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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.13 - 24votes)


Alt Names: alt Heimweh
Author: Mr. Nohman
Artist: Mr. Nohman
Genres: Drama DramaHorror HorrorWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Other
Status: Ongoing
Description: Suicide seems to be nurse Kim's only means of escaping from the banality of the world around her. But one day a stranger comes along begging Kim to sever his limbs. Who is this stranger and why is he so desperate to mutilate himself? Death and life. Sin and forgiveness. What stories and secrets do they both withhold…?

Author/Artist: http://tapastic.com/mrnohman
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Oh, wow!  And still another series that I found courtesy of the "Random" button that has earned my "Seal of Approval"!!!



is this terrifying.

Holly sheoot! This is awesome! Just going to look at it out of curiosity but damnn.

Horieee shieeet this is amazing! The art is so simple yet so powerful! The use of colours reminded me of sin city... And when you reach chapter 14 and see what they do.... It seems like a videogame/film! Sometimes you have to stop and look at the drawing, to see all the different kind of tecniques used here, yet it's all very coherent, it doesn't even seems a different kind of art

what swat team takes the elevator?


Other then that, super amazing art and the narritive is good. This guys got his Frankenstein Facts right, which makes me super happy. :D

damn! i'm liking the style and the story is interesting. the story premise is outrageous to begin with so forget about realism.
Out of all the manga to bash for realism, you choose this one? Nice.
Wow guys, so critical.
I'm not reading this for a realistic plot, I'm reading it because I'm intrigued by a suicidal nurse.
Why do I feel he's talking about the homesick one not his daughter?
Love the art, but my suspension of disbelief is no more. Why´re the police acting like kids playing cops n robbers?

Wow, that’s some seriously bad writing. There’s a hostage situation like that and the police do what? Open fire on the alleged suspect from a helicopter at the first sight of him? What? This makes so little sense.
I hope the ones the director harvested parts from are still alive. Otherwise there's no point in returning them.
The writing is much like a candle flame struggling in a cold wind to stay lit and illuminate the darkness of night, desperately doing it's job to convey a message despite there being simpler and more efficient ways to get the same effect, like a flashlight.
Following as well, curious if we get back to the person in the preview...
Definitely following this. Love the storytelling and art so far :DD

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