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* * * * * (4.61 - 170votes)


Alt Names: alt ウロボロスalt ウロボロス 警察ヲ裁クハ我ニアリalt 無間雙龍alt 无间型警
Author: Kanzaki Yuuya
Artist: Kanzaki Yuuya
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyMystery MysteryRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Ikuo Ryuuzaki and Danno Tatsuya are 2 orphaned boys who were looked after by a woman they called 'sensei'. Following their sensei's brutal murder, the two vow to hunt down her killers and the police officers who neglected to properly investigate the case.

15 years later, Ryuuzaki is a police detective and Tatsuya has become the leader of a group of mobsters. Helping each other out behind the scenes, they strive to rise to the tops of their respective fields so that they may exact their vengeance.

NOTE: the covers of the final volumes tend to be spoilerish, so leave the cover of the volume currently being scanlated, please.
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Topic Ouroboros chapter discussions thread New Window truepurple
  • 9 Replies





wtf world


And then it turns out he's the culprit.  (not a spoiler, just cynicism)


In all seriousness, there's already been quite a few decent people around; even in this gray-dark world of corrupt police.  So it really shouldn't be THAT surprising.




wtf world

Thanks for the chapter, Death Toll Scanlations!

I was thinking that the senpai was going to be revealed to be some villain, but it turns out that's not the case! The last few chapter certainly made me paranoid...

K, honestly, they probably should have been able to estimate the kid had been shoot in the leg from the shoe and other traces of blood at the crime scene.  Are Japanese forensic investigators really that bad?  Dexter Morgan would have been all over that.


Forensics maybe, Zenba-san not, because he is not privy to details of the investigation.

K, honestly, they probably should have been able to estimate the kid had been shoot in the leg from the shoe and other traces of blood at the crime scene.  Are Japanese forensic investigators really that bad?  Dexter Morgan would have been all over that.

i wonder how they gonna deal with a dead cop. make him goes missing? 


They will just let the corpse be found. The police will have no explanation at first but when his past crimes are discovered in the course of the investigation, they will just ascribe his murder to a settlement of accounts and that will be the end of it. A similar thing happened in chapter 03.

i wonder how they gonna deal with a dead cop. make him goes missing? 


Dimmadun goof'd.







I'm dying.



Felt a great satisfaction reading 71.3.

i think i came when ryuzaki broke his teacher's fucking face.

Ryuzaki got trolled by Zenba so hard that he should have seen it coming.

I mean you can't spell "Patrolling" without the word "Trolling".  *brrtum tishh!*


Thank you, I now return to my liar.

Untill next time!


The world is a dark place. Just because you can't see what goes on in the dark doesn't mean nothing goes on in the dark.

on page 22, the word 'muslins' should be 'muslims'. 


We know. It was a typo, nothing more. We won't make a second version because of that, sorry.

on page 22, the word 'muslins' should be 'muslims'. 

Well now I'm more worried about Ikuo's mental state.

Well even before that chapter there were a few signs that Ikuo is a bit crazy. But this chapter definitely confirmed my suspicions.

The question remains... what did that old man do to have his eye gouged out? 

Well now I'm more worried about Ikuo's mental state.

Felt a great satisfaction reading 71.3.

Bullies are always the most stupid in manga.

It's not only in manga, the majority of bullies are also stupid irl.

There will be blood.

Oh yes indeed

There will be blood.

I don't get it? Where's the lewd 69?  Are you telling me Prison School had it wrong?

How dare you call the ouroboros a lewd 69 act; it is nothing like that, for it is a holy bonding between 2 intimate individuals who just want to become closer physically and emotionally.

I don't get it? Where's the lewd 69?  Are you telling me Prison School had it wrong?

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