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Semper Solus

Semper Solus

Member Since 09 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 01 2018 06:49 PM

In Topic: College/University

19 August 2013 - 07:00 PM

Well the good news is that finding a job after you graduate will be no sweat. If your grades are average and you've got a decent resume and a firm handshake then you definitely won't be stuck at home forever. Accounting is the backbone of business, so competent accountants are always in demand. During the busy season if you're working for a private firm, you're most likely going to end up working 7 days a week. 300% no joke, my sister is an accountant at one of the Big Four and she's stuck working on the weekends, which fucking sucks, but the trade off is that she gets a lot of vacation days because there's very little to do once you're out of the busy season. If you're interested in traveling, you should think about going into Auditing because Auditors get to travel a shit ton, other wise you should look into working with taxes.


Also, from personal experience, it's not hard to find accounting internships so if you can score a summer internship you can def make bank during the summer #truestory. dno2.png

Well now that I think about it, since you used the term "Accountancy" you're probably not living in the US, so I need to include a disclaimer because everything I'm saying is just from an American's perspective. I'm pretty ignorant of what the job market looks like outside of the US, so I'm not really sure if it'll be as easy to find accounting related jobs and internships everywhere else in the world.


That's rich. A shut-in who's interested in travel. :rolleyes:


And, nah, that's what my university calls it. The pedant in me enjoys its greater accuracy, but the American in me wonders what the flick is up.

In Topic: College/University

18 August 2013 - 05:25 AM

The problem with being a shut-in is not knowing much about the outside world.
That said, I've finally taken enough courses from home to transfer to university as a junior. 
Majoring in "Accountancy".
Despite my high grades in the classes and ability to crunch numbers in my head, I have no idea what that is.

I'm either going to get straight A's or straight F's, and I'm afraid to find out.
(real world kind of scares me tbh)
(i think its something you need to grow up with to understand)

I'm going to say it here, since I don't know where else to say it, but I'm absolutely terrified.
(worst case scenario i just killed another thread)
If I screw this up, this is it.
I end up stuck at home forever, or at least until my relatives are incapable of caring for me and I get put away somewhere.
(theyve threatened)
I know I only post occasionally, and I'm more of a natural disaster than a forumgoer,
(there are so many people here)
But please wish me luck.

In Topic: Favorite kind of MC?

07 August 2013 - 09:50 PM

In manga, I like main characters that use their heads to solve their inevitable problems. 
The less emotional, the better.


This character can be male or female, as long as it's not both.
(the gender opposite has to be) (well) (opposite)

(good drama comes from character foils)

But I digress. MC Escher is my favorite MC!

:lol: )

In Topic: Manga Confessions

07 August 2013 - 09:43 PM

I'm going to get this out there:

Some parts of manga REALLY creep me out.

The animal people, the abnormally large boobs, all that stuff with women's underwear...
Even if it doesn't have to do with the story at all.
And everything without that stuff is supposed to be "realistic" and "mature", which basically means it's usually got rape in it, or someone dies or something.
(maybe im generalizing too much) (but i dont want to escape from my world into a worse one)
It's that recurring narrative element of "doing something because it's been done before".
It's why American mainstream stuff can't shake making women 6 feet tall and with waists thinner than their heads.
(also superheroes) (btw im american)

To be honest, I don't discriminate comics by country of origin at all. 
(makes figuring out the reading direction a pain in the butt)

I'm not too good with words, so I like how comics use pictures to do the heavy lifting.
(the gray parenthetical text is an extension of this) (more words to fill in the cracks)
... but there are certain elements in manga that make me realize that Japan and America are tweedledum and tweedledee.
(i guess if you make up your own language) (nobody can understand you)

I do not like manga just because it's manga. 
(the grass is not greener on the other side of the planet)
I like it for the story it tells and the way it tells it.
(if eyes are windows to the soul) (why not make them bigger)

But sometimes, I really wonder why.
(has tvtropes ruined my life i wonder)

So I don't identify as an otaku. I wonder what I am.
(ill just stick to nerd for now) (all the cool kids are doing it)

In Topic: Online Persona

19 June 2013 - 03:13 PM

You know what they say:

"On the internet, nobody knows you're a shut-in with some sort of brain mutation and no social skills."


... so I actually debated for a bit whether to reveal that. I thought maybe it'd just be a secret for all those people who know (bad) Latin.


... Then I realized how much of a jerk I'd seem if I didn't reveal why I--I don't know--casually offend people or something.
(seriously i have no idea what i do most of the time)

So this persona is more or less like me, though I actually do leave my house sometimes, but always in a car, and never to anywhere I haven't been before. But in real life, I cannot speak to people at all, pretty much. So I'd be a total downer at the Batoto party.  :D

(plus there are a bazillion forums out there)
(if i screw up on this one)
(then hey tenth times the charm)