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Member Since 24 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 04 2018 12:05 AM

#23539 What's the last song you listened to?

Posted by manga2x on 15 November 2011 - 12:44 AM

Well. I just happen to see this forum
I am listening to this song. (While i am writing this post)
Secret base - Kimi ga Kureta mono. From anime Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai

Honestly I haven't watched this anime. Since it got Tragedy, Slice of life and romance.
I am weak to a sobbing story. I will cry for sure
I will watch it, but later...

Here is a you tube link

#13132 Age Rating System

Posted by Grumpy on 30 June 2011 - 09:22 PM

These are the age rating systems I plan to put in for Batoto eventually. It's based on MPAA Rating System, though, it's not the MPAA rating system since these aren't graded by them. :rolleyes: These ratings will be judged by the community in the absence of official ratings. If official rating is present, closest will be set.

Why based on MPAA System? I think most people are familiar with this than any other system.

Attached File  rating-g.png   8.24KB   7 downloads G for General. Everyone can view this.
Attached File  rating-pg.png   8.15KB   6 downloads PG - Parental Guidance. Some parents may not want their young kids watching this.
Attached File  rating-pgp.png   8.3KB   14 downloads PG+ - Parental Guidance is heavily suggested for younger audience. Alternatively 13+.
Attached File  rating-r.png   8.17KB   54 downloads R - Restricted: These will give warnings when you try to view the comic. If you're registered with birth date, the warning may be skipped. Alternatively 17+.
Attached File  rating-ao.png   7.76KB   74 downloads AO - Adult Only. These will NOT be hosted on Batoto. But, the data of the subject in question may be present (as a notice for others to not upload) and for the sake of completeness.

Language - Applicable Ratings: G and up
Usage of strong or sexual words will require at least PG.
Heavy usage of profane language will require at least R.

Drugs - Applicable Ratings: PG and up
Any usage of illegal drugs will require at least PG.
Heavy graphic and/or explicit scene of illegal drug use will require at least R.

Sexual content - Applicable Ratings: PG+ and up
Strong sexual content will get an R rating.
Shirtless men are allowed in G-rated, while topless women usually earn at least a PG+ (Exception to the that is for art paintings).
Any pornographic content or showing genitalia is AO (not allowed).

Violence - Applicable Ratings: PG and up.
Fantasy, robot, historical or educational violence is acceptable for PG.
Other forms of violence requires at least PG+

#22474 11.11.11 Make a wish :)

Posted by Seraphic Mist on 10 November 2011 - 07:19 PM

I wish all the manga on Hiatus currently would resume publications.

#21013 Your favorite male and/or female manga character!

Posted by Aleks on 03 November 2011 - 09:57 PM

definitely Horo from spice and wolf :)

#19417 What are your two favorite "Completed" Manga/Comic

Posted by ryvrdrgn14 on 25 October 2011 - 09:24 PM

Most of my favorite Manga's are ongoing... Hmmm as for completed manga

Bitter Virgin (Romance, Tragedy, Psychological, Drama)
Onani Master Kurosawa (Romance, Parody, Seinen, Drama, Psychological)

Those two are great as well, but they didn't stick to my memory as much as the two I mentioned. I remember checking every week for Bitter Virgin releases while it was still ongoing. I guess I just felt that it should have maybe gone on a bit longer than it did. Onani Master Kurosawa was very entertaining with a good twist. If this was a Top 10 those two would certainly be in my list. I supposed I am just more biased to stories with a more epic feel.

#18063 Mangafox & Co. - How NOEZ does Business

Posted by ZakinYo on 12 October 2011 - 09:15 AM

Original Topic
I'm sure a good few of you are familiar with NOEZ - the company that runs Mangafox, which is an english aggregator for manga and has been inconsiderate of any scanlator's wishes. I'm sure that you also know that they attract millions of visitors to their site. The estimate given by NOEZ is around 80 million visits. This means that they earn an amount in thousands from Mangafox daily. That's quite the amount, right?

Mangafox is just one of their many sources for revenue. More commonly known sites owned by NOEZ are Wallpaperfox.com, Wallpaperhere.com, Mangahere.com, Animehere.com and Anime-eden.com. Some have the same whois info and are listed under the contact [email protected] and based in New York. They all bring in ad revenue. Anime-eden is now defunct, much to the dismay of its subcribers. That's right, subcribers. Anime-eden had a subscription for the many anime series it hosted that had been fansubbed by others. They also have an online store at www.otakushop.com that sells merchandise with designs that have been taken from manga. They are running online businesses with a large profit margin that is dependent on piracy. It is unfair to the folk who spend a lot of their time scanlating and/or fansubbing the work for others and no profit. Most of all, it is unfair on the anime and manga industry who produce wonderful pieces of work for the enjoyment of us fans.

Other lesser known sites owned by NOEZ would be Otakuzone.com, Animeonline.net and game321.com. Yes, that last website is a site dedicated to online games. They operate under the name 'Ngames Limited' for their gaming ventures. You also won't find much about these in a whois search because NOEZ use private domain registration.

Currently, NOEZ have established profitable businesses in the online gaming, animation and comic book industry. All profit gained off of the hard work of others. I can't imagine what their cumulative revenue could be, but it's pretty obvious that they barely spend money on much besides themselves and server costs for their sites. That's a large profit margin. They then take that money and invest a minimum amount in other less shady business ventures, such as their games. However, even their games cause you to raise an eyebrow. "The anime-inspired “Pockie Ninja” is a blatant rip-off and an attempt at another project with minimum effort and huge profits. Again, the efforts and intellectual property of other individuals have been profitable for NOEZ. They rely hugely on the ignorance of their visitors and their customers.

It is definite that they operate in China. When searching for their parent company in chinese ( which is 'Hangzhou promise of science and technology' according to Google translate), the results are mainly job vacancy sites with the same contact details. The most interesting result to surface is this, which reveals the name of a 'President' of the company. A certain Ong Yong Ye (I expect there's a translation issue. Google translate's a bitch) seems to be the president of Hangzhou promise of science and technology. I can't provide much concerning Mr.Ye because I don't know any chinese. However, I expect Mr.Ye is a fake.

So far, a lot of names have popped up. NOEZ. Ngames Limited. Hangzhou promise of science and technology. It's pretty clear that they specialise in deception and thieving. More people need to know and understand their true nature and the way they operate. I also doubt whether this is all there is to them. Who knows? I might also learn chinese now.

Edit: I noticed Noez.com.cn is down, so I replaced a link with a screencap.