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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles



Member Since 13 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 27 2018 05:18 AM

Bonjour, Salut, and So On and So Forth

10 September 2014 - 12:12 PM

Greetings, nice to meet you all, hello, all that good stuff.

Been using Batoto for quite some time, and procrastinating writing lab reports and/or going to bed, so I figured I'd dredge out my good ol' "find an image that looks good, make a not-terribad crop of it, slap an Instagram-esque filter on it, make it your avatar" skills of making myself presentable to a forum audience, and find a new community to lurk. Which, when I think about it, has been many a year since I've had a place to call home on the vast wide sea of the Interbutts. Cut my teeth on the Seven Seas Entertainment forums way back in the day, before they were publishing non-OEL stuff of note, had a decent stint as a forum moderator on a WoW private server forum, and have since been sort of lurking and hanging out with small groups in chat rooms here and there for oh, the past three, four years. And, while I enjoy lurking /a/, /v/, and /co/ and posting the occasional reply, constant anonymity can be a bit cold and stifling when you're used to small, tight-knit forums.

As for myself, I'm a college student from the US, currently on a study abroad in Christchurch, New Zealand. My hobbies are fantasy literature, crochet, baking, (a good set of manly hobbies, I suppose) and a fair deal of animu, mango, and vidya gaems. I don't sport. I prefer watching shows of the current season; when I attempt to marathon older shows I get bored about six episodes in and never finish. Currently watching Captain Earth and Aldnoah/Zero, because you gotta have gay robots and you gotta have Martian robots, or something. My tastes in manga are fairly broad and fairly voracious, with the exceptions of most sports manga, a fair deal of shoujo, and 99.9% of yaoi.

I tend to ramble in posts. Huzzah.