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Crouching Bacon

Crouching Bacon

Member Since 31 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 07 2017 04:39 PM

#900301 [RP] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 20 September 2013 - 04:17 PM

Cold Fire


How Soren found himself in a fight against the year’s most promising young mage, he doesn’t quite remember. All he knew that it was a bad start to another dismal day in the Academy.


“Ulrich Braus… of all people. Just my luck.”


The mage made an upturned fist– immediately, in front of him, a burning orb appeared; behind him, an explosion of jeers and taunts.


“Get out of my face, Dusk-tainted filth.” Ulrich grinned, his rakish smile glinting in the cruel sun.


“Brand him! Brand him!” chanted the crowd.


Soren cringed as a crackling ball of cobalt flame hovered ever closer to his face, threatening to melt his flesh away if he so much as moved. The boy’s dull eyes flickered to life, aflame with cold, cold hatred as his fingers dug into the soil, subconsciously trying to dig a way out… or perhaps a hole to die in.


“Hey! Leave him alone, Ulrich. Look for somebody who can actually fight.”


Everyone froze and turned towards the voice. Everyone but Soren.


“Damn you, bitch.” His eyes shut in shame.


“Ah. Somehow, little Fei has the heart to pity you.” Ulrich laughed and lowered his fist, killing the flame. “Even I have my standards.” He turned his back on the both of them and began walking away, his pack following close by.


“Oi, I’ll tell the teacher what you just did! You meanie!”


The girl’s hand drifted to her sword, ready to lash out at the swaggering braggart, but before she could do so, something flew past her face. Soren watched, his face frozen in an almost smile as his tormentor fell to the ground with a hound’s sharpened tooth buried in his shoulder.


“Heh. I guess you aren’t so strong after all, Ulrich. We all bleed.”


Rising quickly, he drew close to the girl and hissed in her ear. “Don’t you dare do that again. My life is mine to keep!” Soren pushed her to the ground and ran into the trees.

When the teachers arrived, the victim turned victor was nowhere to be found. As soon as the wound was cleaned and the blade removed, the girl snatched it.


“I should give this back…”


She looked at the strange weapon in her hands, more fang than dagger. The blade seemed to hum with an old power, one that could drive a man mad if he listened too closely.


Perhaps it already worked its strange magic, because into the woods she went.

#900191 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 20 September 2013 - 02:23 PM

"With you by my side, my love, even hell feels like heaven to me"

- Fei to Soren, Arcanum Academy's school drama festival

"I cannot-"


<In the corner of the concert hall, Ko vomits>

-soren gets distracted and says the wrong line-

"Hell... Hell no?"

Not a one featured Lily or Camus either. There's no Iblis, no Azelus, and we also lack Jeanne in the listing but there hasn't been much time for fantasizing there so I suppose that makes sense.


Also no Renly or any off-character ships. Why no Magnar x Beth, or Lily x Absolom, or even Camus x Absolom? And why do more almost half of these make some semblance of sense? Imagination people! Let the doujin work commence!


Except not really since we all make the original....


P.S. Just waiting on an Ahti and a Beth post before progressing.


Lily x Iblis = Hell hath no fury...

#894732 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 16 September 2013 - 11:29 AM

What ever happened to that cross-dressing character you were thinking about? Or was the 'son' a trap all along?

Shh. all in due time.

Shes 16, that is far from loli.

well, she has this odd child-like quality about her. XD

i couldn't help it.

oh my goodness, Garm ;u;

don't end up like Marco.

#894380 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 16 September 2013 - 04:44 AM

I call Caius x Rayne 'Tortureshipping'.

Well, I call Terra x Hadrian "Lollipopping".

#891786 [RP] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 14 September 2013 - 01:38 PM

[Flamma Vitae]


"Agh! Get off me, mutt!"


She strained against the wolf in vain, yelling defiantly despite the risk of worms falling into her mouth. Her arms weren't broken... yet. The damage done would definitely affect her swordsmanship, provided that she could still even hold the blade long enough to parry or strike properly. Her eyes flickered to the sky as the wolf's jagged teeth came dangerously close to her neck.


"...is this the death that I deserve?"


Before the downed warrior could utter her very first prayer, her tormentor flew to the side, blasted away by some unseen force. She jumped and got on her feet, wincing as her arms hung limp by her sides. The pain lessened quickly though; Terra had the presence of mind to heal her despite facing down a wolf of her own.


Terra! Aera! You guys escape while I keep these wolves busy!


Aera sheathed her sword and gave Hadrian a brief glance.


"Ever the savior. I owe him my life again..."


Terra didn't seem enthusiastic about retreat either and for good reason– the healer's wand had caustic properties, at least to the wolves. Aera's eyes glared at the strange red orbs within the craggy beasts, their pulsating glow akin to beating hearts. An attempt to shatter them would be risky; there was always the chance that they were only vulnerable to magic.


She looked at the sky. Then she looked at the girl beside her.


"No." Dagger in hand, Aera prepared for the next window of opportunity to open. "You really don't know me at all, do you, captain?"


The stabbing force would just have to come from a shift in technique and a little creativity. Thankfully, her legs remained uninjured and they were more than enough to compensate.


"Though if worse comes to worse..."


A small crevice lay a few meters away. Aera was quite ready to carry her pint-sized team mate to it if need be. But for now–


"Ready, steady, go!"


Like hell would she abandon her friends.

#890278 [Info] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 13 September 2013 - 11:41 AM


#888795 Hi XD

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 12 September 2013 - 02:41 AM

hey hey!

welcome and stay.

yeah you heard me right,

STAY or else. :>

#888793 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 12 September 2013 - 02:35 AM

You know, as I typed out that rant, that little voice that tells you important things told me not to write it...I should have listened...

well it's alright, though maybe someone should post some concrete magic rulez somewhere that's not buried? :>

like the ten commandments or something.

i promise i wont break the stone tablets.



Posted. Am training a puppy

EDIT: Thanks Liar for said puppy. That was nice of you. Better than a mushroom


if it's got worms for a tongue, i really don't want to see what comes out of the other end.

#888118 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 11 September 2013 - 03:02 PM

A draft.

my first time creating a slightly magic based character. oh dear. XD



#888058 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 11 September 2013 - 01:37 PM

Just finished reading your post, Sciutto. Very creative with the mouth stab, I liked it.


+ 2 Respect


Orcra is next. >:}

-thanks >///<

haha, though it seems like the only "soft" spot

i guess hadrian's going to bust out the laser canons or something, huh.

but not before terra does something crazy awesome. or just plain crazy.


lol, then liar decides that the bull has regenerative powers.

orc-nii, slice and dice them mushrooms

maybe all rayne needs is some chicken mushroom soup for the soul~

i love campbell's cream of mushroom, incidentally :D



samsung touch screen


the touch screen is just about the only good thing about this crappy handling PC. and the fact that it's light as a feather (a 1kg feather)

anyway time to write a very much revised post... gonna use notepad this time, seems like a wiser idea

whoah, 1 kg. i'm jealous XD

my back would definitely thank me.

#888023 [RP] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 11 September 2013 - 12:40 PM

“I have no intention of leaving either of you behind,” Hadrian’s voice reverberated amidst the silence, disturbed by only by the crunch of stones under their feet as Aera tailed the eccentric child.


“My heart tells me that his words are no lie.” She took a deep breath and released it in a quick sigh, letting go of all the doubts that plagued her mind. “So far...it has yet to fail me.


Her patience, however, was at its limits.


“Terra… what exactly are we looking for?” asked Aera, for the fifteenth time, growing frustrated with the cryptic silence of the self-proclaimed Lord of the Flies. When they finally approached a cliff with an odd crevice, the princess was about ready to find the girl a kingdom of shit she could rule over. Lack of information could bring about death in a battlefield– she had lost many good men because of it.


“Wait, don’t–“


But it was too late. The air around them reeked of rarified evils to come. An unseen force goaded the earth and the stone to rip itself apart and combine into what passed for crude imitations of wolves. Aera has seen enough of magic to know that this was not a good sign. Blades could sever flesh and blood, but rocks were not as obedient to force.


“Stay behind me! Damn... is this what you were looking for, trouble?”


However, it was hard to hide her excitement; her scowl quickly changed into an impish grin.


With Lichtgestalt in hand, Aera placed herself between the girl and the largest wolf, regarding it and its savage brethren with watchful eyes. When the alpha howled and revealed its foul mouth, the princess dashed forward and swiftly plunged her blade into the wriggling mass, the entire move taking place even before the wolf finished its dreadful cry.


“Take that!”


Some worms splattered on the ground as she pushed and twisted the sword deeper into its throat with measured force, taking care to keep the blade from getting stuck in the grimy mess. Once it hit solid rock, Aera gave it one final stab and pulled it out. She returned to Terra's side, ready to fend off the eager demons.


"Terra, if you know how to make things explode, now would be a good time."


The princess smiled and nodded at Terra's staff. Something that flashy should be at least marginally useful, right? Or at the very least, it looked sturdy enough to whack away a few of the mutts.

#886749 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 10 September 2013 - 01:11 PM

I submit my second character for Liar's approval.




-casually ships new girl with magnar-

#885139 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 09 September 2013 - 12:09 PM

For a very ignorant reason, I was surprised to see that Clare could write. ~sits in a corner~

why? her right hand was still functional XD



His. I meant his.

damn, that trap is pretty effective~

#883040 [RP] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 08 September 2013 - 02:59 PM

As Hadrian darted away before Aera could rip him a new mouth, she looked around the cockpit floor for her sword.

"Ouch. Another bruise..." she said; the low dashboard made it hard to move without hitting things.

Finally, after much uneccesarry head trauma, she exited the ship, Lichtgestalt in hand and a determined smile on her face. They were alive, which meant that they were essentially a functional search party. If this strange wench survived after being hit by their ride, then the rest definitely did. Trained warriors and heroes deserved better deaths than an accident.

"We can't die yet. This is only the beginning."

As the girl mumbled on about something, Aera felt something touch her nape with what almost passed as a kiss. A sudden gasp escaped her; she bit her lips to stop herself from making any more strange noises that only made her face heat up more.

She glanced quickly behind her, but saw that Hadrian was too far to have touched her. Not that she would have let him approach so easily and so intimately. Their previous altercation was close enough.

Though there was always the risk of Hadrian leaving them behind, Aera rushed after the Terra-creature. Her boisterous oddness could probably scare the overly welcoming spirits that only grew bolder in Hadrian's presence.

"I'll go after her. Don't you dare leave us behind, you." she said, without facing him. The stiffness in her gait probably said as much as her blush anyway. That feathery touch was quite difficult to forget.

Aera shook her head and ran ahead.

"I don't like this place, but anything to find the others, I guess."

#880775 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 07 September 2013 - 02:31 PM

What I meant was, is Rayne the type that rapes people as well? Or would she stop Iblis from raping people?

I say people because I don't want to assume anything at this point.


PLEASE RAYNE x LYSANDER rape courtship scene.



then aera discovers her brother being deflowered. oh dear.

oh wait, he's not a virgin, i guess?

or is that integral to his powers?


ugh, i'm blabbering again.