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Member Since 16 Jan 2018
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In Topic: Please help me get my follows list

17 January 2018 - 04:17 AM

P.S.: In case there is any confusion, the thread describing ban appeals is slightly incorrect. This is not a "hard ban" and I do have the power to reverse it.


        According to one of the threads for the forum for when you can't create an account,(which I am not going to bother tracking down)  it means all the mechanic definitions of a hard ban. I can not access the site at all when logged in, and I can't even log out. I have to use incognito mode in Chrome to bypass the cookie that keeps me logged in. Well I could just hunt down the cookie and delete it manually but it's not worth the trouble and pretty pointless since my aim is my follows list anyway. The thread details what makes a ban a hard ban, and what I am under fits except for you having the authority to revoke it.


Outrageously banned. Outrageously!


I would never be malicious. I don't believe in retributive punishment.


        Yeah, it is outrageous.  And it's malicious in many ways, but the most obvious is in that it's mechanically hard ban instead of a soft one. If you think there is something wrong with my post, banning me from posting does the trick.  There is no conceivable reason that is not malicious reason for preventing me from accessing my follows list.


       Trebor, your demands are incredibly outrageous and unreasonable. Let's put aside you wanting me to say lies are truth for your own smug satisfaction. Any and all reprimands from any mods have always been incredibly lazy and light on detail, including your single line message for the hard ban about supposedly calling persons stupid in comments, though much more detailed then most reprimands and punishment notes. Yet you want detail in triplicate. All the while I can't even see what posts I have made, so what, from memory you want exact details of stuff that has happened at the minimum of over a month ago? That is an impossible task. And incredibly hypocritical, you want many times the basic detail you and others wouldn't give me. I tried asking for that detail on several occasions and was refused by being blatantly ignored.


        And then there is jerks like NZP who have regularly acted in atrocious ways including in this very thread and get a pass. So hypocritical/favoritism too.


       I am not even asking you to unban me, I am asking you to change my ban from a hard ban to a soft ban so I still can't post but I can access my follows  list. So what is it, are you that malicious or will you stop holding my follows list hostage with literally impossible and utterly unreasonable demands?


     Hey, I have tolerated mod abuse of power and mistreatment for years here having had no choice. You say you aren't malicious? Then please let me have my follows list.