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Member Since 31 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 01 2012 11:22 PM

In Topic: Are some scan groups really better then Noez

24 February 2012 - 07:21 AM

Now, i dont want to be rude to anyone i just would like to have some questions answered. Now lets say that a Group release many popular scans( lets say about 6 scans for a medium sized group), on a weekly bases. Now the question here is when dose it stop being server and raw cost, to a profit where they are in fact now making money from this site. should said group have anything to say about mangafox profiting when they themselves do, and should their be a limit on how much money a group can make? Also why is it that groups call all of their readers leeches, or play them off as being dumb. i mean i can understand that people are sometimes ignorant to issues, but to insult the people who suport you by reading it, and sometime donating is a bit rude.

If you profit from your Work, why not?

I mean i wouldn't mind MF profiting as well, Google does the same thing with your privacy i mean, my problem with them is that they do not respect the wishes from those who's manga they host.

One manga probably would profit from hosting manga at their website as well, as many other groups (otherwise it wouldn't last that much time) but the minute you start ripping off credits and not respecting the ones that buy the raws, translate and post it so fans can read it, I mean something is very wrong.

As long they are transparent about it why not.

In Topic: Are some scan groups really better then Noez

23 February 2012 - 09:16 PM

Just wanted to say this. I went overdose to MF to see if naruto was ou. They took it out saying its lincensexD i swear, i laugh SÓ hard

I really cannot condemn anyone for taking the "donation", i would only answer it like this: "Great, here is the link to donation only. I do have a job already if you are offering one. I still maintain my position and will not allow any work of mine on your website (with or without delay)."

except it isn't exactly a donation, it's an outright offer/trade to offer the group a monthly payment of $100 (or maybe more or less) but in return the group doesn't watermark releases heavily or troll mangafox/mangahere. By accepting that donation, you're effectively acknowledging/approving of mangafox/mangahere/mangareader ripping releases, ignoring delay/no-host policies and removing of credits

I was being ironic you know. But i still maintain, if they want to make the donation go ahead, my habit would not change nor my moral. There is no need to troll anything but if they dont respect me, i would not respect them.

In Topic: Are some scan groups really better then Noez

17 February 2012 - 06:20 AM

I would post that on a newspaper.. just email them the whole deal. I've been emailing some topics to the newspapers here and got a reference to the subject. A very small second to last page reference, but non the less.

They could add this to the SOPA debate as well, my only concern is that NOEZ case is use to get international approval. That would be the end of NOEZ, but batoto and a lot other websites as well.

So far, most scan groups have not succeed with the watermark so far. If that will make them worst than NOEZ, resorting to even more aggressive methods or taking the deal and get a bit of profit from this. This is my view since so far seems that the watermarks and references do not appear or most leechers just jump them without reading.

I really cannot condemn anyone for taking the "donation", i would only answer it like this: "Great, here is the link to donation only. I do have a job already if you are offering one. I still maintain my position and will not allow any work of mine on your website (with or without delay)."

I do see why they rip MS series, that would be about 60% of their views, i just can't see the need to rip the rest, are they so desperate?

In Topic: Language request

03 February 2012 - 05:05 PM

i would like to see the right flag in the brazillian-portuguesse (PT-BR) translated mangas.

There are many countries who speak portuguese and in each one of them the "portuguesse" is diferent.

For exemple, i prefer to read english mangas than the portugal-portuguesse (PT-PT) ones.

This will not happen.

Scanlating groups typically just advertise as "Spanish," "Portuguese," or "English." No scan group advertises themselves as "American English" or "Puerto Rican Spanish". Besides, it's common for groups to draw from speakers of multiple countries. I don't know of any group that says we ONLY use Spanish/Portuguese speakers from country XX. So, I don't even know if the underlying rationale even exists for this request. Even if it did, it would probably create more problems than it solves.

That is really unfortunatly. Not being a portuguese may not notice because while american and british are variations, brazilian and portuguese are different linguagens, with different grammar. A very small exemple, actually an error that i made once, is calling "rapariga" is Portugal means girl but in brazil its a very bad insult, something like prostitute.

So my point is, i add my support to his request. At least may the little flag next to the chapter change.

Thank you in advance

In Topic: Are some scan groups really better then Noez

02 February 2012 - 01:09 AM

Way off... Every.. If only would you look at sport. The author own everything as intelectual material, and that is copyright universal directive.

But as They cant afford to publish it themselves, publishing companies pay for the right to sell books, merchandize, etc...

Now here is where it gets tricky. There are various laws in different countries and different contracts can be made, but all must respect one thing.

The company buys the rights, or employs the author, but it still his work and he will be pay everytime it is used. Now if the company has exclusive or not, thats up to the contract, but they must pay, even after he is dead(thats alot more burocratic but normally its heirs or funds. Depends alot. But dont bring up Mozart and alike because you can simply say its and adaptation of An. Adaptation.

A godo exemple. Everytime you see the birthday song on tv etc, the producer pay a little, which is worth around 2million a year.