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Member Since 06 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 21 2018 03:15 AM

#1552639 Where Can I Find...? [Recommendations]

Posted by nobody8 on 23 April 2015 - 05:54 PM

Pretty sure this one isn't on the list.


Evil God Average-About a bishoujo whose only flaws are her terrifying eyes and evil-seeming atmosphere.  Her one request upon being transported to another world is to make her eyes and atmosphere average.  Warnings:  Female MC, comedy, flat chested(not-a-loli)...Setting is a fantasy world. 




Once again, we must give thanks to: The Esteemed 5th Holy Sheeprabbit, Estelion Sharlulu Asheel Vinchance Celenalia di ef Falufiluu'Luufilaafee (The 35th) aka. oniichan.

Also, there will probably be a few new teasers soon... I've read the descriptions and they are definitely something to look forward to.  But not so much if you are looking for another Male MC who inexplicably gets a harem. (Which I am thoroughly sick of at this point.)


Edit:  Also, Oniichan's teaser-"She Professed herself the pupil of the wiseman" has been picked up here:  https://darkfishoftherevolution.wordpress.com/she-professed-herself-the-pupil-of-the-wiseman/ 

#1535759 Where Can I Find...? [Recommendations]

Posted by nobody8 on 01 April 2015 - 04:32 AM

How about maintaining a standard of what's allowed on the list and such, when it comes to fanfiction, and hosted fiction?

Like a minimum rating for sites that use a rating system, or a minimum amount of followers?

When it comes to minimum followers, base it on the site's own average for that series? Where a fanfic for Series X needs to have a number of followers above Y, but Series A can have B followers, because Series A has a smaller fanfiction-oriented fanbase.


Something like that, anyways. A filter to keep from just linking every fanfic that comes up.



This thread was originally made to help people find or share good LNs/WNs and other translated works.  The genres are transported, reincarnation, fantasy, wuxia, and virtual reality.  While I have no problem with original works being added to this list if they fit the criteria, there should be a limit on the fanfiction.  There are fanfics being recommended of novels that aren't even on the list.  Also recommendations for manga/anime fanfics.  If people start recommending fanfics of everything, there will be no end to it, and the list will become a mess.


Also, I said I have no problem with Original works, but both original works and fanfics need to have a some criteria to pass before making it onto the list.  I understand that authors want to recommend their own work, but there needs to be some kind of requirement like TUSF mentioned above.  If someone has recommendations for fanfics other than the novels listed, it definitely belongs on a different thread, which wouldn't be that hard to do.  Maybe a thread could be made of JUST fanfics.  Or if someone is really passionate about a single series and has a lot of recommendations for it, they could make their own specific thread and link it.  EX:  Hey, I'm a huge fan of XXXXXXXXXXX and have a lot of fanfics to recommend.  {LINK HERE}.


No more recommendations of one-chapter fanfics.  At least give the author time to get established... who knows if it would be abandoned at that point.  Which, anything could be abandoned at any time, but usually translated novels have a bit more security on that, unless the author dies or something (knocks on wood).

Not-sorry for long post.