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Member Since 20 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 19 2018 03:30 AM

In Topic: [Checking Interest] Tower of God Roleplay

02 September 2013 - 11:08 PM

I think it may just be school starting again right now. I'm just now getting free of all the starting work bomb that comes from college.

In Topic: [Checking Interest] Tower of God Roleplay

13 August 2013 - 08:16 PM

I got a different idea for shinsoo barrier that goes towards the same line. Remember, we'll have a completely different admin under Yu Hansung

In Topic: [Checking Interest] Tower of God Roleplay

11 August 2013 - 12:16 PM

Some tests sounds standard (like the first). Others wouldn't be a challenge (the door test). We probably need to make up some that would be rp'd easily. Whether that is the implication of standard or new tests doesn't matter.

In Topic: [Checking Interest] Tower of God Roleplay

11 August 2013 - 06:13 AM



It's a long book, so the specific page from these pdf you want to view are 26 for the overview of the idea, 28 for traits and 40 for complications. Each have a dice number (d2, d6, d8) which can be ignored for our purpose. But what is interesting is the complications must = the trait score, unless a mod agrees otherwise. For example:


Having Blue Blood is a trait that will generally gain you recognition. You are nobility and respected as such, thus getting into many groups/teams easily. You have access to funds, for christ sake, and your family will gladly help you climb. For our purposes, a Zahard princess would have like a d8 trait here while a Ha family member might get a d4.

To counter our character (the Ha family) we need a d4 complication.


Ideologist is a D2/D4/D6 complication in the Cortex world. You believe in some political/religious/misc belief that you just have to preach to the world. Maybe you are a supporter of Fug or the Winged Tree (as a family member, this could be an easy d8 complication. For our purposes, we'll probably change the ratings all the time and whatnot). Perhaps you're just part of the Chicken Love Club, or a fangirl of the Zahard princesses (d2 complication). Whatever the case, your viewpoints get you tangled with others and can lose you valuable team mates and cause rivalries. On the plus side, you may find others with the same beliefs as you...


I can either write out a list of these or just use this book. My problem is the story line of "My parents died when I was young... revenge revenge... so and so monster". I see it in the beginner fiction world all the time and Cortex found a way to cut that out fairly well. Want more positives? Take on some negatives.

In Topic: [Checking Interest] Tower of God Roleplay

10 August 2013 - 04:18 PM

I don't mind the great family idea at all. To be honest, there doesn't seem to be any 'bonus' coming from a great family at all. As for a 'princess'... Hmm. We could use luck roles for each person to decide if their character is something more powerful than usual. From a 100 sided dice, 85+ is great family main branch, 95+ could be princess (or if guy, just powerful like one), and straight 100 could be irregular.


I say we let people design a character with whatever they want as specialization and then work out their stats. That way, we're not actually have them set up stats, but they'd be worrying about the RP part more. I actually have an idea to save a bunch of time on stats (and having people work on it themselves takes forever).


The model we need from them is:




Lighthouse color (or just overall color choice)




Desired position (Of course, admins set this on floor 2, but after, it's your choice)

Specialization (Strength, speed, smarts, resistance)

Item (up to two, they'd be basic use, and probably unnecessary if an actual shinsoo manipulator)


Everything, of course, should be balanced by mods to make sure it works, and we'll deal with all stat related issues. It'll be very open what everything does (as we're obviously talking in an open forum) but to bother everyone with learning a stat system that we're making up on the fly would probably just take longer.