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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles



Member Since 17 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 20 2018 03:29 PM

In Topic: The RP Lounge

27 January 2018 - 08:08 PM

My my, long time no see, I never hated half of you, just one or two. Over a few years I was only here for half of it, since you so kindly showed and shoved me out the door. Rolling through after Liar's RP, Blades of Fealty, which a bunch of you pretty much killed. So I joined this greener pasture, he ran a tight ship, the RP was going at a good speed with decent progress until OMF's members arrived.


Such was it did not last. Under unfortunate circumstance, OMF's members joined, bringing the problems we were running from. Called over starting from a whisper becoming a contagion, I suppose you can't run from problems hm? Knowing the dangers we let them join, they were friends after all. Solidly our worries were confirmed, and the RP was killed by the whimsy that killed countless RPs on OMF.


Done was this project on a new forum, all we did was turn it into OMF. I personally tried to discuss this, only to be met with immediate hostility. Calling them out, only for them to deny their own flaws, holding onto their precious status quo that ensured RP sections they joined would never thrive. Knowing and learning this futility I left, only to come back with a hidden message for fun, I wonder, have you ever heard of Acrostic?


Now the site dies, but this section died many months before that, as I had predicted.


boy how u gonna be salty after all these years