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Crouching Bacon

Crouching Bacon

Member Since 31 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 07 2017 04:39 PM

#828544 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 11 August 2013 - 03:15 AM

Hey, Paper...

I think Lily and Aera would be friends? Lily doesn't spend more than a few months each year at court, but I think when she's there, and not busy being the gracious noblewoman, she'd take Aera shopping...and wandering through the city...and avoiding bodyguards and stuff. :3

As far as the other nobles are concerned, they seem to all be very cold and inscrutable. I guess Lily wouldn't interact terribly much with them.


Done! ^^ though i'm leaving in a bit~ I'll add Lily to the relations later

also, Aera is the president of Lily's fanclub. 


I think we're all misunderstanding a few things.


The Dusk is the untamed wilderness between civilizations. It is a dangerous place where monsters of the dark lurk, and where men turn insane. The Dawn is essentially where man lives, and each country has massive walls along their borders to prevent the monsters and darkness from the Dusk to seep into the world of man.


The reason why the Warlocks of Dusk are called such is because they betrayed the mission to destroy the darkness once and for all by attempting to slay the princess.


Fab, just make a character you would like to play as that fits the setting. There is no pressure.


However, for all those characters that want to side with the Dusk. You will get your chance. You don't have to worry about it.


this brings to mind Atack on Titan for some reason.

sorry for the misunderstanding though~! XD

#827385 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 10 August 2013 - 12:11 PM

Evening? *checks time* errr... 9 PM? lol.


I'm kidding, of course. I imagine that i'm on quite a different time zone then most here.


it's 8 here ^^

#827104 Impromptu poetry!

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 10 August 2013 - 09:32 AM

Here I am again–

running away

in my head


my body

is stuck here

against its will.


Hey stranger, won't you

teach me how

to find

the freedom

that once was


#824688 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 09 August 2013 - 10:10 AM

She's actually just Gilgamesh in drag. ^^

#824679 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 09 August 2013 - 10:04 AM

For example, are you sure Lysander is the good prince here?


For example, are you sure Aera is a girl?


shit i should stop spamming this thread. -_-

sorry Liar ;u;

#824581 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 09 August 2013 - 09:18 AM

Oh god... if it was a fluffy wolf i would have  :batoto_022:


that's it.

i'm going to have a surly, fat cow named Bertha.

also, a (not so dire) tamed wolf-dog named Cookie.


#824464 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 09 August 2013 - 08:13 AM

Hahaha, okay. ^_^

Well, they were calling you Pipi or something, and I like Pi-cchi. It's like you're peachy. :3

But I can just call you Pross or something... ^_^


Hmm, I should be able to finish the bio tonight (er, this morning). 

I'll get to it, since I may have messed up my drawing by screwing up the hair (curse you, purple pencil, for having too much red), and I don't want to try to salvage the otherwise lovely sketch at the moment...


lol. pi-cchi is okay ^^

pross sounds too much like prostitute >.>


aw, well your drawings are amazing ^^

just realized that your avis were self-made XD

-rolls over to assume artistic submission-



I'll just sit by myself with my unrivaled swordsmanship or something.


oi oi. there's a lot out there to counter your badass boast ^^

#823835 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 09 August 2013 - 02:13 AM

I have a picture picked out, and half of her history written. I just gotta sit down and finish it.


Tanmei... You...Jeez. :P


~cheers Nep on~

really excited to read the cleric character ^^

#823187 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 08 August 2013 - 03:22 PM

Here's my last off-topic remark: LMFAO^ and don't even try to look for my photos :P


On topic: I wonder what would be each poster's pic they would have used if this was as Liar said a medieval with mecha RP xD 




#822775 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 08 August 2013 - 08:32 AM

The twist is that everyone dies in the introduction.


Great..Death is a great leveler..looking forward to a delicious piece now.. :D

So the story progresses backwards rather than forwards I guess then..(God give me time machine already!!  :rolleyes: )


Holy shit, this actually sounds awesome~ ^^

#821219 [OOC] War of Batoto

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 07 August 2013 - 03:29 PM






Honestly, I don't enjoy arguments... but I don't like being called a push-over either.

So here are my thoughts.


Look, the reason why the spoiler tags are present is to make the story easier to follow.

We're only trying to keep the thread together, since there are people out there who still want to RP it.

This is just a system to minimize the clutter, while furthering our own character development.

It's for aesthetic reasons, not altruism.


Also, it seems that the main argument is the problem of god-modding and the lack of plot.

I guess there were far too much ideas that weren't implemented effectively. Good ideas aren't guaranteed successes.

However, in an RP filled with god-like characters, there wouldn't be much incentive to be a normal human if everyone is just intent on beating each other up. I'm assuming a lot of people who joined are more interested in writing fight scenes or something. That's cool, and I respect that.


If Vis leaves, then he is entitled to leave. It's not some sort of irredeemable sin, since his character is his and he can do what he wants with it. Of course, there will be people who will miss RPing with him, and they are entitled to their opinions as well.

However, they can only persuade him, nothing more. I'm sure the people here are smart enough to rewrite the plot in such a way that fills the gap. There is a reason the edit button exists, after all.


Perhaps it would have been better if the "rules" or the plot had been clearly defined from the start, but let's face it.

RPing with too much rules and RPing with too little rules both have their own shortcomings.


In the end, you either stay or you leave.

I guess I'd leave too if I weren't having fun anymore. And that's perfectly alright.


If I'm making things worse, I am sorry. I just wanted to help remedy the situations.

From what I get from Vis's post, the problem is that there are not many things going on (hence the lack of chance to develop one's characters)

But a lot of posts means it'll be hard for people who are left behind to catch up, and it will pose another problem


If my idea is not working, then I'm begging you people: please, let us think of a solution together. This is a place for us to have fun, for hell's sake.


Don't apologize, Fey ^^ there is nothing wrong with trying to problem-solve.

Maybe we shouldn't beg people to stay though.

If the plot were tightened and the action starts up, then maybe people will come of their own accord, or at least stay.


until then, whatever happens, happens.

#821104 Thought/Speech Clouds

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 07 August 2013 - 01:29 PM

-turns off the lightbulb-

#821072 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 07 August 2013 - 12:56 PM

so, basically to use magic you just need training. that's what I understood.

sure, talent will help loads, but in essence it's like cooking?

so long as you know how to do it, you can do it, even if you don't do it well?


kinda like the difference between how i make dinner and how a michelin chef makes dinner.

a magician/alchemist knows the more advanced principles on how to harness it.


i'm guessing the differences between the "affinities" of magic is kinda like the different branches of science in RL? like some people have an affinity for biology, because memorization comes easier to them, while others prefer math because the abstractions allow for more mental manipulation of things. [i apologize if that sounded quite silly, i'm no science major ;u;]


that's what i understood, liar. please correct me if i'm wrong~ ^^


also, how is light and darkness manifested? is it a physical thing like the sky suddenly gets bright or it becomes eternally dark or something like that?


or is it also manifested in other ways? hehe. i'm interested in knowing how the power works.

though if you want to keep the machination hidden that's equally cool. :)

#820561 [OOC] War of Batoto

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 07 August 2013 - 04:38 AM

Well I followed it  simply because of all the talk of loosing interest and no plot furtherance, so i thought I'll keep my side-character to minimum since that may discourage the main posters with reading a wall of text that they have no interest in 


I as well XD


idk, i just thought maybe some people would like the option of having to read through a minor plot and having the summary.

Choice is nice, after all.

also, those that might want to jump in or something may have an easier time with the summaries. ^^


maybe if it's a major occurence like when a minor character like mine happens to interact with a major one, I wouldn't bother putting spoiler tags though.

#819880 Thought/Speech Clouds

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 06 August 2013 - 02:34 PM

"Are you coming, or what?"