Greek myths.

5. Obsolete . a chasm or abyss.

1. disarray, jumble, turmoil, tumult.

chaos (ˈkeɪɒs)
1. complete disorder; utter confusion
2. ( usually capital ) the disordered formless matter supposed to have existed before the ordered universe
3. an obsolete word for abyss

Cultural Defintion:

A new branch of science that deals with systems whose evolution depends very sensitively upon the initial conditions. Turbulent flows of fluids (such as white water in a river) and the prediction of the weather are two areas where chaos theory has been applied with some success.

Science Definition:

The behavior of systems that follow deterministic laws but appear random and unpredictable. Chaotic systems very are sensitive to initial conditions; small changes in those conditions can lead to quite different outcomes. One example of chaotic behavior is the flow of air in conditions of turbulence.

Edited by OverLord-sama, 15 September 2012 - 06:39 AM.



    Potato Spud

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Ewww... wouldn't want to be you if it backfires, mate... <shudders>

Yeah, I'd kinda need a really good idea what I wanted. Maybe not the best idea...



    Potato Sprout

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I liked tomonaga's 'steal' a lot. You could steal other people's characters, and collect yourself a bunch of them. If that's possible.
Hell yeah I'd like to have it in real life. Why not?
I actually like 'copy' as well, you can copy people and things to fight for you.



    Mashed Potato

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Hmmm... OverLord, looking at one of the kanji for "order"... it's not a million miles away from "tree". <_< Wonder how that minor change affects seal signs...? :huh: If not by much, and a cheaty-little shift can be produced with a state of mind and a glib way with words...

We'd be able to form a duality team/ negate each other with quick enough thinking. :D

Edited by Euodiachloris, 27 November 2012 - 05:12 AM.



~:Euo will do instead of my whole handle:~


Scanlation-author collaboration not possible?  Nope: it's doable... try Trace and vote with your feet to try to get more like this.



    Potato Sprout

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I would most likely have chosen "Speed" because you can't hurt what you can't touch and it is hard to defend against it as well. Simple but powerful.

It could be useful in everyday life too, when I'm late or don't want to waste much time...

Now that I have read the chapters I might choose something else (imagination, infinity ?), but this was definitely my first choice. I don't know Asian language though...

Edited by Blueseed, 28 November 2012 - 09:55 PM.



    Potato Spud

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Hmmm... I would use on of these:
矯 - for I would be the one who makes true out of false, controlling things.
恂 - controlling the essence, instilling fear and suddenly blinking in and out of sight.
通 - which means [divine] intervention and lets me to 'pass through'.
汚 - contamination, defiling, disgracing(and raping, too! What a nice word).
乱 - 'disorder', one of the 'hidden elements', which would make much of plot twists.
I'd choose first among them, I think.

Edited by Moruno, 11 December 2012 - 01:22 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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Shinigami because it would allow me to control the dead and walk with a badass scythe and being death itself



    Fingerling Potato

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Hmmm... OverLord, looking at one of the kanji for "order"... it's not a million miles away from "tree". <_< Wonder how that minor change affects seal signs...? :huh: If not by much, and a cheaty-little shift can be produced with a state of mind and a glib way with words...

We'd be able to form a duality team/ negate each other with quick enough thinking. :D

Sadly it seems we won't be able to tell for a bit, since the manga is taking a bit to get translated and posted (Though that makes it good for me, as my darn follow list is going nuts a lot of the times so I have been known to miss chapters >.<), but it would make a very interesting sense with the ability to tag team the powers with somebody else or even null out anothers ability all together.

Which is funny, cause even after reading up to the current chapter, I still wish for my power "Chaos", but that might be due to how much havoc is in the manga. So for my power it would just be a heavenly sent palace of fun, and carnage.



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幸福 or -Happiness which could let me do stuff like: Stop all conflicts, make people who are down on their luck feel better and make people treat me nicely :D. Also if there is ever need for it I could make someone so happy that they go crazy.

Edited by GuideofGod, 19 January 2013 - 02:53 AM.

Reminiscent Cheeseburger

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Tenki = weather
Most useful in my opinion if you're attending the school with foresight, for obvious reasons. Plus possibly utilizing hail, rain, wind, lightning, thunder in all sorts of ways imaginable, if possible Tenki is what I would choose. (at least that's what google says stands for weather, I could be totally wrong)

And as to why I would like this in my personal life? Well I'd say that there is great freedom to be had. Fly like a cloud, supply rain when it's hot, and well I don't know, In real life I figure I in all actuality probably wouldn't do to much. Possibly help with minor annoyances (using wind to get keys when lazy, or make it rain so I don't have to mow the lawn) , and have casual fun (I live in a desert, so I really think that rain and snow are treats, maybe shout from the top of a mountain in a thunderous voice), maybe help some people (areas of drought/flood/storm/any weather that can kill a person stopped by me), but I'm the type that keeps to himself, unless duty calls to the occasion Perhaps work with the CIA, there are plenty of people who want me and everyone in my country dead, so I see it as me or them, if you don't want to live peacefully with me on this planet I'll be more than happy to see you burn :lol: and that's probably all I'd do....

Edited by Reminiscent Cheeseburger, 26 January 2013 - 01:11 AM.



    Potato Spud

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People constantly say the power of god and other variations similiar to it... like chaos (well not really just that it's inferior that you can't control it lol). But with such power any conflict you see from the manga or real life wise would be absolutely dull, pointless to the point of being "stupid" if such a being would care.

Let me explain. If a being is god nothing can harm it, learns nothing (get's weirder and harder from here), eats nothing, does nothing, enjoys nothing, sees nothing, etc. etc... - BECAUSE everything WAS done before and since time is meanlingless (everything can be done in less than a nano second .... even faster than that) to it that being can have the best orgy and can experience it infinetly but it will get dull eventually at some point therefor nothing is everything to it. Been there done that. If it already did everything what else is there to do? So everything is nothing to it. -philosophical approach also relates to certain concepts to Buddhism, and also explaiins why in stories gods are sometimes depicted as bored, or don't care for much all the time.

Now that previous explaination is a being that IS god. For those that has the power of god it also relates to the previous explaination If anything that goes wrong or it doesn't like it he/she can always redo things to have a different outcome. Some dude stole your powers? Who cares! Redo it or just regive yourself the powers, but really I don't see how someone being able to steal a gods power. A god don't need to sleep at all so how can he be approached? He knows all already so how can a devious person even act or much less think of such an idea before it's already known to god? or the saying "God contols ones fate?" But even still if somebody already has the power of god, that being must be extremly small minded and selfish to not let anything play out at all to it's own liking. Nothing should of matter to it at that point when it reaches the power of god. Afterall I would of probably made a new world in a different dimension by then after intervening to some lesser being fate. Hmmm holy cow, now I understand why people would worship Jesus and not god lol. Jesus is a lesser being than god... (so to speak and don't go all emo and flame me for saying)
and should be the most logical to intervene in someone's fate. Wow I figured that out while typing this lol.

But anyways the people that wanted the power of god should really be saying: I want the power of absolute control/manipulation of themselves and surrounding, all the way to the conscious and subconscious state, molecular and sub atomic level of all matters. Then that person is an uncomplete god. There still needs some self forced evolution to do but they can be god eventually.

As for me I would want that power and when i have it I would just create an invisible barrier of sorts around me to ward off future and immediate danger that way I take my time and start making a superior clone of myself and let it partake the outside mandatory activities meanwhile I hide myself and start my self evolution progress. If my clone die meh so what I can just rez it if needed ( hey it's my clone I care for it lol so no need to make another).

During my self evolution I will start modifying my body to be a superior being without the need for rest, food, or an energy source or basically be immortal. Once I'm immortal I will set for to.... no not invading the world,but to explore! Who don't want to explore the deep seas? Experience the limits of the sky with self flight (wings probably, and not some cheesy passenger in an airplane) like how birds would. Discover and witness what's actually deep underground ( who knows there probably is a world deep in the center of the world). You know really live and see the world without the lies and experience everything for yourself real and raw. At some point very far into the future I can give myself the ability to rapidly absorb and store info on everything and further self evolution myself to be a god, but I really doubt it can beat exploring other galaxies, planets and stars when I'm done exploring earth entirely. So much to do and never enough time, till then it's best to be a demi god... OH crap, I forgot my clone! :batoto_027:

Edited by tut_01, 05 March 2013 - 06:52 PM.



    Fried Potato

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Just started reading not too long ago, not exactly done but was interested in this topic.
If I were in this manga, and asked for a single character, I would probably go for the character.

空 - kuu (japanese) / ​kōng (chinese)
~ empty/ air/ nothingness/ space/ void

If this manga is anything like what I think it is, the more general the character the better versality. Besides 'special' power characters or the elementals, if the character itself can have multiple meanings and can combine with other characters then your 'answers' won't be limited.
Choosing character wisely since power is being granted to you, power that is out of your control will be fatal... so I sort of stick to characters I have concepts of.
Although its a bit far off from when the teacher ask for a character will you use to fight.

I guess my reasoning is a simple one. Everything has a beginning and an end, a source or an origin to have some sort of effect or outcome.
I believe everything will return to nothingness or return to point of origin, whole, or as one. Kinda like buddist thinking.
空 is my state my mind.
There is no need for conflict when there is nothing, there is no need to steal when there isn't anything to steal.
They are all words with weight or value. There is simply no point, just nothing.
(Ahh although my definition is a little different from what it intended to sound, those are just examples)

Abilities wise, there is probably be restrictions to using it but I guess its either to apply 空 within myself, or inflict 空 on others.
空 (self) - no presence, become nothing, empty

Note: doesn't not imply one does not have self awareness. Pretty useful since nothing will connect (defensive purpose)

空 (inflict) - return to nothing (disintegrate/dissapear)
- manipulate air (offensive)

Time to go back to manga.

Edited by 「黑風影」, 16 March 2013 - 10:56 PM.



    Potato Spud

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I at the beginning probably wouldn't have chosen "God" as so many of you have said. These guys didn't know what was happening at first, so I probably wouldn't either. I'm not an especially religious person, and asking for god to help me at school just sounds a little iffy to me. No offense to anybody who is religious. 


I would have gone for something else, probably not an especially cool one, like "King", or "Void", or "Death", but somthing more fitting my personality. The word I most likely would have used, is darkness. I would have chosen it more for it's metaphorical value than anything else, but it would probably be useful as well. 

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In the Manga, I would have gone with something along the lines of

除 - Removal,Divided,Except

I'd use it in such a way as, "everything except gas can enter this space" and then "remove gas from this space" and *boom* instant void. It could also be used to trap things/people/enemies or as protection "everything except my enemies can leave this space" or as a shield "anything can enter except that which means me harm" or for physical problems, "divide that which means me harm" to turn it back into its individual atoms.

In real life, I would definitely choose

習 - Learning

Which could be used to learn absolutely anything with relative ease. Depending on my mood i would be able to change the rate of learning and the maximum level of mastery of the subject as well.



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成 - Accomplished


Seems like it can mean completed/finished,  succeed, fixed, to become or turn into, to fix.


In the spirit of what I would have actually used, "individual" sadly... too many characters (人[Human]个[Single])


both characters would be interesting though, I don't know well enough what they'd actually do though =P



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死 (shi): death

If you think about something you want to use as your weapon...then death is a sure assurance to do it. if those threatening you is dead, then they won't be threat any longer.


天 (tien): sky/weather/nature

this can be another choice, weather...rain everyday?


接 (Setsu): connect/meet/join

based on my invented devil fruit :3 oh, it is such fun thing to use. of course, it is weaker to other character, but fun!

teleportation, pulling stuff,telepathy.  wide range of useage

Edited by caitnap, 29 April 2013 - 01:51 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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If I had foreknowledge of what was going to be going on, I'd probably have picked something like "air," which can be ridiculously powerful when used right, or "Gravity" or something along those lines. Air because if you can control the air, you've basically got whatever you need on hand at any given moment. Condense air enough and you can actually create solid oxygen. Have fun when that depressurizes on your foes. Create vacuums to suffocate people, fly, etc. List goes on. Gravity is kinda similar. Attract things, repel things, so on and so forth. The possibilities there are really vast.


If I had no idea, though, it'd probably be something like "Explosion," because that just sounds awesome. I mean, really. "What will you use to save the world?" "EXPLOSIONS." Mission: Accomplished. It'd be really versatile too, and really powerful.


On second thought, I'd probably go with EXPLOSIONS with foreknowledge as well, just because EXPLOSIONS.



    Mashed Potato

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^One slip, though... and say goodbye to your face. :P



~:Euo will do instead of my whole handle:~


Scanlation-author collaboration not possible?  Nope: it's doable... try Trace and vote with your feet to try to get more like this.



    Potato Spud

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Unplug concepts from eachother, like, "Me" "You" "Friends", , , in this one i unplugged the "friends" and we no longer are friends.

Save the forests !!!



    Potato Spud

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I understand that from a storyline standpoint, if one of those students were smart enough to simply write "God" on their paper and go around completing all the trials with their godlike powers, it would be pretty boring. But thinking about this from their perspective, im sure there is more than one person who is kicking themselves for not having thought of that. 


That, or "all" 全, that kanji would also do, since, if it worked, it would mean you could do everything. 


On a side note, i wonder what would happen if a guy were to write "Women" or 女. That could potentially be the best power ever. 

Edited by Aizen-sensei, 11 August 2013 - 07:46 PM.

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