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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.61 - 178votes)


Alt Names: alt Aiki Salt 愛気ーS
Author: Isutoshi
Artist: Isutoshi
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiMartial Arts Martial ArtsSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Aaah, peaceful life is boring. After the battles of the first series, Joukyuu has to stay quiet in Japan teaching martial arts. Even with Veronica and Kageyasu close by, it is so sleepy. Then when a chef offers him a quick trip to US to mess with their gangs, in return for great Japanese food, he jumps at the chance. Dragging both girls with him, along with Bull for good measure, he arrives in America like a typhoon. Will they survive his entry?


( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/aiki-r617 )
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Butter and soy sauce with rice... I remember I used to eat that too as a kid.
God dammit Bull giving me feels

I remember that black haired chick being kind of badass when they first introduced her in Aiki

At some point, she just started getting fucked up by everyone

Another manga dedicating a chapter to cooking.

Seems so, this prequel was rich with 'sex and gag'. This is what I looked after completely read it few weeks ago, alongside with hella martial arts as the baseline.


I wonder If I could continue reading this sequel due the lack of 'them'.

Another manga dedicating a chapter to cooking. What in the world is going on in Japan? Are you all getting too skinny and/or malnourished? Government enforced food propaganda in media?


Stop making me hungry, Japan. I'm here to read, not to eat.

Oh, this chapter is actually up here earlier than in their own homepage, usually we wait for several days for that, change in rules mmm...~?

Nevertheless, thanks for the chapter mmm...

Veronica would probably kill him or herself before that happens hahaha..


It's been a long time, but I vaguely recall her offering herself early on, and going through with it.

Fighting tournament story arcs always suck, I can't believe Aiki-S is making an entire series out of it.

I miss all the ecchi stuff Aiki had.

My thoughts exactly my fallen friend. T_T

He really needs to sex up someone, probably Veronica or Lorne.

Veronica would probably kill him or herself before that happens hahaha..

I think its not a martial artist approach but an action movies one. In the chanbara genre we usually got the classic duel were matches are decided in one strike, meanwhile in the wushu genre characters spend hours spininng around with their blades. Its a different approach to what is considered "cool" and that has no relation to real martial arts.


thanks man this is a pretty satisfying answer

I understand the author is japanese nationalist or sth but wtf does "Chinese sword isn't really suited for subtle strikes that could kill their opponent in one move." means? A sword is a sword. If you stab someone in the throat with any sword you can kill them in one move.


I think its not a martial artist approach but an action movies one. In the chanbara genre we usually got the classic duel were matches are decided in one strike, meanwhile in the wushu genre characters spend hours spininng around with their blades. Its a different approach to what is considered "cool" and that has no relation to real martial arts.

I understand the author is japanese nationalist or sth but wtf does "Chinese sword isn't really suited for subtle strikes that could kill their opponent in one move." means? A sword is a sword. If you stab someone in the throat with any sword you can kill them in one move.


Not really. Yeah, you can kill anyone with a blade if it's sharp enough and you hit the proper place, but several blades have several used. Katanas, originally were used only for close combat and for single strikes while chinese blades and martial arts rely more in numerous strikes.


It's the same reason why you don't use the same type of knife to cut meat and to cut bread. Different blades for different purposes.

I understand the author is japanese nationalist or sth but wtf does "Chinese sword isn't really suited for subtle strikes that could kill their opponent in one move." means? A sword is a sword. If you stab someone in the throat with any sword you can kill them in one move.

I miss all the ecchi stuff Aiki had.


He really needs to sex up someone, probably Veronica or Lorne.

Calling it, she's going to Iai throw the Wakazashi. They can be thrown in some cases in real life.

I miss all the ecchi stuff Aiki had.

Not to bright, aren't you mate?

Says the guy so dim he can’t even spell “too” :P

Dropped.  Let's be frank.  The characters aren't interesting enough, and the plot is retarded.  The only reason I kept reading was because of all the great ecchi moments.  If they're dropping the ecchi, there's no reason to continue reading this.   An infallible, immortal MC isn't interesting or exciting.

You need 11 volumes to realize Isutoshi no longer put ecchi on this work?

Not to bright, aren't you mate?

Dropped.  Let's be frank.  The characters aren't interesting enough, and the plot is retarded.  The only reason I kept reading was because of all the great ecchi moments.  If they're dropping the ecchi, there's no reason to continue reading this.   An infallible, immortal MC isn't interesting or exciting.

Even Veronica (probably 1/4 Japanese) is hoping that the cutlass wielder has more artistry and not just dorky tricks.

I think this has more to do with all the gimmick fighters rather than Japanese patriotism.

Giving the Chinese guy extra shit it seems.

It reminds me of Joukuu's cousin.  Wouldn't mind her showing up again.

I believe it's her. It always hacked me off just a bit that most of the early cast was effectively written out and unmentioned,

What is with the drawing style on the cover of the latest chapter? It reminds me of something ...



It reminds me of Joukuu's cousin.  Wouldn't mind her showing up again.

I think one of the things I love about this manga is the unvarnished chauvinism (for Japan) about the characters.  Even Veronica (probably 1/4 Japanese) is hoping that the cutlass wielder has more artistry and not just dorky tricks.  They assume that Japanese style martial arts is just bottom line superior.  As a dyed in the wool American (Welsh and German ancestory), I love the Japanese humor about Americans.  Is it anti-American?  I don't think so.  Is it making fun of Americans?  Hell yes.  Is it funny?  Again, Hell yes.  I loved the British comedy movies from the 1950's and 60's that made fun of Americans (huge cars with monstrous tail fins, driving down narrow English roads; clumsy and obvious American spies moving around subtle Europeans while never realizing they are transparent).  If you can't laugh at yourself, you'll definitely miss out on 80% of the good humor in the world.  Hell, if you can't laugh at yourself, you can't have much of a real sense of humor.  Joukyuu is constantly laughing at himself, as well as everyone else.  

Vero-chan without a stern expression finally premiered!

Even an umeboshi couldn't break her persona.

What sorcery is this?!



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