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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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* * * * * (4.61 - 170votes)


Alt Names: alt ウロボロスalt ウロボロス 警察ヲ裁クハ我ニアリalt 無間雙龍alt 无间型警
Author: Kanzaki Yuuya
Artist: Kanzaki Yuuya
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyMystery MysteryRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Ikuo Ryuuzaki and Danno Tatsuya are 2 orphaned boys who were looked after by a woman they called 'sensei'. Following their sensei's brutal murder, the two vow to hunt down her killers and the police officers who neglected to properly investigate the case.

15 years later, Ryuuzaki is a police detective and Tatsuya has become the leader of a group of mobsters. Helping each other out behind the scenes, they strive to rise to the tops of their respective fields so that they may exact their vengeance.

NOTE: the covers of the final volumes tend to be spoilerish, so leave the cover of the volume currently being scanlated, please.
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Topic Ouroboros chapter discussions thread New Window truepurple
  • 9 Replies


Coincidentally saw the live action drama adaptation of this series (first episode that started on Jan 16) and thought it was friggin' badass!! Just had to come here to comment... >_>

Wow, you gave a **** about my feelings, I am flattered. Like I said, no skin of my teeth.

I can tell you're a blast at parties. Anyways, enough of this. Back to my regularly scheduled manga about revenge.

Although it is hard to disagree with the criticism on Hibino, I'd venture to say that she was under extreme pressure by the sexist environment and that she was unable to think straight. We tend to think we would remain level-headed under this kind of situation, but I'm not sure I would. And in the case of Ryuuzaki, there's also a cultural difference: he inflicted a kind of humiliation to her that probably erased any consideration, at least for the moment, of his real motives from her mind. It's not difficult to develop a persecution complex under these circumstances, even more so because she is currently the only woman of her rank in the whole division.


As for infiltrating the place twice, we must remember that she was blackmailed: if she refused, Maro would put her into disciplinary action for her previous infiltration. That and what I described above must have weighed heavily in her decision.


She is wrong, but that doesn't ruin her character for me. On the contrary, I thought she was a little too perfect before, and not very bright, seeing that Ryuuzaki was the one who did most of the deduction job. This case gives her room for character development, and indeed she has been reflecting on her actions. I can respect anyone who admits their wrong and wants to improve. She also seems to have started to abandon the persecution mentality she briefly developed.


It may be argued that detectives cannot afford such foolhardiness to develop themselves as people, given that their own lives are at stake, but people can be more reckless in real life.


I am translating chapter 68 now and already know how this arc closes. Surprisingly, someone in the comment session of another manga aggregator has hit the nail on the head, but I won't say who or where not to spoil the plot. I hope Hibino won't disappoint you.


Agreed.  The author has succeeded in almost completely ruining Hibino's character in these past two chapters.  I understand her desire to prove herself too, but she is doing completely the opposite.  I don't know whether to find her actions funny or to be disgusted by them.


As a police officer and a smart educated woman, I expected more from her.


Also, jump to conclusions much?  He was really worried about her and called in favors=he only wants to use me to advance his career... Pretty sure she worked with him long enough to realize his character.  At least she acknowledged she was a complete bitch to him.

I was just poking fun at how you felt about the literally spoiler-free cover of vol. 19. But in response to this

Wow, you gave a **** about my feelings, I am flattered. Like I said, no skin of my teeth.

danno's here. let the operation begin.

@Bdb, most of the stuff actually supporting the "pay gap" and similar stuff that is being brought up are highly selective and not in a good way. They usually fabricate the whole thing in order to serve an agenda. It's similar to how women are underrepresented in a lot of high paying fields often times because they happen NOT TO CHOSE SAID FIELDS and not because they're kept out of them. The same holds true for many high ranking positions. Anyway that's not really important for the manga, so please take your propaganda somewhere else.


On topic. I can understand her wanting to prove herself, to step out of her fathers shadow and show that she's not just where she is because of her connections. It's something understandable. The question is if she's going about it the right way because currently she's effectively proving only proving her own helplessness and ineptidude. 

She went there without anyone knowing, without any backup, put herself at danger and the only reason she got out of it was pure coincidence. Instead of helping anyone she was about to become a victim herself, the way she froze up and was unable to do anything just makes her look bad (and I completely blame the author for that depiction and image).


Going back there is questionable at best, will she actually have backup, people to storm the place of things go awry, other people who make sure the situation wont escalate? Seeing how the guy is willing to sacrifice her to further his own career I kinda doubt it, which makes her decision to take up on that offer pretty weird. Not sure what they expect to learn either, since most of the costumers didn't even know the owner of the place and he only showed as a blacked out picture on a laptop, so what does that guy expect her to do exactly and at which point would they pull her out? 

With all due respect.....are you a moron? It's funny how people immediately jump to conclusions, OMG, it becuz of the blood, OMG it's becuz it's the main characters. Well, whatever, no skin off my teeth, I've just seen the raws and the 19 Vol, cover just keeps reminding me.

I was just poking fun at how you felt about the literally spoiler-free cover of vol. 19. But in response to this

No no no, he's being spoiled that there's blood in this manga about revenge.

With all due respect.....are you a moron? It's funny how people immediately jump to conclusions, OMG, it becuz of the blood, OMG it's becuz it's the main characters. Well, whatever, no skin off my teeth, I've just seen the raws and the 19 Vol, cover just keeps reminding me.

I am disappointed with Hibino for so many reasons. Damn author Dem women

Most illogical train of thought ever.

women and their so called complicated feeling

who is the little girl?


Assistant Inspector Konatsu, first introduced in chapter 42 or 43 - using the same font as now, by the way.


Don't worry, twiliger, the "feminist BS" will be over in three chapters.

who is the little girl?

Ugh, the author's writing goes back and forth, never presenting his point. This feminist BS is ruining the manga, IMO. I'm of a mind to rant for a good long while, but I have a feeling the author is trolling me into losing my temper.


BTW, that short-haired girl's speech font was really distracting, on top of the author suddenly having her and Ikuo engage in useless banter right when the tension was at the highest. I thought, "Read the mooood!"


Danno is still the best.

I know what is coming. The guy gets his ass handed to him in 1 panel then he starts to beg that he's only a small fish and much more powerful people are in the background (aka people with Golden Watches)

I like this manga. Thanks for your work ^^

I hope she's got a gun hidden between her thighs like all undercover female cops do in movies and such... idk if that also applies irl

not on her thighs


IRL cop girl hid their gun on hand bag..... handcuffs in some scenario

I hope she's got a gun hidden between her thighs like all undercover female cops do in movies and such... idk if that also applies irl

Thanks for the chapter. I wish you released chapters a little faster.s

then help the scanlators. if not then don't complain

Thanks for the chapter. I wish you released chapters a little faster.s

srsly? you expect that their vendetta against golden watch will be without having some blood being spilled?

No no no, he's being spoiled that there's blood in this manga about revenge.

Could someone please change the volume cover to volume 1 or something, volume 19 cover is seriously spoilerish

srsly? you expect that their vendetta against golden watch will be without having some blood being spilled?

Could someone please change the volume cover to volume 1 or something, volume 19 cover is seriously spoilerish

How is that, I only see the protagonist with a little blood shed

Here http://vatoto.com/forums/topic/16266-ouroboros-chapter-discussions-thread/discuss this issue about the sexism thing and whether he was being fair to her or not there.

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