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Member Since 16 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 18 2018 05:53 AM

In Topic: Annoying Ads? (v2)

25 April 2014 - 01:00 AM

This ad bothers me as it pops up every time I go to a new page in the manga I'm reading.

It seems to happen regardless of the manga I am reading.

Additionally it doesn't seem to be relative to the advertizement that is displayed around the page, it just opens a new tab on page load and changes my browser's focus to it.


1. The most recent page it happened on for me was: http://vatoto.com/read/_/1909/tasogare-otome-x-amnesia_v2_ch3_by_maigo/41

2. The tab I shift to: http://tinypic.com/r/2m2ar1d/8

3. I am using Windows 7 and Mozilla Firefox.

4. Trackers on the manga page are: AppNexus, Chango, and Double Click. The popup references updating Java, but I don't believe that...

5. The popup's entire URL: hxxp://www.lpcloudsvr203.com/7E337A447D442B6351624B6446272073AEAFF17AB66EFE96F2AEB3A66FCC29F8BF8EF1589BF06761A867DBFA5BCAF7EC?tgu_src_lp_domain=www.lpdownclsva013.com&ClickID=lax1COLJtIvGgYfONhACGJn67uqM3pSvBiIOMTM4LjQ5LjE2OC4xMzkoATCR4OaaBQ..&PubID=${PUBLISHRER_ID}


Thank you for your time, and if you need anything else I'd be happy to help.

In Topic: Annoying Ads? (v2)

25 February 2014 - 05:13 AM

This add is far to annoying to let slide if you please:

1. The first page of chapter 0 of Kiss x Sis. (http://vatoto.com/read/_/8293/kiss-x-sis_by_lemon-inc) Although I have experienced this add while reading other series.

2. The first screen shot is the page and offending add (http://tinypic.com/r/mua436/8). The second screen shot is the pop-up tab that automatically opens (http://tinypic.com/r/dgthcz/8).

3. Windows 7, Firefox

4. Add services active on that page are: AddJuggler, AppNexus, PubMatic, and Quantcast. I don't know what one this add in particular is though.


Thank you,


Namerok Shadow