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Member Since 01 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 23 2018 03:55 PM

#1333471 Japanese Government to Start Anti-Anime/Manga Piracy Operation Next Month

Posted by TheJoanne on 31 July 2014 - 12:05 PM

I'm so sad about this. Batoto is one of the few manga hosters that don't actually profit! They pass advertising revenue to scanners who then (hopefully) use it to provide more scans. I hate this so much. But luckily there don't seem to scanner sites on the list - I'm going to have to just start visiting the sites personally. 


This is why living in South Africa sucks. I doubt Japan knows we EXIST as a country, so no manga gets here except via the USA and then it is the POS versions that get rid of honourifics which make my blood boil, and often only the first few volumes (or inexplicably only the 2nd volume), and cost a fortune since they are imported from a country that knows we exist (barely) but only cos "there was this thing there once" and "oh they are the ones with the gold and Mandela". So no way to actually get manga here except through the internet. And they wonder why people breach their copyright...


EDITED: Also, can we all just lol at the fact that Youtube is gonna get caught in the crackdown, yet their little movie on that MAG site is hosted there? Hypocrisy, thy name is Japan


2nd EDIT: Any they can't even be bothered to go and make new footage of the characters saying "thank you"?! Just cannabalise the shows and mangas themselves! Too much effort and money to actually thank people for using our crappy site...