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* * * * - (4.02 - 41votes)

Urban Tales

Alt Names:
Author: Reon Merryweather
Artist: Daniwae
Genres: Comedy ComedySchool Life School LifeSlice of Life Slice of LifeWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Other
Status: Ongoing
Description: Maximillian von Bismarck is a german highschooler, that enjoys meat and action movies. He goes to school with Lisa Himmler, the cute grand daughter of some german army commander.
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most rich people are jewish, but you don't hear that because boo hoo muh six gorillion, one thing you got right is that equality does not exist, as george orwell said “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” I like to believe that we are rather unique in our own way, a high energy low consumption person is more valuable in times of famine than a high energy high consumption one

Just means Fat people are not valued and should be disposed off...

Still pretty much the same today tho, most wealthy people in the America are Whites.

most rich people are jewish, but you don't hear that because boo hoo muh six gorillion, one thing you got right is that equality does not exist, as george orwell said “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
I like to believe that we are rather unique in our own way, a high energy low consumption person is more valuable in times of famine than a high energy high consumption one

I'd love to agree with you but even the American within me knows that's total BS. America was ruled by the top 10% (white landowning slaveowners with lots of $$) during it's infancy and it isn't till the 1920s that there was true universal suffrage. They just used that as an excuse to make themselves sound noble and if it wasn't for Massachusetts messing it up for everyone there would've been much less bloodshed.

Still pretty much the same today tho, most wealthy people in the America are Whites.


There no such thing as Equality when Money exists.


Long text about Equality not existing in this Universe


America was founded on the idea of everybody having equal rights

I'd love to agree with you but even the American within me knows that's total BS. America was ruled by the top 10% (white landowning slaveowners with lots of $$) during it's infancy and it isn't till the 1920s that there was true universal suffrage. They just used that as an excuse to make themselves sound noble and if it wasn't for Massachusetts messing it up for everyone there would've been much less bloodshed.

yeah, now you give me idea to kill someone with my phone, 


oh and since it's not oneshot i hope there will be another chapter ~

Why's the author listed as "R. Merryweather" when everything else on here is under "Reon Merryweather"? Either way, cool stuff.

This is a short project, but for me it's funny. I like the part where Max says: "where doctors wear tophates and wield swords". But we can not say that something is crazy because we don't do it. There are some stuffs in many countries that could be crazy for others like Pozole or maguey worms in México (From where I am).

This would probably be considered politically incorrect, but I found it great.  The Finnish sound like really cool people.  A lot of countries have traditions that sound crazy to others.

Nokia 3310 = pocket knife Confirmed

A Nokia 3310 is stronger than a pocket knife, doesn't compare

...True, it does seem so, and now I feel stupid. My apologies for getting heated for no reason.


No problem, my friend.  It's nice to see someone else who actually KNOWS more about American history than what is usually taught these days.  I usually have to phrase my arguments in more limited terms that most of the readers here will easily understand, as you accurately noticed when you pointed out some details that I had purposely left out in order to make my basic point that censorship is bad.  The fact that it has gone on in spite of our Constitutional rights only goes to show that we must be ever vigilant in fighting this constant battle of the erosion of our rights.

You cherry pick from my comment while ignoring my statement that Idiots still try to use censorship and the repression of free speech, with the key word being "still" which means that it has been going on for quite some time, even in our own country.  So while I agree with your overall opinion, I still think that you missed the point of both my first AND my second comment entirely. 

...True, it does seem so, and now I feel stupid. My apologies for getting heated for no reason.

Ah, I do so love when people attribute understanding of modern concepts to the Framers, nevermind our understanding of censorship and even the word "tyrant" and "dictator" was not the same as theirs in their time.

Nevermind that your point is falling into the common trap of assuming that these 130 people somehow all believed the same things; that the Founding Fathers were an intellectual monolithic entity that knew exactly the effect of all their words; that no debate nor compromise was involved in the writing of the Constitution; and that wording was not purposefully vague because they could not agree on their meanings at the framing.
But surely, the founders never began to violate the Constitution after they had been elected into office, right...?
I mean, it's not like one of them signed a bill that made it illegal to criticize a government official, which would undermine your whole point since it would make it, dare I say it, censorship! Fortunately, this never happened, right?
Let me be clear, the comment you responded to was moronic, and I do find this manga hilarious from the premise alone, but your reply is quite fallacious. Counter censorship with reasoning and intelligence, not appeals to authority and tradition.


You cherry pick from my comment while ignoring my statement that Idiots still try to use censorship and the repression of free speech, with the key word being "still" which means that it has been going on for quite some time, even in our own country.  So while I agree with your overall opinion, I still think that you missed the point of both my first AND my second comment entirely. 

America's founding fathers knew that throughout all of man's history, censorship has always been the first tool used by tyrants and dictators to control their people and that is why they put the right to free speech into our Constitution.

Ah, I do so love when people attribute understanding of modern concepts to the Framers, like our understanding of "censorship" and even the word "tyrant" and "dictator" was the same as theirs in their time.

Nevermind that your point is falling into the common trap of assuming that these 130 people somehow all believed the same things; that the Founding Fathers were an intellectual monolithic entity that knew exactly the effect of all their words; that no debate nor compromise was involved in the writing of the Constitution; and that wording was not purposefully vague because they could not agree on their meanings at the framing.
But surely, the founders never began to violate the Constitution after they had been elected into office, right...? I mean, it's not like one of them signed a bill that made it illegal to criticize a government official, which would undermine your whole point since it would make it, dare I say it, censorship! Fortunately, this never happened, right?
Let me be clear, the comment you responded to was moronic, and I do find this manga hilarious from the premise alone, but your reply is quite fallacious. Counter censorship with reasoning and intelligence, not appeals to authority and tradition.

All about 2nd world war isn't the least bit accurately investigated. Noone cared about archaeological and anthropological examinations of the people that "died" in said massacres.

HAHAHA, are you for real? WWII is one of the most well-documented events in history, if only because it is so recent. We have accounts from soldiers, from generals, heck, Dönitz, Speer, and other high-ranked Nazis, wrote and published their memoirs. We have several documents from the Nazi government that have been authenticated by forensics. I have a sneaking suspicion (especially the parts where you use scare quotes) about what you are leading up to, but I will give let yourself use the rope I give you.


The only "proof" that is commonly presented are historical notes, pictures and films, although they have nearly no real value in analyzing what really happened.

Yes, they actually are. Documents, media accounts, eyewitness accounts, etc, count as contemporary evidence, that dates to the time the person or event actually happened, and can be checked and compared against known phenomena of the time to verify the authenticity and reliability. It is even more idiotic to claim they aren't proof when there are still living eyewitnesses that can tell us their veracity. Next time you rail against historical evidence, try to use something other than a war that happened not even 100 years ago.

That is because they don't speak to us, they can be faked easily[ many Japanese "war crimes" have been proven as fakes by Japanese natural scientists e.g.] and don't have any scientific background [they are not part of documentations of scientists].

First time I ever heard of that, and it is highly suspicious. Japanese scientists have proven Japanese war crimes fake? You don't think there would be any bias here? It's not like, I dunno, Japan has been known to happily whitewash its actions during the war, like there is no strong revisionist movement (of which the current PM is part of), or that they once approved several history textbooks that downplayed Japan's war crimes. Nope, never happened sir, amirite?


No more than I would trust Chinese and South Korean historians to have an objective view of things, I sure as hell wouldn't trust Japanese "natural scientists" (and what does that even mean?). But I'm willing to see what exactly has been proven "fake" if you can give a link to it.


If people learn 1 thing from history, it is that historical observation is never objective but always subjective and always subject of propaganda,intrigues,lies and political power play. History is not the truth,it's what people want to be passed down as "common knowledge", and it needs archaelogical examination to reveal the facts!

What is funny is that you say this as if pseudoarcheology isn't a thing. The Cardiff Giant, anyone?


But you do have a point, somewhat. As most history has been conveyed through literature, people too poor to be educated, or who work too hard to have time to write, cannot tell their stories. The stories of the working class and various minorities have been frequently discounted as "unimportant" or "irrelevant" to the "greater" history; yet "greater" is a matter of perspective. Historical facts often aren't. The score of the hockey game was Avalanche 3, Bruins 0. Foresberg scored a goal at 3:09. But what is as important, yet fully debatable in any and all contexts "Did the Avs win because they played harder, or did the Bruins, lose?" Perspective, attitudes, assumptions, culture, and differences from source group to "discovery" group can all affect what is understood as the "history" of an event.


Saying "historical observation is never objective but always subjective" is not only misleading, but also a amateurish understanding of the subject.

All about 2nd world war isn't the least bit accurately investigated. Noone cared about archaeological and anthropological examinations of the people that "died" in said massacres.

The only "proof" that is commonly presented are historical notes, pictures and films, although they have nearly no real value in analyzing what really happened. That is because they don't speak to us, they can be faked easily[ many Japanese "war crimes" have been proven as fakes by Japanese natural scientists e.g.] and don't have any scientific background [they are not part of documentations of scientists].


If people learn 1 thing from history, it is that historical observation is never objective but always subjective and always subject of propaganda,intrigues,lies and political power play. History is not the truth,it's what people want to be passed down as "common knowledge", and it needs archaelogical examination to reveal the facts!


And even archeological examinations can be the victim of "subjective" opinions on what those supposed "Facts" actually mean.


As Robert Wuhl so eloquently put it in his HBO comedy special, Assume the Position 201: "History is BASED on a true story."


For further information on the actual validity of History see this: http://www.veoh.com/watch/v16706342cB97DkDJ

Knowing of Nanking massacre is enough for me

All about 2nd world war isn't the least bit accurately investigated. Noone cared about archaeological and anthropological examinations of the people that "died" in said massacres.

The only "proof" that is commonly presented are historical notes, pictures and films, although they have nearly no real value in analyzing what really happened. That is because they don't speak to us, they can be faked easily[ many Japanese "war crimes" have been proven as fakes by Japanese natural scientists e.g.] and don't have any scientific background [they are not part of documentations of scientists].


If people learn 1 thing from history, it is that historical observation is never objective but always subjective and always subject of propaganda,intrigues,lies and political power play. History is not the truth,it's what people want to be passed down as "common knowledge", and it needs archaelogical examination to reveal the facts!

they should just ban western censorship crap from this site


Pardon me for correcting your obvious misspelling...


Once again, the FIRST response from people who don't like something is always, "We MUST censor or ban this!"


America's founding fathers knew that throughout all of man's history, censorship has always been the first tool used by tyrants and dictators to control their people and that is why they put the right to free speech into our Constitution.  But in the desire by potential Hitlers and Stalins out there to establish their totalitarian control over others, there are idiots who will still cry for censorship, using the feeble excuse that "This is offensive and therefore MUST be banned."


America was founded on the idea of everybody having equal rights to be offended by damn near anything, And I therefore feel that it is my solemn duty to fulfill those rights by supporting anybody who offends others. 


So HELL FUCKING YES!!!  I am following this manga!!!

Where does it say she hates black hair?

Page 2 introduction Box Dislikes: Black Hair

So... she hates black hair because she's a proud aryan? Because she's a nazi? And she likes dogs because Hitler did?
Who thought this was a good idea?

Where does it say she hates black hair? Where does it say she is a national socialist?

That's just tasteless. For fucks sake Himmler. Some German army commander my ass, a freaking Nazi bigshot

Ehh. I found it funny, maybe you should read something more romantic

they should just ban western crap from this site

I love this manga, 5 stars and following it, hpefully the butthurt goes down and we get more

So... she hates black hair because she's a proud aryan? Because she's a nazi? And she likes dogs because Hitler did?


Who thought this was a good idea?

what...the...hell..? I-i think I will cool down my head first because I don't know what I just read.

Wacky be this manga!  If you know a little more than what's taught in schools about WWII, then this is a fun little romp so far. I had a couple of Uncles in WWII and they had some stories to tell.  Some stories were scary and others just side-splitting funny.  And to have descendants of those who played a major part in a terrible time in our world's history act a bit zany, and try to use those names because they're famous names, might seem a bit inappropriate at first, but suspend the thoughts that the name makes one evil and I think you just might enjoy this manga.  Heck, we enjoy zany stories when they use descendants of Japanese villains, why not European villains?

I see nothing wrong with this. It's pretty amusing, with decent art.

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