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* * * * * (4.6 - 373votes)

Murenase! Shiiton Gakuen

Alt Names: alt Come together! Seton Academyalt 群れなせ!シートン学園
Author: Yamashita Bungo
Artist: Yamashita Bungo
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Seton Academy, a school full of animals where, thanks to population decline, there are fewer humans than any other creature. Mazama Jin, an animal hater and the only human male in his class, falls in love with Hino Hitomi, the only female human, the moment he lays eyes on her. However he soon finds himself entangled with various other creatures after he reluctantly joins the 'pack' of Lanka the wolf, the only other member of her pack.

The comic can be read in the original Japanese for free here: https://cycomi.com/title.php?title_id=12
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all the bad ones not only get their consquences But This comment section will also be locked for good.


I'm glad to see we're keeping up the historical tradition of punishing the majority for the crimes of the minority. Upvoted.

A Cameo appears from yamasita bungo former manga
From https://vatoto.com/comic/_/comics/kyupiko-fujimatsu-tenshi-no-mismanagement-r19573


You want to learn a Maxim Love Jin, that is shitty cupid angel, You make a bigger mistake.

No credits page?


Yeah, Poor King

Um... I wanted to reread from the first chapter, but... where is 1-34 chapters? It was licensed?!

A rousing discussion broke out on the merits of accepting subterranean student refugees.

- Unlifted Banning
- Continous Translating
Lets go back to business, and The omake story this time more deeper than actual story

Inb4 DMCA, The person who was translating it before got DMCA like a week or two ago so someone else took over translations. Wouldn't be surprised this gets DMCA soon.

Um... I wanted to reread from the first chapter, but... where is 1-34 chapters? It was licensed?!

Return of the best male tsundere! yay!

I don't remember koala being stacked like that, damn she is packing a lot :P

It's back? Incredible!


I'm more interested in the Lion romance than the main plot rn.


The omakes of this manga are truly the best part XD

Hurray for the return of the MANEly King!

I'm more interested in the Lion romance than the main plot rn.

This series is TOO GOOD to simply throw away! Happy to see it back!

Mod Warning Notice: Comment Section is unlocked now...

It will be great if anyone will report any non-related comments about the manga
to us (only those bad members will be punished)b4 it become a spam post war... if that happens,all the bad ones not only get their consquences But This comment section will also be locked for good.

So I Advise members to stay on topic.
DO NOt Quote any comments that are below This One.Don't Response to this comment. pm me if you have a problem.

I was so sure men thinks of women as yandere.

Those are big cat

I think it's not true. Cats can turn away but when they do, it's mostly for some petting on their back (Cats love when we scratch them near their tail) and they don't go away, at all. The narrowing eyes is only when they're chilling. In my ~15 years of experience, i've never seen my cat doing that.

It depends on the personality of your cat, my black cat does it pretty much everytime. Sometimes it even seems as if she's smiling(but without showing teeth)

Damn... cat is really king of internet.

Cats, nature's original tsunderes!

Sometimes, men think the same of women.

I was so sure men thinks of women as yandere.

I dropped this manga a long time ago because it's boring af!

eh.... cats such are bunch of tsundere


me like though :)

Fucking cats. How do they work?

Natural tsunderes, that's how.

Fucking cats. How do they work?

Think about it. A predator showing its back is a huge show of trust but for us humans showing the back to someone and/or walking away is perceived as rude.



Good point. Showing your teeth is a sign of aggression in primates, but for us smiling is something positive. Humans are weird.

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