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Member Since 16 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 01 2018 02:02 PM

In Topic: Any Supernatural fans??

03 January 2015 - 04:28 PM

I know right? It's like the more they try to "bond" the worse things between them get haha. 

You can thank the long windedness of the series for that. Maybe the showrunners feel that if the Winchesters were too on point they would solve all of the lingering plot threads.


I feel like Dean has a better relationship with everyone besides his brother. I mean, they're functional but there's no love there.

I have a friend who developed the phrase "God dammit Sam" from marathonning the first seven seasons back to back.

In Topic: What TV Series are you currently watching?

03 January 2015 - 04:26 PM

I'm currently waiting for a few series to start back up.




-Game of Thrones

-The Walking Dead

In Topic: Sanctuary [RP]

10 May 2014 - 06:46 AM

The last moments of the effort into the Supermarket terrified Emile. The sounds that followed her footsteps, that drowned out her thoughts and sped up her heartbeat much more - she was sure - than adrenaline ever had.
Emile dared not look back until she was inside. When she did it was to eyes that stared back at her. Red and yellow assortment, clothes and bodies obscured by thick metal and glass. They looked so much like creatures pulled from a nightmare world that Emile could not even picture them as people.
She tore herself from the sight with a deep and shuddered breath. Equipment held close, she approached where Vincent was being treated.
She worried. Emile felt it twist her gut and weigh her shoulders. She felt it press her heart and she caught her bottom lip on her teeth. It wasn't because of who he was - Emile barely knew the man and many had died. It was the idea of him surviving this. Just as she had been pulled away from deaths door when she arrived at the supermarket, she had helped both her superior and her equal with the same. She had hoped against the odds that they could survive.
To see those odds reinforced in the slaughter that happened in the parking lot - to see hope tested in such a way glued Emile to where she stood. Because she needed him to survive, she needed to know that they weren't fighting the impossible.
When the doctor announced Vincent's conditioned Emile let out a breath and slumped her shoulders as stress faded away from her muscles. "Thank god," she said on the exhale.
What followed was a lot easier. Out of principle, but it was a nice contrast on the conscience. Emile had the equipment from the trunk, Riyon's rifle and ammo bag, all awkwardly kept close to her as she held the ice to her shoulder. She waited for the sheriff to return as she picked a spot for herself to rest - away from others and with a decent enough spot to try and get an idea of the building they were now in.
When she gets back, Emile decided as she tried to relax herself but felt only the need to be productive in at least her own mind, I'm gonna grab a shirt and check this place out.

In Topic: Sanctuary [OOC]

01 May 2014 - 04:28 AM

Italics don't carry over from word pad, and I can't edit the word eleven into italics now cause we can't edit out posts. So glad I don't have OCD.

In Topic: Sanctuary [RP]

01 May 2014 - 04:27 AM

Emile spotted the supplies* as everyone began to move into action. Ras pulled himself toward safety, Riyon and Deli did the same for Vincent.
Emile would move to gather up as much as she could. Gun holstered and bags of food lined one forearm, and the tool kit was snatched up by the handle.
Being all that she could carry without burdening herself, Emile turned to follow after her comrades.
If Emile could not, however, spot the supplies, she'd instead make sure everyone made a move for safety and head that way herself.