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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.51 - 212votes)


Alt Names: alt デンドロバテス
Author: Ishiwata Youji
Artist: Yamane Akihiro
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Sengawa's day job is as an accountant working for the police. But at night... he transforms into a ruthless assassin bringing death to anyone who deserves it. Meet and hire the man with 1000 guns.
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wow ch. 21 still as invincible as ever I mean he just looked the driver in the eye and compelled him to drive over the cliff.

and did he just bull that bow and arrow out of his ass!?
CorneliusA - Plot in this? Surely, you jest. Ahahahaha.
Another great chapter!! Looks like he finally met people with a little more fight in em.
Man, really wish I could find the raws for this. Don't suppose anyone knows where?
Cool chapter, always a cool chapter, but I think it's time they started workin around to something of a plot. Even if its in a round about sort of plot.
Awesome new chapter!! But I couldn't help but think that there's someone in the police dept., pulling strings of some kind. Any ideas?
I really want there to be a bit more development between the him and the office girl outside of his hitman life.

Don't get me wrong I love the action in this and I don't want this to turn into romance or anything but it's like we're being teased with these characters if nothing ever develops.
It seems that girl in the office really likes him. Anyway, I'm glad he noticed something was off in the safe quickly and took care of it. They don't need those drugs back on the street.
Take your Goddammed gun debate out of my Goddammed manga! Sengawa has stated that "a killer is just a killer." Righteous vigilanteism is awesome in the theatre that is fiction. Enjoy it for what it is and fuck all else!
@bo_jangles - You have a point but if China does prohibit gun use, then those 14k homicides, were the majority of them caused by firearms? In the meantime, the 2nd Amendment grants us the right to bear arms, in other words the right to protect oneself and property. What I don't understand is why do civilians in my country need assault rifles and machine guns in some states. I mean a simple hand gun, shotgun, or rifle should be enough. .................Also I noticed that MC so far only uses handguns to kill his targets.
@Jackofalltrades So you are saying it's better for criminals to just get killed? Once you get more people like MC out there doing what you think is "better" it'll just turn into anarchy and chaos. Also, since you brought in guns into this, have you looked at countries that severely prohibit gun use? China, for example, as a country most Americans hate, has around 14K homicides for 2011, about the same as the US's 15K, when considering they have 4x as many people there. Access to guns naturally make it easier to kill. While there are people that should just die for their crimes, your logic is completely flawed.
As a gun owner myself, it's our right to own guns in America. However there are people that misuse and abuse that right. If we had more people like Sengawa (MC) in our police or military it may be way better...Besides our prison systems are overcrowded. So if there not incarcerated, then where do they go and what will they do? I'd say line them up for target practice at the firing range. I agree with Omnicast.
Looks like every country has the same problems. Light punishments for serious offenders, and what's more if the criminal is a minor.
On chapter 18 page eleven to page twelve... HOW DAFUQ DID HE SEE HIM CLOSE HIS EYES?!?! O.o WTF!?

Oh and @Oliverfr I totally agree with you. Japanese people(and humans in general) are fucked up. Case in point: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Junko_Furuta
The sentence and punishment was WAY TOO FUCKING LIGHT for the crimes committed. I would of removed the criminal's nails then smashed their fingers before throwing them into a room overgrown with poison ivy. I wouldn't give a rats ass about if they were minors or not.

Call me inhumane, horrible, or fucked up, but I believe that people that violate the humans rights of others don't deserve any rights at all. Anyways we need a thousand men with a thousand guns each for our fucked up world.

Oliverfr is quite right. In america we have a tendency to blame situations. As a for instance. With the recent shooting, we are all quick to blame the gun industry. Not that we should or shouldn't but as a society America tends to blame situations or objects rather than people. In japan, society is quick to blame people rather than a situation or object.

Because of this "person blaming" mentality in japan, relatives and family members as well as friends of people who committed crimes or victims of crimes are looked down upon by japanese society in general. Rape victims for instance are ostracized from society as both unclean and immoral. Family members of murders are almost considered murders themselves. Its a guilty by association mentality and IMO its utterly stupid. Why is suicide rate so high in japan? Because any difference any at all and all of society is against you and there really isn't any net to catch you.

That's the way it is in america as well.

Police officers in LA for instance stay out of black neighborhoods, and Latino Neighborhoods usually. Stereotypes are wrong? Nah they save lives. It's better to be wrong in suspecting a person rather than being wrong not suspecting a person. In other news, I was a little disappointed to find out hes a south american hitman. I liked it better that he was Japanese. Oh well backstory's aside.
in chapter 17, about the officer who died, in the meeting it is said: "He would have never approached a foreigner without caution." It makes it sound like all foreigners are automatically suspected...
please tell me this isn't the way it really is over there....
@Oliverfr, You speak like you've been living in Japan your whole life...

You shouldn't say racist things about people unless you've experienced it yourself..
@Egoist That's because the Japanese are really totally fucked up on the inside.
Their formal manners and close to forceful view of social harmony make them *need* to blame someone for a problem, and make that person feel really responsible.

I admire the creativity and talent of the Japanese mangakas, as well as many things coming form Japan, but the Japanese themselves, the real ones, not as seen in mangas, I don't find a way to love them.
Let's be honest minors are untouchable in a lot of countries, in my country which is poland i know of a few guys who got trialed for ganging on some person,dealing with drugs and stealing and not once but they did that a lot of times, all that they got was 1-2 years in some kind of resort for resocializing and you can go back to home on weekends dafuq?I've yet to meet a guy who raped or killed someone so i dont know how are they punished but considering a fact that adult who killed someone can get a few years isn't promising.
Its Gordon from Half-Life.
@omnicast: make that minors and sex offenders. If a guy rapes a girl overthere, it's like 2-8 years or something.
AHAHAHAHHA! Sorry sorry, but that little shit stain got what he deserved! I hate how the japanese treat minors as untouchable.
Did anyone else get satisfaction when seeing that kids hand blown to bits? I think the kid deserved it.

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