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Anorexia – Shikabane Hanako wa Kyoshokushou

Alt Names: alt Anorexia - Shikabane Hanako wa Kyoshokushoualt Anorexia ~ Shikabane Hanako is anorexia ~alt アノレクシア~しかばね華子は拒食症~alt Shikabane Hanako is Anorexic
Author: Akira
Artist: Nini
Genres: Drama DramaHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: "In an accident at the meat factory, the heiress was heavily injured. Guiltily, I agreed to her request, but this very same request have let me enter into a wonderful life..."

WARNING/Spoiler: Contains CRUEL cannibalism.

"In un incidente in macelleria, l'ereditiera resta gravemente ferita. Sentendomi colpevo, ho acconsentito alla sua richiesta, cosa che però mi ha fatto entrare in una vita meravigliosa..."

AVVERTENZA/SPOILER: contiene cannibalismo CRUDELE.
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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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the medicine reminds me of Growlanser V.
Meh. In the description, says cruel cannibalism. I think thats a little extreme. At most its just "normal" cannibalism. Would be cruel if they ate them alive or flayed them alive, and if it was to innocent people. As they pointed at, most of the people they eat are criminals, so people who deserve to die. And I guess that girl also commited some major crime. Or something. CRUEL cannibalism might turn some people off../shrug

Pretty good manga, just moving kinda slow. I wanna know what his sister has to do with this :/
this manga is creepy and somewhat weird
i like it
Oh My God!!! After reading 4 chapters...I would not expect something...
my god... what did i just read?
I'm so scared... But interested...
This manga is sooo good haven't read anything like it before. ;(
Why yes I would love to drink your urine..... wait what?
well always nice to know i can get mind f****ed off a teaser
damn...teaser Posted Image
Thanks for the new chapter Aqua Scans!!
Well...this is a fucked up family.

Thanks for all the hard work! I appreciate everything you guys do for us fans, so don't let some selfish/greedy leechers push you around. This is a great series and I love seeing it updated, but I definately don't think anyone should be demanding a faster release schedule from you guys.
Okay.. The thing is that chapter 5 is super long and we got many requests.. so... what the hell, i had some free time anyways... =3=U

The final product may vary (this was extremely rushed so might be some mistakes). And please stop sending over UPDATE NOW emails. It's gettin a bit annoying o.ó

If you really want quicker releases then help us to get more translators! IIIoTL

AQUA Scans' founder.
I like this! oddly I want more!
somehow chapter 4 looked really sweet in a way. mainly the last part.
LOL So that's mainly the reason why Their Onee-san is sucha Crazy Person.

WTF is up with that Twisted Love~
@Yasu: Havin "beautiful" people in manga is actual one of it´s appeal, no matter how shallow that sounds. That´s go for any kind of media entertainment(more or less).

Would you read manga as much if it futured overweight girls with pimples? I guess not.
The guy worked at a meat factory before, but still left a dead body in normal temperature with no means to preserve it ? In a supposedly snowball's chance in hell he can escape with a dead body, the coprse by that time would smells so bad he wakes up half of the city.
The only reason all this drama happening is because his connect with the mansion is a beautiful girl who in love with the MC, replace that with, say, an old man and all the tensions or sympathies will die faster than you spell "bummer". Just look at them: the elder sis lapse between insane and sane is too painful to watch, two younger kids are all evidently FUBAR. Hanako would have committed suicide already if not for young girls's dream of love. Toushirou didn't get much exposed in few first chapters, but the guy sure as hell isn't sane either. My verdict: get a Shotgun ! You already has a crazy chick at home, don't bother with other's business
Cannabalism aside, I'm really starting to like dis one.

Now concerning the hiding of frozen chick's body, I couldn't help but smh at that... I'm totally calling it that it'll end up on the next dinner table scene anyways.

Souyo and his sister don't remind you the link between carl clover and nirvana in blazblue ?
@Jack Ryder
I haven't read Chapter 4.1 & 4.2 yet, but from what I gather in Chapter 3, I presume that the MC reckon it will expose himself to danger. After all, he stayed in the mansion under the assumption that his hand is currently inseparable from the girl; and chances are he can't keep the facade up by himself alone.
I have no idea why he has to sneak around in the house to get some (human meat) medicine for Hanako.

Surely he could've just told one of the other siblings currently in the house that Hanako collapsed from anemia and needs some pills? Ask them where they are?

But even before that, why did he call his sister for help? He didn't know his sister's doctor was also Hanako's brother.
Well, at least they are a family who do like each other...

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