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Member Since 10 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 23 2018 08:59 PM

Manga - survival horror or psychological horror

07 November 2017 - 08:29 AM

Hi all,

I can't remember the name of Mangalore or exact genre it was in but it was in similar theme as Real, and other "life or death" mamba.

The cast were several high schools age or 20 ish, and there was one or two people from police. Who are specialised in life or death cases.

They were going into some building and were teleported or trapped in a locked room where they must complete some task or game before time is up if they want to survive or get out of room.

Does that make any sense? :///. I admit that this manga I read about 2 years ago and I only read 1st chapter or first two chapters only.

Anyone knows what Manga I referred to? Many thanks for answers or suggestions.


27 February 2017 - 05:04 PM

Mod edit:
There is an issue with some nodes of the default CDN (so far NYC, LAX and UK have been reported).

Person responsible for CDN servers has been notified about the problem.


Feel free to leave a post here if you have something to add (like a different node not working for you or whatever behaviour you're observing that's not been mentioned yet), or like one of posts describing the same issue as yours as a +1.

Remember that in the meantime you can switch the image server to a different one using the gear icon (cog.png) in the reader.

  Original post:
I am a long time user of Batoto, and I am noticing that the quality of batoto has gone down and I am fed up with that especially when I couldn't change my default (CDN) to different image servers at all.  It is because CDN server is screwed up and unable to load some images correctly or not loading the images at all.  It is on same par as potato image!
I have determined that the source of those problems are CDN server  so please could anyone within Batoto team to remove it for good so we can stick to new server or different server since they have proved to more reliable than rubbish CDN.