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Member Since 23 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 26 2016 02:55 PM

In Topic: Recommendation survey for "completed" titles

18 April 2013 - 08:17 PM

Meh, so much for following a topic, it doesn't show up in notifications >_<
Thanks for the input minna. I'm not too familiar with a-p or mal's recommendation system though I've used it occasionally as a nonmember.
IIRC, it's basically something among the lines of "If you like X, you may like Y because of Z/T/U/V common points" with a social rating factor.
While I agree it's certainly an interesting system, I'm afraid it could be a bit too complex to transpose in a forum-powered site like batoto -because of having to deal with relations, etc.-
Also, I personally don't want to always read the same genres and sometimes want to explore what I'd never look at otherwise.

My qualm with searching based on pure rating would be there is a known positive bias when using a 5-star rating scale. It has a tendency to turn into xkcd: Star Ratings. Do people want to leave a one-star rating when a title has a stellar record? Or do they simply drop it?

... having people rate it just as they finished reading would be counterproductive (objective ratings usually come after giving the reader some time to think about good and bad sides of the work in question and letting emotions calm down - for subjective rating, the inclusion of some sort of '(personal) enjoyment' rating category would be enough IMO)

Good point. One problem is, as the system currently works, do you close the browser window, and come back a few days later to leave a rating? This could be the case when you come and discuss the latest chapter after it was freshly published, but otherwise?
I suggest something of a middle ground: to send out notifications or private messages, although I reckon it could easily turn into something of an annoyance and people would want to turn it off. Maybe it could be in the form of a weekly reminder.
Also, perhaps I was misunderstood when I suggested some thing that seems to be mandatory? I certainly don't want this, but more like prompting with an unobtrusive message (hence the term 'pesky' in OP). The objective is to gather opinions and engage visitors to further 'enhance' the site contents.

In Topic: [Appearance] Greasemonkey userscript: #content nobg

31 March 2013 - 11:53 PM



Script has been updated for the new site layout (Edit: "Deluxe". Note you can also do without by swapping the theme in the bottom menu).



Install @ http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/134383



In Topic: looking for a good scifi or fantasy

25 September 2012 - 01:31 PM

If you want a good Sci-Fi manga set in outer space, I recommend Nihei Tsutomu's "leet" Sidonia no Kishi (Knights of Sidonia).