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Member Since 27 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 24 2018 03:36 AM

In Topic: Spliting the [No Chapter] tag in two

14 January 2015 - 12:08 PM

The [no chapter] tag accomplishes everything it should (help as search filter) and it is not prone to being set wrongly. Additional information is what the description is for.

I understand what you are saying and can accept that, I just wanted to talk about it a bit.


Your suggestion is a moot point. Something being what you call 'licensed' has absolutely no bearing on whether it is allowed on Batoto or not. Everything is licensed because somebody always has the rights to it. It does not matter who the copyright holder is and where they are located in the world.


The second point is not feasible either. Accurate information about scanlation status is simply not something that is obtainable and keeping up to date. It will lead to lots of false information and bad blood between groups that start to scanlate because some person who just wanted their fix faster set the tag on Batoto.

The first part of this about the 'licensed' tag, I meant it as a short version of [no chapters because the licensee has requested them to be removed] but felt that tag would be too long so I shortened it and suggested something along those lines.


As for the second part, I also understand what you are saying here but I still feel that titles that have the "Unfortunately the comic (or parts of it) was scanlated by groups that don't allow rehosting. Sorry for the inconvenience." in the description or titles that have no info/scans at all or titles that lose their scan group in the middle should have a better way of conveying that they need a group to scan it other than an army of potato sprouts flooding forums each asking for some title or another to be translated, rather than have that annoying army at your door it might just be better to add a [No Scans] tag so it's like a check list of what is/isn't being worked on, if your group is going to work on it then toss a comment on to the title page (and forum if you want, I don't know how the groups communicate) and remove the [No Scans] tag.


I don't think this will really affect groups in terms of bad blood because after all there is already bad blood on a lot of titles because there are groups out there that forcefully take over titles from other groups by 'double translating' it. As I stated before, this is just a kind of check list and a way for people to see what titles don't have active translators (also since I know the word active will be debated until the thread gets locked I just want to say that that is up to the admins/groups to decide as to when a title is no longer being actively translated, us sprouts will just have to wait and not nag).



Accurate information about scanlation status is simply not something that is obtainable and keeping up to date.


P.S. Accurate information about scanlation status? were not asking for the time until a chapter is ready because as everyone should know by now it's ready when it's ready, but if a group is taking over a scanlation project then shouldn't it be announced in the forums? bad blood can't, or at least shouldn't be caused by something that is already known to all the groups unless of course you are trying to 'steal' the project by doing a 'double translation' and then thats it's own thing to be discussed in some other place (after all it does already happen).


TLDR: So just to recap, [Licsened] = chapters removed, licensee doesn't want them here so you are SOL.  [No Scans] = Help! I need scanlations asap!(put a comment on the title page and a topic in the forums if you are going to Save Our Scans).



P.S.S. sorry if my argument doesn't make sense, was trying my best to not sound like rambling. It's 4am and I most likely should have waited before posting this.



(EDIT: As a side note, the [No Scans] tag most likely wont be abused any more than any other tag, if there are recently updated chapters than the law abiding sprouts won't be asking if there is a group working on it and as such won't be messing with the tags. The only abuse that I can think of would be from the outlaw sprouts and they are going to abuse the tags whether or not the [No Scans] tag is there or isn't.