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Member Since 01 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 19 2018 02:55 PM

Pages mixed up in chapters...

18 March 2015 - 09:44 AM

Comic: AKB49
Chapter: 100x100
Group: Sense-scans
Language: English
Link: http://vatoto.com/read/_/148883/akb49-renai-kinshi-jourei_v1_ch3_by_sense-scans/13


So if you look at Chapter 3 of AKB49 and look at page 13, that page should actually be page 22.


Which brings up the question: what other pages are mixed up or even possibly missing?


Sense-scan's reader too has the same mix-up, which is a bit annoying. Chapter 3 was fine before, but when i reread it now, it has a page mix-up.


I've noticed it in other mangas too. Pages will either be mixed up or missing. One example of this is "Life is Money". God, that manga was actually legible before nearly every damned chapter had missing pages or mixed up pages.


And apparently it's not a new thing and happens often, seeing as there's a sticky about it. What I'm curious about is why the hell does this happen? Can't find anything about the "why" through a quick google search or a scan through this forum.


EDIT: Sigh. Page 24 should be after 22 in the same damn chapter as well. =_==================================


Getting frustrated if the rest is gonna be like this. Orz