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* * * * - (3.87 - 105votes)

Anorexia – Shikabane Hanako wa Kyoshokushou

Alt Names: alt Anorexia - Shikabane Hanako wa Kyoshokushoualt Anorexia ~ Shikabane Hanako is anorexia ~alt アノレクシア~しかばね華子は拒食症~alt Shikabane Hanako is Anorexic
Author: Akira
Artist: Nini
Genres: Drama DramaHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: "In an accident at the meat factory, the heiress was heavily injured. Guiltily, I agreed to her request, but this very same request have let me enter into a wonderful life..."

WARNING/Spoiler: Contains CRUEL cannibalism.

"In un incidente in macelleria, l'ereditiera resta gravemente ferita. Sentendomi colpevo, ho acconsentito alla sua richiesta, cosa che però mi ha fatto entrare in una vita meravigliosa..."

AVVERTENZA/SPOILER: contiene cannibalismo CRUDELE.
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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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The first ever yandere handicapped sister, this is a momentous event in history.
Ahh shit, fucking yandere imouto! I see a deathmatch in the future: Hanako vs. Ryoko!....
Kill them all the Shikabanes? Wtf. Of course Ryoji won't do that, right?
So....does he have a penis or not? I am still questioning that....
Sister's hot. Sucks of her yandere personality though.
thanks for the new chapter AQUA Scans!!
Also no caps on my name please :P
cannibalism attack*
bakatypo :<

@Seed: She bit the skin off, ate it and was sipping her blood or was munching on the open wound.
This is probably the first manga to ever show pages of scene of a cannibalism attack, something that I believe has never been shown in manga or even other forms of media, and would redeemed as a cruel and inhuman act if it was happening in the real world.
Therefore people being put off or offended by it is rather high and thus I had to put in the warning/spoiler part.
Lastly, I'm not looking for a debate either, was just informing you of your curiosity :)

are there any normal person in this manga?
@Nzrock Im not trying to start a fight, just saying my opinions. And they didnt really eat the girl, she just had her neck bitten.. Or something. Personally, that doesnt sound like cannibalism to me. And so far there hasnt really been cannibalism except for the mention of them eating people, and those pill things. At least from what ive seen. Might have missed something.

And I was just stating my opinion. Compared to some, this manga isnt very dark.Not that im complaining >_>
I am so confused right now but does the MC still have his manhood attached or was that someone different?
Yes!! Its back to being twisted and dark.
I´m in love with the crazy sister. She would be perfect if she wasn´t so fixated in having those sharp scissors so close to the man parts.

Billion thanks AQUA Scans!
even though the sister is crazy i kinda like her yandere side.
Here's the second part! With this chapter we have now reached Japan! ;D
chapter. 5. <3
@Seed: The reason I listed it as "cruel", is cause the manga showed the murdering of the girl, and it wasn't just a few panel thing. It was a few pages.
And that might put people off, which is why I did what I did, so deal with it?
I see ...
After those happy moments is ...
Oh well, I might not think about it ...
Chapter 5 is SO CUTE! c;
A great new chapter, thanks a lot AQUA Scans!!
Damn...teaser.Posted Image
@Seed yeah, cruel cannibalism = cannibal holocaust
this is relatively mild
omg its good so far but lol cannabilsm woulda never though that
Why did it go all vanilla on me?
Thanks for the update. This is awesome

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