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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * - - - (2.42 - 26votes)

reSudden Quest

Alt Names: alt Almost Funny
Author: Neet
Artist: Neet
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaAction ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Other
Status: Ongoing
Description: 3 Noobs that have to face the daily struggles of not knowing anything...

I aim to upload 1 page every workday so the story, characters and world will unfold naturally through the characters interactions.

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I may or may not use this as a d&d style adventure with the stats. Thank you for the inspiration. Good luck but as for the question I would say focus on the characters not the story, it has that sort of feel right now that, yea the world is full of adventure but the characters interactions will make the story come naturally. Planning what events will happen in the world without the characters and keeping a countdown for the events in your mind.

Dear reSuddenQuest / NEET,


First off I would like to thank you for generating this comic.  I cannot imagine how fulfilling the undertaking might be for you as I am simply a grateful leech.  I think you really have something with a vast deal of potential.  I have no idea where you want this comic to be or what you think the end of it should look like so I'm simply playing devil's advocate here when I ask the following question:


Do you really need a plot?  I mean, this could be the Three Stooges of manga, no plot that last between episode.  Looking at funny pages, most daily serials don't have a plot that lasts more than a week.  Even then to call it a Plot would be a bit of an exaggeration more of a theme or a running gag.


In my opinion, most artists are ruined by other people's opinions, or at least trying to conform to suit them, so please take all I say with a grain of salt and in the light that it is meant.  I have no desire to change your mind or your art, but simply seek some clarity as to what your goal is.


Sincere Thanks,



Haha, good to see it posted here too...

nice work but...ehem... ch22 title need some fix on "responsibility"


Haha nice catch! Can't believe I missed that, it's the title dammit, I will make sure to fix it >.< Also thanks for reading, and taking your time to comment, I appreciate it.

nice work but...ehem... ch22 title need some fix on "responsibility"

Tiny Update xD


As always thank you guys for reading, I am happy that there are some readers out there haha. As for the manga, a style change is happening! I have currently switched to Manga Studio 5 as my main workplace, the pages now have a more manga feel to them as I am applying "digital screentones". It took some time but I have a good workflow now, however some pages might come off akward because of my lack of knowledge at the beginning. I am also still learning stuff as I go, so stay tuned for some more awesome stuff.




Oh wow, thank you for the C&C! Where should I start...


I have posted the comic on other portals, and I'm getting some feedback as well as from friends and family, but just like you said they tend to either like it because I did it or they don't know how to point out what is wrong, most of them don't read manga or comics so I can't really blame them. ^^


I decided to post on batoto since I have been here since the site started (forever a lurker) and I know there are people out here with very good eyes and understanding of storytelling and manga (in this case that's you). The humour part hit me good, as an avid reader of manga I felt something was a bit off, but I couldn't understand why, probably because I made it, so thank you very much for those points. As for fleshing out the characters and more exaggerated expressions, I am working on it! I am having fun re-reading old manga comics from a creators standpoint, trying to soak in everything, hopefully it will show in the following chapters.


Best Regards



I think this is a good start on your comic. You have a good concept and ideas. I do believe that it might be favorable to also upload it on other comic hosting websites (like smackjeeves or tapastic for example) for those starting out. 


Like what strike said, it's good for a storyboard or even a basic outline to know where you want the story to head. Now what makes people comtinue to read is generally is the humor or sometimes the characters. The jokes are understandable but some fall flat due to other dialogue in the background (which may confuse the reader in understanding the joke). If you have any favorite funny comic, comedians, or anything that makes you laugh, write it down as what makes it funny and you can use it to implement it in your story. Definitely ask friends or other people to look over your joke (make sure that it's not the friends who sugarcoat things or makes a mockery of it--someone you can trust to be honest and explain why or why not the joke may or may not work).


Fleshing out your main characters is always a good idea in any scenario. Finding each of their quirks, habits--something that makes them stand out from the rest of the main characters (generally something that is related to the story than a random quirk has more impact).


As for artwork, it's really not that bad, honestly. I do suggest that emphasizing and exaggerating the expressions would leave a bigger impact on the comic (or even exaggerating the atmosphere could do the trick). 


Good luck and keep doing comics! 

It's always good to have a storyboard, even if you're planning to write a story like this. It lets you spend less time worrying about where you're going, so you can spend more time deciding how you'll get there.

Also, on page one of chapter ten the word "rouge" pops up a few times in place of "rogue".


Haha thanks for the c&c, your comment made me crazy excited, I will make sure to fix the typo and I am already thinking about how I can apply your advise. As it looks right now I'm thinking of planning ahead 1-3 chapters, I am not sure if I should plan ahead a whole story arc since I do want to keep it spontaneous in case something comes up.   

First of all, I would like to thank everyone that actually read this, I have always wanted to create my own series. Now that I am teaching myself/learning art I couldn't help myself creating something. I love storytelling and art, although I'm not as good as I would like to be right now I'm having alot of fun learning and creating scenes for the comic every morning.


As for the comic, I am currently reading a book called "The Writers' Journey" by Volger, and I'm learning a lot about story structure and archetypes. I will make my best efforts to implement the things that I learn, and hopefully you guys will be able to ennjoy the comic even more.


To finish this, I would like to say, "please stay!" (haha). This might not speak to you right now but I am in it for the longer fight, maybe you could be too?


PS. Critiques are very helpful as this is my first time doing anything related to art.

It's always good to have a storyboard, even if you're planning to write a story like this. It lets you spend less time worrying about where you're going, so you can spend more time deciding how you'll get there.

Also, on page one of chapter ten the word "rouge" pops up a few times in place of "rogue".

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