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Member Since 14 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Feb 21 2024 09:37 PM

#36566 Hello~

Posted by ValorantX on 09 December 2011 - 03:26 AM

hmm I see, I'm a North New Jersey person. =] Overpopulated with Koreans and a half an hour from NYC.
well if you want to talk about anything, send me a PM

#34606 Multiple Intelligences! Know yours and share!

Posted by ValorantX on 05 December 2011 - 07:59 PM

I have my own problems of Howard Gardner's theory. 1. It doesn't fully differentiate how intelligence is reduced to neural networks and how well they function, people who are intelligent in one area are usually strong in other areas as well. 2. The scale doesn't measure up, it seems he lists "abilities" all as intelligence. I generally agree that psychometric testing is inaccurate and one can't measure up a ruler on one simple "overall" intelligence, but there's nothing wrong with saying that there are those who are generally more intelligent than others. Howard Gardner has a problem with comparisons of intelligence between humans but he doesn't criticize measuring intelligence levels between species. Chimpanzees process and retain short term memory visually much more efficiently than humans do and they can survive in nature, but we have no problems with calling them less intelligent than we are. 3. The arguments supporting Multiple Intelligence are pretty weak. Savant Syndrome does suggest that individuals can be extremely talented in certain areas and incredibly weak at others, but that doesn't necessarily suggest that the mind retains "separate intelligences" as if the brain separates the tasks accordingly, at least less so for people with normal brains.

#31509 Salut!!

Posted by ValorantX on 02 December 2011 - 09:38 PM

hey welcome to batoto Malu, PM me if you want to talk =]

#27687 What are you currently reading?

Posted by ValorantX on 25 November 2011 - 05:38 AM

Just list the manga you are currently trying to complete/read up to the last updated chapter. You can also talk about manga you plan to read or make recommendations.

Currently Reading

Medaka Box
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
Rurouni Kenshin

Planning to read next

Tower of God
Pandora Hearts (gave up in the middle)
D.Gray Man (gave up in the middle)
Soul Eater (gave up in the middle)
Soul Eater Not
Yuyu Hakasho
Ranma 1/2
Sket Dance

After that, I have like 300 on my list to choose what to read next



UPDATE: Additional Rule! If you're reading a series with more than one unread chapter (example: you haven't read Hayate 400 and 401), just post the latest chapter number you're currently reading. DO NOT post every chapter you go thru (like posting both).  [s]

#27672 What grinds your gears / PET PEEVE >:[

Posted by ValorantX on 25 November 2011 - 02:47 AM

People who come in to ask for something/get something and don't close the door when they leave.

#27149 Favorite Quote

Posted by ValorantX on 23 November 2011 - 06:26 PM

If someone told me that I could live my life again free of depression provided I was willing to give up the gifts depression has given me: the depth of awareness, the expanded consciousness, the increased sensitivity, the awareness of limitation, the tenderness of love, the meaning of friendship, the appreciation of life, the joy of a passionate heart - I would say, ‘This is a Faustian bargain! Give me my depressions. Let the darkness descend. But do not take away the gifts that depression, with the help of some unseen hand, has dredged up from the deep ocean of my soul and strewn along the shores of my life. I can endure darkness if I must; but I cannot live without these gifts. I cannot live without my soul.’

- David N. Elkins

#27138 What's the last song you listened to?

Posted by ValorantX on 23 November 2011 - 06:06 PM

One of my favorite DJ's on youtube, his songs are amazing


#27082 Today you will..

Posted by ValorantX on 23 November 2011 - 03:53 PM

Try to get up to date with Medaka Box (up to about chapter 80) and maybe start reading Tower of God.

#26905 Option for "My Follows"

Posted by ValorantX on 23 November 2011 - 02:34 AM

At least for all the comics I followed, I chose not only ones that I am updated with to the last chapters, I also followed the manga that I completed and the ones I choose to read later so I don't forget about it later. I found it a useful feature of the site and I think it'd be attractive to new members if we also allowed members to check certain comics as "plan to read, in the middle of, completed" (yea that was bad wording, but you know what the options are), view the total number of manga on the list (& and those completed, not started, etc.), and also give the option for members to allow others to see their full list (if there is manga you're embarrassed to read, maybe allow a function for to hide certain manga?

It's probably something that might take up too much time to be a priority but I'm just putting the idea out there.

#26891 Questions

Posted by ValorantX on 23 November 2011 - 01:00 AM

I do not accept your phantom limb question. It contains the implicit assumption that being treated in the hospital for a lost arm is reality, and that the "perceived arm" is perceived. I posit that you also perceive to be treated at the hospital for a lost arm.

I'm not though..... I'm in my room typing this up as a reply to you but you may be right; the phenomenon of phantom-limb may actually a hoax and the reality may be that the devil is tricking my eyes when I look it up on Wikipedia.

What this gives us is two contradictory perceptions resulting in an either-or situation.

There aren't 2 contradictory perceptions, there is only one. What the person is perceiving is an arm and what's actually there is a torn off limb.

We can make the assumption lost arm=true (as such, arm still there=false) or arm still there= true (as such, arm lost= false). We can also make the assumption that both are false, in which case the statement itself would be false (that being said a very reasonable case could be made that one is merely the negation of the other... p.s. it also should be noted that at this point when I say true I mean "I have no arm" or "I still have that arm" is true as opposed to true being "I don't see an arm" or "my fingers hurt")

Both sides aren't assuming anything and no one has to. If I take a bazooka and blow my enemy's arm off, no one has to assume anything about the fact that he lost his arm. The one who is perceiving the arm to be there isn't assuming the arm to be there as if he was wondering to himself "hmm I feel an arm there but there might not be one" rather he found no reason to question it. In this case, the fact that his arm is gone is told to him by the doctor and the patient can confirm that this is true by simply opening his eyes.

Point is, it's not a matter of what is or isn't true. It's a matter of what we are assuming to be true.

So evidence of the proposition of whether your girlfriend actually cheated on you or not doesn't matter as long as you assume it to be true? (my eyes may be tricking me) Anyways I want to know what is true.

That being said, one thing this counterpoint does effectively demonstrate is that perception is not necessarily "what is real" (though phantom limb syndrome does have "real" causes). It falls short of disproving "what is real" is perception (indeed, in practical usage one could pretty much say that reality is basically all that we, upon perceiving, assume is true), but that is what defining things is for.

In other words, you're proposing that it is possible for solipsism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solipsism) or idealism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idealism), claiming that neither can be disproved. I haven't really seen you doing either though..... all you have been doing is repeating that you can't be certain about any claims because you can propose different contrary-possibilities.

Anyways after one or more replies by tomorrow, I'll be posting up my answer to this and a new question.

#26120 Hello~ Ahnyoung~ Hajimemashitte~ Ni Hao~ Bonjour~

Posted by ValorantX on 21 November 2011 - 12:29 AM

hey =] I hope you enjoy your time here and be sure to contribute with your posts
and um.... I can't see your about me page

#25053 How did you get your name?

Posted by ValorantX on 19 November 2011 - 04:29 AM

Frankly it was one of my Maplestory character's name when I was 12 and it just stuck as an online ID. -__-; LOL

#24688 Hajimemashite =]

Posted by ValorantX on 18 November 2011 - 05:46 AM

Hey, I'm a senior in high school and my real name is Albert Kim (Korean-American) and I've started to read manga off of here about a week ago. I've read about a 150 series so far and I have about 200 more on my list. I updated some information on my profile to give a general idea of who I am. (On a side note: although I listed Naruto and Bleach on that list, I'm getting tired of them like many people)
Yea not the best introduction but I hope I'll see some interesting discussions going around here. =]

Also am I wrong but is this website relatively new?