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Member Since 01 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active May 23 2024 09:07 PM

#1859798 New manga site like bato.to

Posted by Syri on 22 January 2018 - 04:47 PM

Firstly, thanks for getting mangadex up and running in such a short time, I'm sure it's been quite tough to get that much done in the time given.

I do have a suggestion for when the time comes to start working on such things though. When a series is marked as complete, could there be a separate status for series that are completely uploaded or not? And maybe an optional counter to say how many chapters/volumes there are? So for example, "Completed 5 volumes (30 chapters) - Not fully uploaded", "Completed one-shot - not uploaded", "Ongoing - Fully uploaded"... Just a small suggestion that could make things easier at a glance. I know such things are low priority though, and it may be more complicated to implement than would be worth bothering with.

Also, regarding the adult titles, I think I would say firstly to look at the line between slightly ecchi, and fully adult titles (fully adult being more than just a little fan service though I admit it may be tough to draw a line as a lot of opinions will differ), and maybe consider fully adult titles being on a different site, as some ISPs may start blocking the site for hosting adult content without any restrictions in place. I would certainly consider making registration a requirement to display any such titles.

#1659899 Any Supernatural fans??

Posted by Syri on 06 November 2015 - 07:33 PM

I've been watching season 11, and so far I've enjoyed it. I was a bit worried it was starting to run out of steam, but they're still managing to keep it rolling along, and the latest episode really worked out different to what I'd been expecting from the intro...

#1615968 Not that new, but hi anyway

Posted by Syri on 07 July 2015 - 12:44 PM

I realised I've not made an introduction page, so here it is, and here I am.

I'm Andrew, and I'm from Nottingham, England. I've just finished an English and Creative Writing degree, and am an aspiring writer. I'm a fan of Japanese culture (shocking on a manga reading site, I know) and technology, as well as reading, which I think is pretty much expected given the whole writing thing...

anyway, that's me, so hello, I guess.