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Member Since 19 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 30 2017 08:32 PM

In Topic: TYPE-MOON Discussions <<WARNING: SPOILERS>>

04 August 2014 - 05:50 AM

That is also what I'm wondering about. Heaven's Feel was distinctly longer the the rest of the arcs ( remember falling asleep trying to click on it all). I would think max 5 maybe would be done in 4 section. 


The parts that felt the longest to me were when Sakura was devouring people, and it was all atmospheric horror stuff (though maybe it just felt longer because I'm a scaredy cat haha) but I can't help but feel like those scenes will be totally different once they're animated. I mean, it was all directly from Sakura's POV, narrated by her own voice, buuut it was in text so it wasn't immediately obvious that it was her. So I feel like they're going to have to shorten those scenes somehow, or it'll spoil too much...I dunno, it's just going to be sooo different when it's animated! I can't really imagine it!!


Another good question is, how would the avoid the excessive ero scenes with Sakura (god i dislike her)? I mean in Kara no Kyoukai they did a pretty bloody rape scene and all so hmmm...


This has always been my number one concern in regards to a HF adaption. I don't want them to animate all of that!! I hope they find a way to exclude it, like, sure it's connected to the plot but god it doesn't have to be. Sakura already had plenty of reasons to lose her mind, and she was also literally eating people. What does the sex add to the story at all??



Hahah XD They are only releasing the full patch after proofreading.... by the time that is done... I think we will have our patch by December of this year or early next year.


Ahhh well, still sooner than I had expected! Which is to say, I'd sort of given up hope on it ever happening. So I'll be happy whenever it's out!

In Topic: TYPE-MOON Discussions <<WARNING: SPOILERS>>

31 July 2014 - 11:08 PM

Aahhhhhh, such super exciting news!! And hopefully once they've finished with the Fate stuff they can think about animating Tsukihime...and I wouldn't mind a Mahoyo animation either, since it seems like it'll be a while before the translation is ready :/ Wonder how many movies they'll be splitting HF into though? It's been ages since I read it, but it didn't seem that long...


And wow, F/HA is finally done? Also exciting!! Does this mean a full patch has been released? Or are they waiting until proofreading is done?

In Topic: TYPE-MOON Discussions <<WARNING: SPOILERS>>

31 July 2014 - 01:55 AM



Now quick, someone give me a summary of like, the past 1000 years of nasuverse news because apparently I've been in a lifeless vortex for a while, and what's this I hear about an UBW series? A HF movie?? Whaaaaaaat? Just how much have I been missing out on??