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Member Since 01 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2018 03:50 PM

In Topic: The Decline of Manga forum community

03 April 2018 - 02:23 PM

I think forums are losing ground in a lot of areas, not just manga related. A lot of gaming related stuff seems to be going onto discord now, and facebook group pages are popular in some areas as well. I like forums myself, but a lot of that is probably down to having been on the internet for a long time now. I think I got my first modem around 1997... 

I've found I don't post as much on forums as I used to though, no idea why, just don't seem to these days.

In Topic: Ew. The site made with the bought bato.to domain. Ew.

04 February 2018 - 11:33 AM

mangadex is probably blocked by your ISP as they host 18+ material without any entry restriction. It's something I've seen mentioned a few times with regards to their site.

In Topic: New manga site like bato.to

22 January 2018 - 04:47 PM

Firstly, thanks for getting mangadex up and running in such a short time, I'm sure it's been quite tough to get that much done in the time given.

I do have a suggestion for when the time comes to start working on such things though. When a series is marked as complete, could there be a separate status for series that are completely uploaded or not? And maybe an optional counter to say how many chapters/volumes there are? So for example, "Completed 5 volumes (30 chapters) - Not fully uploaded", "Completed one-shot - not uploaded", "Ongoing - Fully uploaded"... Just a small suggestion that could make things easier at a glance. I know such things are low priority though, and it may be more complicated to implement than would be worth bothering with.

Also, regarding the adult titles, I think I would say firstly to look at the line between slightly ecchi, and fully adult titles (fully adult being more than just a little fan service though I admit it may be tough to draw a line as a lot of opinions will differ), and maybe consider fully adult titles being on a different site, as some ISPs may start blocking the site for hosting adult content without any restrictions in place. I would certainly consider making registration a requirement to display any such titles.

In Topic: Batoto will be closing permanently

08 January 2018 - 08:49 PM

It's a shame it came to this point, but I can understand needing to get out when something gets too stressful and involving. I do however think a bit more notice should have been given, as there are a lot of scanlaters using Batoto as their only means of getting their work out, and with more notice, they could more easily have alternative arrangements made, and get the word out. It would also give more time for someone to develop a new site that may be able to take over where Batoto left off. As a reader though, I will miss the ease of using this place, and how easy it was to find something new to enjoy.

So, I guess it's so long, it's a shame it's going the way it is, but the reasons are understandable, and I wish all the best. I just wish there was something in place for moving forwards for the community.