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* * * * * (4.53 - 154votes)

Puppy Lovers

Alt Names: alt Puppy Lovers
Author: Amazume Ryuta
Artist: Amazume Ryuta
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Eri Inui is a 20 year old college student aspiring to become a mangaka. She has been following this dream ever since she was little and has been a the best artist among all her friends. But she still hasn't found a publisher willing to take her under their wing.

One day, however, Souta Inuzaki, the son of a distant relative, comes to live with Eri and her mother. Souta, like Eri, is an aspiring violinist and has come to Tokyo to practice. Eri sees a lot of herself in the young Souta. But how will she deal with a 13-year-old boy following his dreams and going through puberty?
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got 20 pages in and dropped it. might as well skip this and go to fakku. 

ah yeah, these things do happen........you apparently didn't know the author's work. "Erotic" is pretty much all he does :)

Curse you, Derek!!! 


Thanks to releases like these from you, my budget for hand lotion and tissues has gone through the roof!!!

What the heck was that? I wasn't even really looking at this manga seriously when I clicked on it and now here I am a few hours later having read the whole thing in order and all of  sudden I get what seems to me to be the mother of all cliffhangers. Wut?



*flips a table and exits the building*

Oooh... shit got real. War has been declared.

couldn't help but chuckle at how corny that 'blackmail' photo was taken


That classmate has it all wrong.  Eri didn't seduce Souta.  Souta seduced Eri.  >:3

Ahh Souta, what Sugimura Kaoru would have looked like if he wasn't hit by the ugly bat when he was born.  Amazume's work is always off the beaten path, taking topics that most shy away from.  He picks them up and turns them into golden gems with great art and good storylines.  Thx for the release. I can never get enough of Amazume's work.

thanks for the chapter Renzokusei! :D

dat war declaration :P Thx for the update!

Good, but way too short :(


Thanks for the translation.

Oh man, it is ON.

Outstanding, thanks a lot Renzokusei Scans!!

Yo she a pedophile dawg.

got 20 pages in and dropped it. might as well skip this and go to fakku. 



Ok, finished wiping off my keyboard. Now I've forgotten what I was going to type originally.


...well, this get's the idea across too, so whatever.

Remember Nana to Kaoru was made by this guy and was banned!

...and she went all paipan.

Thanks Renzoukusei Scans for picking this series and translate the continuation of it.

finally it came out been waiting to dam long

I don't have problem with age gap but that boy age is just 13 years old he is still a kid in my eyes so it's hard for me to swallow this story.

this shit is such a cock tease, and every time im jealous of that kid, i wish the author did a h- manga of them together. f6f.gif

Sweetness an update, thank you Renzokusei scans!!!!!

Now the author is just mocking us saying, "You bitches wish you had this," while flipping the bird.



man, it shows nipples in this! i'm really hoping they eventually show Nana's boob's in Nana to Kaoru. been waiting forever to see them.

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