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Looking for a Father

Alt Names: alt 아빠를 찾습니다
Author: Dong Bi
Artist: Dong Bi
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaHarem HaremRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of LifeWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Complete
Description: Original webcomic: http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/list.nhn?titleId=509093&page=1
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When it comes to suicide, it's up tae 'em if they want to live, or if they want to die.


Slappin' someone who's suicidal isn't going ta endear them to yer cause; what with that being evidence of ya not caring for 'em. Ya don't hit your wife tae show love, ya don't hit yer kid tae make 'em know that ya care.


I mean, if you care about someone, why would you hit them? You hit people you don't like.

Calm your tits Vueiy, you're exaggerating. It's remarkable you can say someone is being self-centered when he talks about the needs of someone else.
And as for the slapping, if you haven't understood what I wrote, than there's no much I can add to reprimand that. 
Should I remind you, you're portraying the perfect image of being self-centered by claiming you can "slap someone into reality"? Who's reality? Yours? Who asked you? Do notice you are putting your own perspective into the mix when considering the actions of someone else. When you take an extreme action to override the mentality of someone else without considering the situation, you're gonna have a bad time.

The best valley one can reach upon with such a topic is to say : It's a case-by-case solution, those whom want to affirm their belonging to a group would want to be slapped, and those who simply seek out their own strength, regardless of the group, would want people to fuck off.
As I said, people whom display suicidal-tendencies, usually just want some form of attention, and that attention may as well be a slap to the face, who knows. But as far as I see it, the by-default reaction of the beholder, should not be : Grab, Slap, Overwhelm.

Apparently that person doesn't care about em' enough to sympathize, like, you know : "I had no idea you were suffering so much, I'm so sorry, please talk to me so I can help you" etc.
When you smack someone across the face and instruct them to completely forget about whatever lead them to the edge, you're only factoring yourself in the mix.

I can see why people would treat the two in the same way : "I did it because I care", but that same mentality went into spanking, and that's beyond wrong to begin with.
I can also see that, realistically, most people would be too emotionally off-kilter to properly handle the situation due to panic -- but that, just as much, stresses the point : They put their own distress over someone else's.

[sol-ip-siz-uh m] 
1. Philosophy. the theory that only the self exists, or can be proved to exist.
2. extreme preoccupation with and indulgence of one's feelings, desires, etc.; egoistic self-absorption.

That explains it all.

Look, bottom line w/ suicide is that the person doing it is thinking of themselves either first or only.  Is their pain real, does it need to be understood and dealt with?  Of course, but sometimes what that person really needs is a good slap to wake them up; sympathy can come later.  He didn't beat her up, just tried to snap her back to reality (although obviously, she wasn't actually trying to kill herself).  Spanking's another issue entirely, but I can tell you don't have kids (or if you do, they're spoiled rotten).

i see it more as "don't do such things since i care about you"

Apparently that person doesn't care about em' enough to sympathize, like, you know : "I had no idea you were suffering so much, I'm so sorry, please talk to me so I can help you" etc.
"Don't hurt yourself because It'll hurt my feelings" basically tells the person with the mountain of problems : "Put aside your own problems, and focus on mine, forget about your feelings, and consider MY feelings! Don't you care about me??" --- to which I can only imagine a person in such a circumstance would think : "Are you fucking shitting me? I can't even have a moment for myself without some twat making it all about herself/himself?"

I can see why people would treat the two in the same way : "I did it because I care", but that same mentality went into spanking, and that's beyond wrong to begin with.
I can also see that, realistically, most people would be too emotionally off-kilter to properly handle the situation due to panic -- but that, just as much, stresses the point : They put their own distress over someone else's.

This is something which bewilders me to no end.
You're seeing someone, and you think they're so distressed, so distraught with life -- that they're about to commit suicide.
That thought runs through your mind, and among the first actions you take -- is to grab them, forcefully yell at them, slap them across the face, and proceed with more emotional yelping?

What basically happens right there, is telling someone : "Your emotional anguish hurts my feelings, so I feel it is necessary to override how you feel, with my own feelings. Because your feelings do not matter, how dare you even have emotions? Can't you see I am distressed over your actions? Stop feeling, god damnit."
On one hand, I can see why people would try to completely eliminate depressive thoughts with their own intrusive perspective, that's how you normalize. You make someone judge themselves, and they "fix" themselves -- but on the other hand, most suicidal peeps do not even want to commit suicide, they simply desire to draw attention towards themselves for having needs which were not met....And then some derp ignores their state and just puts more pressure and their own expectations because apparently having unmet needs is very offensive to one's friends and family.
Brilliant. It's like every single character in Asian comics have no emotional intelligence. |:

i see it more as "don't do such things since i care about you"

This is something which bewilders me to no end.
You're seeing someone, and you think they're so distressed, so distraught with life -- that they're about to commit suicide.
That thought runs through your mind, and among the first actions you take -- is to grab them, forcefully yell at them, slap them across the face, and proceed with more emotional yelping?

What basically happens right there, is telling someone : "Your emotional anguish hurts my feelings, so I feel it is necessary to override how you feel, with my own feelings. Because your feelings do not matter, how dare you even have emotions? Can't you see I am distressed over your actions? Stop feeling, god damnit."
On one hand, I can see why people would try to completely eliminate depressive thoughts with their own intrusive perspective, that's how you normalize. You make someone judge themselves, and they "fix" themselves -- but on the other hand, most suicidal peeps do not even want to commit suicide, they simply desire to draw attention towards themselves for having needs which were not met....And then some derp ignores their state and just puts more pressure and their own expectations because apparently having unmet needs is very offensive to one's friends and family.
Brilliant. It's like every single character in Asian comics have no emotional intelligence. |:

Somehow, I don't see this confrontation going well for the MC. Fairly average dude, whose history regarding deceit and trickery is fairly poor, up against an experienced conman (well, conwoman) and social manipulator?

That's just by the setting itself. Now add to that who the conwoman is and...

Somehow, I don't see this confrontation going well for the MC. Fairly average dude, whose history regarding deceit and trickery is fairly poor, up against an experienced conman (well, conwoman) and social manipulator?

haha, it looks like they're gonna fight in this panel 


Thanks for the update guys.

Huh... He seems like a lazy father.
It looks like she's going to join them soon enough. Another daughter in the works.

Hes a single 29yo straight man. I could easily believe him having that kind of unconscious response to a woman pressing against him.  They are both lucky he wasn't having one of those dreams. :P


This premise would certainly turn into a "jailbait" story in the average manga but so far its avoided that and remained non creepy.

I assume that deadbeat dad will soon enough start doing drugs in order to have something to blame for his "oh so hard life".



The MC seems so pathetic though but I guess that's to be expected from series like these.

I'm on the same page as MajinCry....


what a cuddle puddle

So this is one of those jail-bait series huh? The MC seems so pathetic though but I guess that's to be expected from series like these.







So this is one of those jail-bait series huh? The MC seems so pathetic though but I guess that's to be expected from series like these.

Damn, my ship has sunk


How can there possibly be shippers for her? I hated her right when she started abusing the MC. And frankly, i also hate her personality 

The reason is hilarious, I can promise that much. Wait for it ehehehe ;D

If this is serialized in a manga magazine we'd have an editor writes at the end "Han Suu, stopped snoring!?" or "Why did Han Suu stopped snoring!?"


To which I'd answer "Like I'd give a fuck!!"

It stopped because Ha Yeon is in his arms ! She or he hugs  together ! xD

Ehh? Why did it stop!?

Dat cliff hanger though...


This is a whole new level of cliffhanger. Usually the chapter ends right after a compromising situation is revealed, not before! The anticipation is that much worse now >.>

Dat cliff hanger though...


Errr.... is it normal to ask for a person's hand in marriage after not 1 week of dating? Oh well I don't know about the writing either the author is making a few leaps and bounds in characterization and action in order to get from one scene to the next or something was lost in translation, I reather feel like something is missing the flow feels really off/



In eastern culture bringing up a child with out both parents is a big no no, and marrying like that is often done.

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