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Member Since 07 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 22 2018 04:31 PM

Help me remember the manga pls :x

13 October 2015 - 11:51 PM



I'm looking for a manga I read in a while I think it's still ongoing or at least I cannot remember a proper end.

At least I think it's a manga could be even an anime but I checked and found nothing

Here's all I remember about it:

MC - male guy in some kind of fantasy world

The world itself seems to be divided into different floors

where on the lower floor poor people have to live and on the lowest even some evil monsters or whatever. On the top floor nobility and some kind of priests or knights seem to reside.

MC is super strong but there was some kind of even in the past that made him get banished from the top floor and from his position as a knight.

Apparantly he fell on the lowest floor or sth.

The female heroine seems to be some kind of holy maiden and resides on the top floor and apparantly she needs to partner up with a strong knight but she denies all requests because she waits for the MC to return.

On the lower floor where the MC is now noone knows of his previous life and he tries to stay low until sth happens.


Well hope someone can help me with it since I just wanted to read it again :)