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Afterschool War Activities

Alt Names: alt Afterschool Military Activityalt 방과 후 전쟁활동 (하일권)
Author: Ha Il-Kwon
Artist: Ha Il-Kwon
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalSchool Life School LifeSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenTragedy TragedyWebtoon Webtoon[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: ====Batoto Staff Notice====
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Topic [SPOILERS] Current Chapter Discussion New Window svines85
  • 122 Replies


"Students aren't sent to dangerous places"

Are you for real now.

I don't see this story ending just yet. There is still way too much developement going on to be cut short. I just cleaned chapter 47 and up to 50 are the raws so far. The story still seems to be in the middle of stuff. But we never know, I guess! Usually Ha-Il Kwon's works consists of about 30 chapters? ASWA really seems a big project and rightfully so! The story line is so ace. Love how realistic the characters are crafted. 


Great job, team SCS!! :D


EDIT: I was so wrong! My two cents were far off, lol. 50 is the last D: Nooooo.

Dec 20 2013 04:33 AM

why is everyone saying this is ending? the raws come out every saturday. 50 came out last week unless nothing comes out this saturday i don's see anything else that its ending

50 ends on a credit page.

Who's the main character?


The entire webtoon revolves around all the classmates(or rather the ones that have detailed faces), but the most central character would be Kim Chiyeol(the tall-ish, lanky glasses guy who's always looking at Nara(the aloof, blonde with sort of shaggy hair).


The author has been giving everyone their slice of the limelight and everyone gets development, though Kim's time has mostly been spent on comedic situations with Nara, which has really left him behind other characters and only a few moments when it cuts back to Kim will you get something serious. Last chapter we got something decent.

why is everyone saying this is ending? the raws come out every saturday. 50 came out last week unless nothing comes out this saturday i don's see anything else that its ending

Part of the definition of tragedy is that the main character is "brought to ruin or experiences extreme sorrow." In this case, our main character (what's his name again?) hasn't fulfilled the requirements of a tragedy. 


Il-Ha and Youngsoo's story here would definitely qualify for the tragedy tag though. Any problems adding it?


My guess is Ha-il Kwon is currently on a break between 'seasons' as is common with webtoons. I can't read Korean though, so its just a guess.


Who's the main character?

Death flags, death flags everywhere...

9 chapters left..

Or the manga abruptly ends, as seems to be the case in the raw.


Still got one of my predictions right, the author decided to fuck them over last second and shipped them off again, as for the raws, I haven't seen them yet because you know, it's kinda of a joykill to spoil yourself when you can't even read them.


But hey, if you say so. 

Well, some awful shit just happened to them, so the fact that they get to go home soon is a-


*they hear that other groups are getting extended duty*


Nope. Not even surprised at that end. You give with one hand and punch me in the balls with the other, Mr. Author.

Part of the definition of tragedy is that the main character is "brought to ruin or experiences extreme sorrow." In this case, our main character (what's his name again?) hasn't fulfilled the requirements of a tragedy. 


Il-Ha and Youngsoo's story here would definitely qualify for the tragedy tag though. Any problems adding it?


My guess is Ha-il Kwon is currently on a break between 'seasons' as is common with webtoons. I can't read Korean though, so its just a guess.

Cool, thanks a lot SCS!!

Why crying, that was a cool haircut.

Dropped. This shitty character would die first in real life. This is just bad writing.

lol... What do you know about real life? In real life, the good characters don't always triumph while the evil characters aren't always defeated. In fact, it's usually the selfish people who stand at the top in this dog-eat-dog world. I guess reading so much manga has made you disillusioned if you really think real life works like a shonen manga.

Dec 19 2013 12:53 AM

They all seem to have hardened up from the fighting it seems, glasses-kun is a good enough snake to avoid suspicion from his classmates, and there might be a glimmer of hope for them to leave the war.


From this point on, I can only see three routes: 


1. We get a couple chapters of peace and then they get thrown into another mess when shit hits the fan again.


2. They actually get discharged and for a while the author pulls you to believing in peace before he drowns the story with another shitstorm.


3. He decides to fuck them over last second before they get discharged.

Or the manga abruptly ends, as seems to be the case in the raw.

Dec 19 2013 12:52 AM

I have a question...shouldn't this webtoon be marked tragedy due the amount of people that have died by now?...or is that covered by the mature tag?

Hmm, tragedy has a different tone, doesn't it? I'm not sure how to describe it, but tragedy seems to imply to me that something could have gone right, should have gone right, but did not. This webtoon was bleak from the start.



Well nothing more to say here, it was do or die (sooner or later) the question was who gonna pull trigger as first (and it seems aiming was necessary too) As they say, first not always win :P


I have a question...shouldn't this webtoon be marked tragedy due the amount of people that have died by now?...or is that covered by the mature tag?


I'm pretty sure it won't change a thing (well maybe less ppl would willing to start reading it if they see tragedy tag, taking it as hint (spoiler?) to story) and yeah mature is more than enough of spoiler :)

I have a question...shouldn't this webtoon be marked tragedy due the amount of people that have died by now?...or is that covered by the mature tag?


They all seem to have hardened up from the fighting it seems, glasses-kun is a good enough snake to avoid suspicion from his classmates, and there might be a glimmer of hope for them to leave the war.


From this point on, I can only see three routes: 


1. We get a couple chapters of peace and then they get thrown into another mess when shit hits the fan again.


2. They actually get discharged and for a while the author pulls you to believing in peace before he drowns the story with another shitstorm.


3. He decides to fuck them over last second before they get discharged.

I distinctly remember calling for the glasses guys extermination when he first made an appearance.  I raise that cry once more.

Awesome thanks a lot for the new chapter SCS!!!

Darn, I wished youngsoo died instead of il-ha. i hate opportunistic perverts, taking advantage of women. I thought he was a weak confused character. Can't believe he turned into a psychopath. well i guess with him causing the death of Taehee + his obsession with grades & future of wellpaid salaryworker motivated him to become a psycho. 


huhuhu il-ha shouldn't have put away his gun and eyes away from youngsoo. psychopaths are manipulative people and would always strike during people's weak spots and when there's opportunity.


Aww.. il-ha should have reported him before to the platoon leader. i don't wanna see the deaths of others caused by him. youngsoo's a selfish bastard that doesn't care about the safety of others just so he can get his desires. I hope his classmates will see through his act.

Dropped. This shitty character would die first in real life. This is just bad writing.


Better for you. BTW, your statement is crap. Why the hell do "bad/evil" people permeate society if you say that these kinds of shitty character dies first, huh?  Most of the time they come up on top. These sociopaths don't give a damn who to step on as long as their hides are safe. Those who can't accept that these guys exist and those who usually wish for them to just go away/die WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING are the ones usually killed off first. WHY?


1. Easy prey.

2. Probable hinderance/liability later.


Read my comments in the Btooom! page about chapter 63, Read Cage of Eden. See why evil men are so hard to kill.


"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" - Edmund Burke


Wanting is not doing something. Wishing is not doing something.


And as all soldiers, LEOs, medics and firemen knows: shit happens.


Why do you think that I am perfectly happy to be in my second childhood?



You're in your second childhood? So young yet so PERVY? My god, what is wrong in this world?!





Il-Ha was probably bullying Youngsoo just not purposefully. It is important to acknowledge that Il-Ha doesn't really mean the things he does to be bullying. It was made clear that he just has a bit of a more rough and tumble personality. He makes mistakes and when his actions are misundertood to be more than what they were meant to be Il-Ha can't really empathize with the victim.


Youngsoo, on the other hand, has felt ostrasized probably, his entire school life becasue he as he said, just wants to do well and his drive and general akwardness probably prevented him from gaining the necessary social skills to make in high school. His own longing for festered for years and now he can't really believe or understand when people like Il-Ha try to be their own kind of friendly.


I think it's interesting how they're almost foils for each other. They both end up alienated by the group and they both commit despicable actions but Il-Ha takes his mistake and learns from it, makes it a part of him. Youngsoo instead hides them and the force of his own guilt drives him to do worse.


Just a bit of character analysis. XP


I quite a bit agree with you. IMO, all children have a bit of sociopathic streak in them(the Me,me,me sysndrome) which is usually stripped away by the people that influences him/her. However, for some it persists. Add to that survival stress and no authority at hand, the veneer of civilization then falls off. See Youngsoo only being afraid of civilization(authority/punishment, society's views on him) and not on the consequences on his victims? The more he gets away with that, the more he will do it and do it better AKA the serial offender. That's what happens when you send off kids to war(AFAIK, the Vietnam War was like that, some were above 18 but still immature).


Conceitedness is a tough shell to break. Read the manga Holyland to see a conceited hero break away from that.

Il-Ha was probably bullying Youngsoo just not purposefully. It is important to acknowledge that Il-Ha doesn't really mean the things he does to be bullying. It was made clear that he just has a bit of a more rough and tumble personality. He makes mistakes and when his actions are misundertood to be more than what they were meant to be Il-Ha can't really empathize with the victim.


Youngsoo, on the other hand, has felt ostrasized probably, his entire school life becasue he as he said, just wants to do well and his drive and general akwardness probably prevented him from gaining the necessary social skills to make in high school. His own longing for festered for years and now he can't really believe or understand when people like Il-Ha try to be their own kind of friendly.


I think it's interesting how they're almost foils for each other. They both end up alienated by the group and they both commit despicable actions but Il-Ha takes his mistake and learns from it, makes it a part of him. Youngsoo instead hides them and the force of his own guilt drives him to do worse.


Just a bit of character analysis. XP

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