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Member Since 28 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 12 2017 07:48 PM

In Topic: Do you ever Re-read Manga?

29 December 2011 - 12:57 AM

Yeah when I'm bored, in the mood or it has been a while since the last update.

That reminds me there is a serie I should look up if the mangaka has released the next volume.

In Topic: Manga: Art or Plot?

29 December 2011 - 12:48 AM

Ideally both should be good but the only place I could cut corners would be the art I can get used to the art but a boring story will stay boring. I don't like to waste my time and the plot would keep me hooked even if I didn't like the story. Sometimes I think something does not look great but after a while I start to like it.

The most important thing is plot but when the characters are not to my liking even the best plot couldn't keep me interested I would just get annoyed at every page this character appeared and if it's one of the main character there is no chance that I would finish the story. When I started I'm sure I would have done it but now after numerous (I wonder how many) mangas there are things I don't want to read any more.

In Topic: Fan Fiction

29 December 2011 - 12:35 AM

I live of this things eating, drinking sleeping that are things I need to do but scans, subs and fanfictions are the things I need. Since I like BL it's not really unusual and I also crave the HP - fandom at the moment but I'm nearing the end of the completed works and am drifting around wondering what I should tackle next. Somehow everything doesn't feel right and the WIP are WIP but when there are some updates I'm really happy. Since it was Christmas some authors were nice to give us gifts for the holidays.

In Topic: First manga EVER

29 December 2011 - 12:26 AM

I don't know my memory is really bad but if I had to guess it would be 'Battle Angle Alita'. The reason why this is so memorable for me is because it was the first text after I learned reading that I read in another language and it was interesting enough that I didn't care that I hadn't learned how to read in that language (I'm just glad that it was just French if it had been some language with different letters or with signs it wouldn't matter that I could already speak the language).
It would be a long time later before I would read my next manga I never bought magazines, comics or books I always borrowed from friends or went to the library and I didn't feel like there was someone who watched animes either I was blind or the library had manga just when I was about to finish school. However the series they got were great one of my favourite manga/anime and a serie of one of my favourite mangaka there was even a manhwa.