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Member Since 24 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 30 2013 04:05 PM

In Topic: hi...

29 November 2013 - 01:28 PM

okay we get it, you don't care whether you have an account on batoto or not. fine with me (and with most of the rest of us too, i'm assuming.)


now let's shush up. please? ^^

since if you aks that kindly ^_^


Yeah, it's not a tragedy. But you seem to be. As far as I remember, it's you who decided to come here, and spark bad blood, not us. And you don't seem to get, what we are trying to say, at all? Yes, that is a tragedy.


But anyway. We've gone too much of topic. Let's stop >.> Let's hope gaho will understand a bit more after he's past puberty.

poor me and my "puberty"...XD

so let's stop and hope that the guy with "bad blood" past his puberty safe...so he doesn't have to fight the low tollerant army  :batoto_017:

In Topic: hi...

27 November 2013 - 09:40 PM

What. where. I made you simple points. Get trough your head that we are not your enemy, for some reason your brain likes to think just that.


What Vis said is true. There's a lot people, including ADMINS, that might have MUCH less tolerance to this. So, don't spark bad blood, for stupid reasons. Unless you want to get banned, >.> 

i never considered you my enemy and if i get banned just for a simple opinion its not some kind on tragedy

In Topic: hi...

27 November 2013 - 03:15 PM

trust me when i say i'm one of the more tolerant ones ^^

tolerant or not it makes no difference, so nobody cares ;)

In Topic: hi...

27 November 2013 - 01:42 PM

welcome to batoto, you salty, ignorant little faggot.




ignoring the fact that you don't actually know that batoto doesn't put watermarks on the manga they host, with that kind of attitude i'm surprised you've gotten far enough in life to learn how to access the internet. which, judging by your sheer ignorance, you should be kept away from.

is that so? still here i am, i guess you will have to deal with it, love&peace


Like everyone has said.


1. Why are you telling US this? We're simple users of the site like YOU. 

2. Scanlators bring us manga and as such, you should go and tell it to THEM.

3. If you continue this behavior, you should consider leaving.


Anyway. HI

you are way to angry about that

In Topic: hi...

26 November 2013 - 07:01 PM

fight an army? are you guys serious? whatever...