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Member Since 17 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 17 2015 06:00 AM

#1049188 Limit access for those who can change genres

Posted by Blacksmith676 on 09 January 2014 - 01:23 PM

Just from a watcher standpoint, the genres section would be better use if it the access was cut down say, just to contributor's use and/or the change of genre must be approved or something. Just from looking around, there has been some say, overuse of the tragedy genre field from people, who don't really know what tragedy is, and just put it down on whenever a character dies or has some dramatic past or something like that. Stuff like Sankarea (which can be arguable I guess) and Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga shuruba sugiru +H

which is more drama than anything else. Rotte no Omocha at one point had the tragedy tag, and at the comment section of Fuku Neko it is in discussion. To quote Merriam webster for tragedy "a serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior force (as destiny) and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion that elicits pity or terror". So while stuff like
garners it, lots of others don't really and it is added by people when really Drama is enough.


I guess I'm just suggesting a more uniform approach to the genre section or some added control. Genres are supposed to Encompass the entirety of the work, or a huge focal point in a work. Lots of time I see people just adding stuff because of an arc, sometimes.