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Member Since 09 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Private

Language selector?

03 October 2015 - 09:34 PM



I seem to recall that in the past batoto had something like this - you can chose what language you want displayed when you are on the contents page of a manga. Sometimes I have real trouble finding the latest English chapter with all the Russian, Turkish etc. chapters. I am not trying to troll here(!) - I'm simply talking about ease of usage.


It would be great if you could chose for each manga or the whole website to "only display the following languages" (checkboxes) - you can make this registered member exclusive if you wish. And this selection should also have influence on the "last update" field when using search. I often look for my favorite mangas and am happy to see a new update only to find out later it was in a language I don't understand...


@admins: I used the search and didn't find suggestions like this. If this has been discussed and denied before, please explain your reasons so I can understand.


Thank you very much!

name of this "harem" manga

24 September 2015 - 05:07 PM

Hi guys.


My description probably won't be much to go on, but I hope somebody recognizes it anyway.


The MC gets an inheritance (I think) and a few girls group around him.

In one of the recent chapters, the MC busted one of the girl's arranged marriage by offering to care for her. The mother eventually gave in and there were indications there might be more to the MC than he knows himself after the mother heard the MC's name.


Sorry, I know it's not much.