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Member Since 26 Dec 2016
Offline Last Active May 05 2023 06:05 AM

In Topic: last movie you watched

28 December 2016 - 09:50 AM

Last movie I watched was Arrival. It wasn't so bad; tentacle aliens coming to earth

teaching us a new language and humans fighting over dumb shit trying to kill ourselves. Stereotypical humans.

I disliked Finding Dory.


There was a scene where Dory has to go into the drains and find her way to quarantine, and she couldn't remember the directions (2 left and a right). So she called on her friends for help - there was a pen pal (pipe pal) who is giant whale, who knows a beluga who can used sonar. So the whale translated her locations and beluga used the sonar to guide her to where she wanted.


And it got me thinking, this is exactly why people send their kids to private school! Most fishes aren't heavy weights like whales, or have super powers like belugas. So Dory is very lucky. She's like one of those special lottery students who got into elite boarding schools like Philips Exeter, and made critical connections when she was young. So everyone who can afford it send their kids to private school, leaving poor people in connection-less public schools.

Oh god honestly I felt like Disney just wanted to make another movie out of Finding Nemo just to load up their bank accounts.
That movie was so bad I was struggling to stay awake. I think I fell asleep for a good 30 minutes.

In Topic: Games are not fun anymore!

28 December 2016 - 09:43 AM

I played a lot of MMO's when I was younger and honestly everyone was really social & nice or at least chatty regardless of how competitive the games were.
Guilds were fun and we all were good friends.
Now I can't really get into an MMO, it feels like it's harder to interact with people. No one really talks anymore, I feel like I'm playing with bots.
The most conversation I get is "Where is this so and so item can be farmed" or "where is this mob" and pretty much "thanks" "np".

Or is it just me?

In Topic: Hug, Kiss, Slap, Or Do Anything To The Person Above You

28 December 2016 - 01:54 AM

With what leg?

*rips off his legs and eats them*

In Topic: Hug, Kiss, Slap, Or Do Anything To The Person Above You

27 December 2016 - 11:13 AM

*rips you open and eats your guts*


In Topic: Just an introduction and a question !

27 December 2016 - 10:41 AM

Hello, welcome to Batoto.
Kiseijuu (Parasyte) is pretty short in my opinion and is one of my favorite mangas.