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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Member Since 06 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active May 10 2018 03:18 AM

#304176 Promote your favorite manga(s) using 1 picture.

Posted by BadassPotato on 13 August 2012 - 09:04 PM

The God of Highschool

#285197 Promote your favorite manga(s) using 1 picture.

Posted by Umbrae on 31 July 2012 - 08:30 PM

I thought I'd give it a try :3


Tonari no Seki-kun

Trinity Seven

Sora no Otoshimono


#378595 Is this site legal?

Posted by Grumpy on 05 October 2012 - 08:36 AM

First and foremost, Batoto is a service provider, and the primary service we provide is distribution. Batoto does not translate. So, from the very first line of the post in fan cafe, the description of what Batoto is actually incorrect. We are quite comparable to other distribution networks such as YouTube (video), MediaFire (files), and ImageShack (images). We allow pretty much anyone to upload and the content is then distributed. This includes you and authors too! We cater a specific demographic and make their goals easier by laying out the content in a specific manner rather than how ImageShack, for example, would lay out their images.

The question of what is legal and illegal, in a meaningful way, is actually not something a simple yes or no can answer either, and this applies especially to copyright law which has been changed so many times in the recent years, we can try to answer as close as possible to what we believe it to be. If we are wrong, that's what supreme court is for.

However, under USA, DMCA allows safe harbor of service providers, such as ourselves as long as we comply to DMCA notices. And we have been doing that faithfully. As such, yes, we are legal.
Under Korean copyright law, albeit irrelevant, the Article 102 also allows safe harbor of service providers as long as compliant similar to USA's DMCA. As such, we are still legal.

If the copyright holders report to us that their content is being distributed here illegally and wishes it to be taken down, we will take it down as we always have been.

Oh and I believe it's safe to say almost all the authors know about their works being translated. Would be highly unlikely to not become aware. To demand all of it to be taken down is the same as demand of all gangnam style related videos to be taken down. But then gangnam style wouldn't have become worldwide popular in the first place! That'd be stabbing yourself in the foot pretty hard.