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Member Since 12 Oct 2013
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In Topic: [OOC] Hordes of the Tower of Ishido

06 November 2016 - 05:39 AM

Okay then. I said my piece, you said yours, that's the end of it.

In Topic: [OOC] Hordes of the Tower of Ishido

05 November 2016 - 09:32 PM

And you've completely missed my point. I am not saying everyone should be happy and hold hands, nor do I so desperately want my character to be loved by everyone. I honestly don't mind it if you want your character to just not like mine at all. What I do mind is that it is coming literally out of the blue. Nearly hitting you with the door by complete accident, sure, that I can understand. It wasn't her fault, but people get blamed for stuff like that all the damn time. Missy nearly hitting you in a crossfire two times I can also understand. But what just happened a second ago is you decided that Aurora throwing a shield on Tama in case the Necromancer tried to counterattack when she was at 3 Health and would have died to it merits the hatred of a thousand years, but you literally said in your post that oh, Sessile healing her for several times the Health amount of that shield throughout the fight is perfectly permissible and bears no grudge whatsoever.


You say this is just how Tama is, she can't stand others interfering with her fights; if that's the case, why is Sessile off the hook? Why is Markhala not a problem despite jumping in against the flesh hulk with her? What I am getting from this is not "This is Tama's personality, intervene at your own risk," it's "lol fuck Slice in particular."


If you want to have your character hate mine for a genuine reason, go for it! I welcome that! It makes things interesting, and it leaves something open for character development for both of us! Maybe I try to figure out the reason so I can attempt to bury the hatchet. Maybe I dont, but through whatever events happen you decide the grudge should go away, so you move on that front. Maybe the problem holds and interferes with the team to the point that Markhala gets tired of it and yells at the both of them. There are options. But if you're just going to twist about Tama's persona whenever it suits you to make her despise Aurora but be hunky-dory with everyone else, that does nothing because it ensures that there will never be any chance of changing.


To reiterate; I am not asking you to make your character friendly with mine right here and now. What I AM asking is that since you want there to be a grudge, let's either figure something out for it so it IS something that only applies to Aurora (and again, I am HAPPY to do just that), or let's make sure it applies to everyone involved.

In Topic: [OOC] Hordes of the Tower of Ishido

05 November 2016 - 07:34 AM

Okay, X? There's something I honestly have to ask you here. Is everything I do going to be twisted around to result in more animosity from Tama toward Aurora for no bloody reason? Because it honestly seems like that's your intention, and I'm already having it up to here with it. If you'd like there to be an actual reason for an inner-party conflict, I am more than happy to hash something out with you so it can go toward character development for the both of us, but if you're just going to have Tama hate her because you can and never allow me to even try to remedy it, that's going to be a problem.

In Topic: [OOC] Skybound Saga

03 November 2016 - 06:28 AM

I would hold for now, I've been typing the update over the last couple of days. It's a big one with a lot of story, so I'm very grateful for your patience.

In Topic: The RP Lounge

30 October 2016 - 08:55 AM

It's beatable, sure, but if you don't have the means to disarm Mysterious Challenger completely when he arrives you pretty much lose then and there. And answering him is a pretty tall order; you need to have an attacker you dont care about to trip the Noble Sacrifice (and subsequently the Redemption), a means to deal with a 6/6 that's pretty likely to become a 9/8 from Avenge, a minion in hand that you dont mind being at 1 Health to eat Repentance, and a way to clear out the 2/1 and anything else that might be on the board so Competetive Spirit doesn't trigger. Fail to do all of that (except maybe eat the Repentance or having Spirit go off on some little things) and you just get trampled because now the other secrets are covering Boom, Tirion, and possibly one of the two Ragnaros's as they come out. That, or the Paladin looks at you, says "Nice trick you did there! Do it again!", and plays the 2nd Challenger.


Having BGH as a 3-drop was nice for it because if Avenge went to the Challenger (which is somewhat likely since he's often played onto an empty board) you spent 3 mana to kill him so really all you needed was a throwaway attack and then a quick & dirty board clean-up, but now that he's 5 mana he can't help you much against an on-curve Challenger.


It... it was stupid to fight in its ladder heyday. And I honestly doubt anything's changed.