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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.61 - 170votes)


Alt Names: alt ウロボロスalt ウロボロス 警察ヲ裁クハ我ニアリalt 無間雙龍alt 无间型警
Author: Kanzaki Yuuya
Artist: Kanzaki Yuuya
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyMystery MysteryRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Ikuo Ryuuzaki and Danno Tatsuya are 2 orphaned boys who were looked after by a woman they called 'sensei'. Following their sensei's brutal murder, the two vow to hunt down her killers and the police officers who neglected to properly investigate the case.

15 years later, Ryuuzaki is a police detective and Tatsuya has become the leader of a group of mobsters. Helping each other out behind the scenes, they strive to rise to the tops of their respective fields so that they may exact their vengeance.

NOTE: the covers of the final volumes tend to be spoilerish, so leave the cover of the volume currently being scanlated, please.
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Topic Ouroboros chapter discussions thread New Window truepurple
  • 9 Replies


I hope they both die. No bull shit saving them with a fish net or something.


that memory could it be????


it's hard to be policeman....

I'll be honest did not see this part coming when this arc started Bando dieing yes but him being a badass and jumping off a building with Mr.Crazy-san nope

I hope they both die. No bull shit saving them with a fish net or something.

 sadly it looks like they will be saved somehow (if they wouldn't author wouldn't make such cliffhanger like that... it is like that in 99% cases) well i hope they return to original plot line after this.

I hope they both die. No bull shit saving them with a fish net or something.

Well, strictly speaking, abuse of power is a crime (I'm thinking about the top brass who performed the cover-up). Also, covering tracks of administrative crimes and felonies. In an ideal world, Bando, the others, and the top brass would undergo an investigation of internal affairs and be kicked from the police.


Of course, we don't live in one. And even more importantly, no one deserves to die for any of this. Least of all the wife, who seems to have been a shallow, vain woman, but if shallowness and vanity were capital crimes, humankind wouldn't have demographic problems, because not much of it would be left.

Huh .

So he made himself think that everyone who wronged him is a criminal...Sad.

.... yeah, that'll drive a dude kinda crazy.


Yeah, but the operative word here is "kinda", not "full box" crazy.

.... yeah, that'll drive a dude kinda crazy.

I'll never eat apples the same way again.

So you will dismember them now?

Mmm, delicious apples.

I'll never eat apples the same way again.

I noticed it was that guy when he lied about the elevators not working.

Well, it was quite obvious, I mean the author foreshadowed it in the first second chapter of this arc, where it was pointed out that the guy smells just like the box, where the victim was dismembered in. 


Yeah, that was the tell for me too. Every time Ryuzaki pricks up his nose with no visible cause, it's to foreshadow that he knows who the crim is.

Well, it was quite obvious, I mean the author foreshadowed it in the first second chapter of this arc, where it was pointed out that the guy smells just like the box, where the victim was dismembered in. 

Excellent chapter. If I could read Japanese I'm sure I'd be up all night reading this.


If you could redraw well, you could be up all night reading this. Just saying ;)

Excellent chapter. If I could read Japanese I'm sure I'd be up all night reading this.

Grr, this series is too good for a fortnightly release.

Well since you work on this manga, you might be spoiling a little if you know that to be a fact lol. Even still though, I'm going with distrusting that Konatsu girl.


I can tell you confidently that I don't know how the case ends. I'm just a fan who speaks Chinese ;_;

Don't know who it is. All I know is that my gut feeling says it is a policeman/woman doing it.



Well since you work on this manga, you might be spoiling a little if you know that to be a fact lol. Even still though, I'm going with distrusting that Konatsu girl.

that guy that Ryuuzaki said was nice...seems TOO nice. iono, it's usually the least suspicious person



that guy that Ryuuzaki said was nice...seems TOO nice. iono, it's usually the least suspicious person

Thank you as always for the chapters! Those TS notes are vey hilarious!

Thanks kendama and schizophoenix,


Just started with Anki and found a japanese dictionary for my native language too.

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